Toefl Speaking Section: Ns. Stephanie Dwi Guna, Mnurse

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Ns. Stephanie Dwi Guna, MNurse
 TOEFL ITP/PBT/CBT; No speaking section
 Toefl IBT; with speaking section
 The TOEFL speaking section takes 17 minutes to complete and contains 4 sections. It is
done on a computer. Your answers are recorded and sent to ETS for marking.
 Speaking section is designed to measure your ability to speak English effectively in academic
 It is composed of 4 tasks that resemble real-life situations you might encounter both in and
outside of a classroom.
 Question 1 is called an "independent speaking task" because it requires you to draw entirely on
your own ideas, opinions and experiences when you respond.
 Questions 2–4 are called "integrated speaking tasks" because they require you to combine your
English-language skills — listening and speaking, or listening, reading and speaking — just as
you would in or out of a classroom.
 You will be presented with two situations or opinions. You'll be asked which you prefer and
you need to explain your choice.
 Example: Some people think they can achieve more when they are with other people.
Others think they are more productive when they are alone. What is your opinion?
Explain why.
 In this part you have to speak for 45 seconds about a choice.
 Preparation Time: 15 seconds
     Response Time: 45 seconds
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the increasing

popularity of technology, parents should control
 Some people think that risk-taking activists such as rock-climbing and skydiving
require a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave but simply foolish.
Which view do you agree with and explain why?
  Which company do you prefer to work with, a company in which you work
independently, or a company with a tutor to help you?
 If you are going to travel to a new country for a week, do you prefer to travel to a
major city in the country or to several different places?
 Do you prefer to work in a controlled and strict company or a high-paying
company? Explain your response with details and examples.
 Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but others
think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which do you
think is better?
 Read the text (45-50 seconds and listen to the conversation that follows it. Then, answer the
 Preparation time 30 seconds
 Response time 60 seconds
 Example: Next slide
 Course: GL202
Assessment Procedure Cont.
 Part 3.6 - Group Work
The geology department is aware of the problems surrounding of group work, and its
unpopularity among students. We realize that in some cases students do not contribute and
thus gain marks they do not deserve, while stronger students are frustrated at being held back
by weaker students. Similarly, it is very difficult for tutors to award marks for group projects,
as it is unclear who is responsible for each part.
However, the department feels that there is a great deal to be gained from group work, in terms
of self-organization and communication skills. To this end, we plan to introduce a system
whereby the group work itself is not formally assessed, but each student will undertake an
individual piece of work based on the group project, which will be designed to ensure
participation in the project.
 (Male student) Thank goodness the department has made changes to the way they assess group work! I had a
nightmare last term with our geology project. I couldn’t bear going through that again!
 (Female student) Why, what happened?
 (Male student) Well, there were three of us in the group. One guy worked really hard, but he didn’t trust
anyone else to do anything. He just wanted to do it all himself.
 (Female student) It sounds like you were freeloading.
 (Male student) Well, I wasn’t. I offered up plenty of ideas, but he kept saying they were no good. In the end, I
stopped trying and left it to him. The other guy was a waste of space. He didn’t pull his weight at all. We barely
saw him.
 (Female student) Did you get a good grade?
 (Male student) A reasonable one, considering how little work I did.  But I’m sure I’d have done better if I’d
been given the chance to say what I wanted.
  (Female student) Well, the new system should give you that opportunity.
  (Male student) Yeah, I hope so, though I wish they’d abolish group work altogether.  All this organization and
communication is just a waste of time. It’s got nothing to do with geology.
 The man expresses his opinion of group work. State and explain his
opinion. Compare his opinion with the opinion of the geology
 In this part you have to speak for 60 seconds to summarize an academic
 Listen to the talk. You may make notes if you wish
 Preparation Time: 20 seconds
     Response Time: 60 seconds
 Example: next slide
 It’s always been one of those big sci-fi questions – is there life on Mars, or rather, could Mars ever support life?
Well, it is generally assumed that in order to have life, you need water. Well, ever since the 1960s we’ve been
sending out probes to Mars to try to… ascertain if there is water on Mars, or if there ever has been, and in the
1990s, 1996 to be precise, the U.S. Mars Global Surveyor was launched. The surveyor remains in orbit around
Mars to this day, and has some rather nifty equipment on board, including a high-resolution camera, a sensor
which can identify soil and rocks, and a laser that can take measurements and map the planet’s surface.
So what have we leant from the Global surveyor? Well, we’ve found out that yes, there was once water on Mars,
and in great quantities too. I’m talking oceans, seas, lakes… - much like earth today. They have deduced this
because of the shapes of the mountains and valleys on Mars – they are the same shape as those formations on
earth that we know were created by water. In fact, some analysts are suggesting that there is still water on Mars to
this day, but deep down, in holes 100 to 400 meters below the surface.
This idea created quite a stir, as you can imagine, and a number of scientists have tried to either prove… or refute
this theory, using other evidence available to us. Some Chinese scientists, for example, have been studying a
meteor that was collected from Antarctica in 2001, but they’ve found no evidence of water there, but that’s not to
say there isn’t any water on Mars, as Mars and meteorites are separate entities entirely. Another source of
evidence we have is images from astronomical telescopes, but we can’t see much of the planet from this angle –
just the poles, and they are covered in ice caps – dry ice, not H20 – so that doesn’t help us one way or the other.
 Be friend with people who want to speak English with you
 Record yourself speaking English
 Practice speaking for a limited time on different topics without a lot of
 Listen to audiobook & podcast
 Practice speaking about everyday issue relevant to students’ live
 Concentrate on speaking clearly, with good pronunciation and intonation
 Watch TV and movies
 Practice pronunciation and intonation by reading aloud.

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