Gec103 Week1 Introduction To Globalization

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Introduction to
 Human beings have encountered many changes over the last century
especially in their social relationship and social structures.
 Globalization means the speedup of movements and changes
(of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or
cultural practices) all over the planet.
 Globalization encompasses a multiple of processes that involves the
economy, political system, and culture, therefore, are directly affected
by globalization. It is a very important change, if not, it is the MOST
Over the years, globalization has gained many connotations
pertaining to progress,, development and integration.
Progress- movement forward, the process of improving or
developing over something or period of time.
Development- the act or process of growing or causing something to
grow o become larger or more advanced.
Integration- incorporation as equal into society or an organization
of individuals, coordination through operation of solving differential.
Globalization view as a positive Phenomenon.
 Martin Khor, say that Globalization is way of Colonization.
 The literature on the definitions of globalization revealed that
definitions could be classifies as either…
 Broad and inclusive or narrow and exclusive
 Broad and Inclusive--- covering or including everything, open
to everyone, not limited to certain people, including the stated
limits and everything in between. (BROAD
Ohmae (1992), Globalization is “the onset
of the borderless world.”
Narrow and Exclusive-- not shared,
available to only one person or group,
available to a few group of people.
Ritzer (2015), “globalization is a transplanetary
process or a set of processes involving
increasing liquidity and the growing
multidirectional flows of people, object, places,
and information's as well as the structure they
encounter and create that are barriers to, or
expedite, those flows.
Globalization could bring either or both
integration and or fragmentation.
Main reasons that have Caused Globalization

 Improved transport, making global travel easier. For example,

there has been a rapid growth in air travel, enabling greater
movement of people and goods across the globe.
 Containerisation. From 1970, there was a rapid adoption of
the steel transport container. This reduced the costs of inter-
modal transport, making trade cheaper and more efficient.
 Improved technology which makes it easier to communicate and share
information around the world. E.g. internet. For example, to work on
improvements on this website, I will go to a global online community,
like There, people from any country can bid for the right to
provide a service. It means that I can often find people to do a job
relatively cheaply because labour costs are relatively lower in the Indian
 Growth of multinational companies with a global presence in many
different economies.
Reduced tariff barriers which
encourage global trade. Often this has
occurred through the support of the 
Growth of global media.
Global trade cycle. Economic growth is global in nature.
This means countries are increasingly interconnected. (e.g.
recession in one country affects global trade and invariably
causes an economic downturn in major trading partners.)
 Increased mobility of labour. People are more willing to move between
different countries in search for work. Global trade remittances now play a
large role in transfers from developed countries to developing countries.
 Internet. This enables firms to communicate on a global level, this may
overcome managerial diseconomies of scale. The firm may be able to get
cheaper supplies by dealing with a wider choice of firms. Consumers are
also able to order more goods online E.G. Dell Computers takes orders
online and can meet customer specification.

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