Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

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Gateway Drugs: Cigarette and Alcohol
Gateway drugs are habit-forming substances that
may not be addictive but may lead to the use of other
addictive and dangerous drugs. Gateway drugs are
usually inexpensive and readily available.

Alcohol and cigarettes are considered as gateway drugs. The

habitual use of these substances opens the door to the use of other
harder drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and others.
Other types of gateway drugs are marijuana, inhalants, and
some prescription drugs.
Gateway Drugs: Cigarette and Alcohol
The repeated use of gateway drugs may
encourage the user to experiment with other drugs.
On the other hand, taking drugs (i.e. medicine)
without a doctor's prescription is prohibited or illegal
and may result to negative effects in the body.

Drugs are substances other than food that change the

structure or function of the body and mind. The term drug
is oftentimes used to mean medicine. Medicines are
substances taken by people primarily to cure or prevent
diseases. Some people tend to use drugs due to medical
Gateway Drugs: Cigarette and Alcohol
However, there are some who take drugs without doctor's prescription. This is illegal
and may lead to drug abuse This kind of drug use may be attributed to the following reasons:

1. Peer pressure
The need to belong and be accepted in a group
triggers one to initially use drugs. This is common
to teenagers or young adults.

2. Removing problems or tensions

The need to temporarily escape from life's burden
is the cause of some for using drugs.
 Cigarette is a cylindrical rolled paper
containing dried and shredded tobacco
leaves. It is ignited at one end and
puffed at the other end
 Its main component is nicotine, a
stimulant that is highly addictive.
 Cigarette also contains approximately
600 other ingredients. The smoke
coming from it contains more than
7,000 chemicals, 69 of which are
carcinogenic or cancer causing
Studies have already established the link between cigarette smoking and a
number of health problems, some of which are serious and fatal. Efforts, such
as the passing of laws and policies against smoking, have been exerted to curb
the increasing number of smokers.

“NO SMOKING” and "Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your

Health” signs had been posted in prominent places to warn citizens of
the laws and policies implemented, as well as the dangers of smoking.

Despite all these, there are still people who take the risk and can't resist
the temptation of smoking. Others are enticed to take that first puff and
eventually start to smoke.
Why do you think people keep on smoking
despite knowing its negative effects?

Cigarette advertisements even include warnings

of the dangers of smoking.

What could be the reasons why people

smoke cigarettes?

Do you think the reasons are worthy

enough to risk your health?
The following are some of the reasons why people are tempted or enticed to smoke:
1. Peer pressure. People who have friends or peers who smoke may feel pressured
into doing the same to be accepted.
2. Parental influence. Those who have parents or guardians who more likely to start
3. Advertising and media. Advertisements of cigarettes portray smoking as exciting,
glamorous, and safe. Movies and television shows have scenes showing smoking
4. Self-medication. Some people experience a heightened sense of well being from
smoking and use it to self-medicate for illnesses that cause tension and pain.
5. Stress relief. Some people smoke to manage tension and relieve stress from
family or from work.
6. Weight control. Smoking causes loss of appetite and eventually loss of weight.
7. To feel mature and sophisticated. Since teens see older people smoke especially
their parents and relatives, they too start smoking to look and act older.
8. Risk-taking behavior. Since it is illegal for minors to purchase cigarettes and
smoking is generally frowned upon, breaking these rules give thrill to some
Negative Health Impacts of Smoking
Are you curious about smoking? Common adverse effects of
Before buying the first stick, think of the Tobacco Smoking:
consequences and negative impact of  Tobacco smoking
smoking to your health.  Larynx cancer
 Esophagus cancer
Cigarette smoking affects every part of  Myocardial infarction
the body, both inside and out. The harmful  Systemic atherosclerosis
chemicals found in cigarettes and in  Bladder cancer
 Oral cavity cancer
cigarette smoke damage the cells and every
 Lung cancer
organ of the body. Some of these effects  Chronic bronchitis
may happen immediately and others may  Emphysema
take longer to occur.  Peptic ulcer
 Pancreas Cancer
For Your Information
 Every day, about 4,000 teenagers below 18 try their
first cigarette. Twenty five percent (25%) of them
become daily smokers.
 Approximately 1.5 million packs of cigarettes are
purchased for minors daily.
 On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than
 About 30% of teen smokers will continue smoking
and die early from a smoking related illness.
What can you say about the
The three types of smoke
Mainstream Second-
Third hand
Smoke Smoke
is the smoke that is
Nonsmokers Smoke found in third-hand smoke may
exposed to
 Chemicals
second-hand smoke
react with
breathe in the same toxic
is also called chemicals as smokers
inhaled into the indoor pollutants and produceistoxic the residue from
do. This Environmental
is referred to as involuntary
 Third-hand smoke or passive
lingers smoke found
and settles deep into the
smoker's mouth and
smoking.Smoke (ETS). It is the mixture
contaminated surfaces andin materials.
clothes, furniture,
lungs. Toxic Ingredients
 Second-hand
enter the body directly smoke
of thesmoke iscoming
Toxic more harmful
from thebecause
can theother
harm adults
and and children
surfaces who come in
smoke isburning contact
not filtered with theand
of a cigarette
unlike the one contaminated
coming from surfaces
after the cigaretteand
haswho have
in the mouth.
the other the of thebeen
endsmoke exposed
cigarette. by theto contaminated
been areas even hours after the
put out.
smoker. visible smoke had disappeared.
 Second hand smoke causes diseases in children
and adults who do not smoke.
So in these pictures, where
does the mainstream smoke
comes from?

Second – hand smoke?

Third – hand smoke?

What are the impacts of cigarette smoking on the family,
environment, and community?
On the Family
thechoose to smoke, you are not only risking
your health but the health of your family as well. They
may not beOn
Smoking the
smoking destructive effects
cigarettes but youonarethe environment
giving them
more which
because of thein second-hand
public places in that
smoke yourtheycommunity
you. the dononsmokers
If you especially
smoke habitually the you
at home, infants and
 spreading
are also children,
littering to thebyharmful
caused effects
cigarette Thisofexplains
butts second hand
why and third
hand of
family members
death smoke.
may getAs
aquatic aorganisms
sick member of the community,
due to smoking
througheven if they itofis your
civic duty
are nonsmokers.
cigarette buttsto be responsible for the health of the other
 fires causedofbythe community.
discarded lighted cigarettes
Facts about alcohol:
 Alcohol is an intoxicating substance produced by fermentation of grains
and fruits.

 Alcohol is a depressant that slows down body functions such as

movement speech, reaction time, and thinking ability.

 Ethyl alcohol is the only kind of alcohol used in beverages.

 The type of alcoholic beverages depends on the type of fruit or grain used
in fermentation and the amount of alcohol present.

 The most common alcoholic beverages are beer, wine and liquor.
What are the reasons for drinking and not drinking alcohol?
People have different reasons for drinking. Some drink during occasions, while some drink habitually.

Here are some of the reasons for drinking alcohol:

1. Peer pressure. People try alcohol when they are in social setting where everyone else is drinking.
2. Stress relief. Alcohol provides the temporary illusion that problems have disappeared when in fact.
They have just been temporarily put on hold.
3. To lose one's inhibitions. Alcohol provides the courage to take on difficult tasks.
4. Curiosity. People are curious to find out what it feels to consume alcohol.
5. Socialization. Alcohol is often served during social gatherings.
6. Psychoactive effects. Alcohol provides sense of relief and detachment from reality.
7. Modeled by others. Alcohol drinking is sometimes influenced by parents and older people.
Not all people like alcohol. Some have aversions to drinking.

Here are some of the reasons why people do not drink alcohol:
1. Religion. People abstain from alcohol drinking because of religious beliefs.
2. Avoiding dependency and addiction. People who have had bad experience from home will avoid
alcohol drinking.
3. Pregnancy. Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature
4. Taking medications for mental health problems. People taking sedatives or antidepressants
should avoid alcohol.
5. Taking medications for long-term conditions. Alcohol decreases the effect of maintenance drugs
for diabetes and circulatory problems.
6. Intolerance to alcohol. Some people have abnormal or allergic reactions when drinking alcohol.
Negative Health Impacts of Drinking Alcohol
Many people do not realize how alcohol
affects their physical and mental health. Alcohol
affects every organ in the body, especially the
central nervous system. It is easily absorbed into
the bloodstream. The liver metabolizes certain
small amounts of alcohol, leaving the excess
alcohol circulating throughout the body. How
alcohol affects the body depends on the amount
consumed, age, weight, and gender.
Impact of Drinking Alcohol on the Family and Community
On the Family
Alcohol dependency and addiction
On theaffect not only the
person who has the drinking problem, but also the family
The effects of alcoholism are not limited to the alcoholic and
members surrounding him or her. Behavioral and mental
his or her family. The damaging effects are also felt in the
aspects can be greatly affected by alcohol over time. This
community he or she belongs to. This can be seen in the following:
changes causes in behavior and rational thinking. This
condition may turn to domestic 1.violenceIncreased vehicular
and verbal or accidents due to irresponsible behavior
physical abuse. Even children might while
developunder the influence of alcohol;
low self – esteem, loneliness, or 2. High
worse theyrates
may of violent crimes due to aggressive behavior of
their parents’ or adults’ behavior. The effects of alcoholism
3. Decreased labor productivity; and
on the family cause more damage and pain than any other
4. Increased medical expenses.
external or environmental influence.
Strategies in the Prevention and Control of Cigarette Smoking and Drinking
Alcoholic Beverages
The development of Resistance Skills can help an individual resist temptations or pressure
Resistance Skills are skills that help you resist pressure from peers, friends, family, and even from
yourself. These are skills that help you to say “NO” to an action or leave a situation.

Here are suggestive ways for effectively refusing negative pressure:

1. Say "NO” assertively.
2. Give reasons for saying "NO”
3. Repeat saying "NO" several times.
4. Use nonverbal behavior to match verbal behavior
5. Avoid situations where you will be pressured into making wrong decisions
6. Avoid people who make wrong decisions.
7. Resist pressure to engage in illegal activities such as drug pushing and
At times, saying "NO" to negative pressure may be hard the
first few times. But you need to remember that when you
succeeded the first few times, it will be easier the next time.
Before you know it, saying "NO” requires no effort on your
What are the healthful alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol that promote
healthy lifestyle?
Instead of resorting to smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol, you may engage
in other healthful alternatives to divert your attention. The following are suggested

1. Discover, explore, and enhance your

Discover and hone your skills and talents.
If you are good at something, go for it. Are you
good at playing guitar? Then, you can practice
singing and do musical sessions with your
friends. You may even try forming an acoustic
What are the healthful alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol that promote
healthy lifestyle?
Instead of resorting to smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol, you may engage
in other healthful alternatives to divert your attention. The following are suggested

2. Look for and try a new and challenging

What have you always wanted to try? You
can start by painting or doing interior design of
your own room. If you like to eat start a hobby
on cooking or baking.
What are the healthful alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol that promote
healthy lifestyle?
Instead of resorting to smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol, you may engage
in other healthful alternatives to divert your attention. The following are suggested

3. Start an organization with people of the same

There are a number of social networking sites
like Facebook Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Google+,
etc, wherein you can meet friends. Start a club with
them and arrange to meet them (but you need to
observe precautionary measures when doing so) and
do worthwhile activities.
What are the healthful alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol that promote
healthy lifestyle?
Instead of resorting to smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol, you may engage
in other healthful alternatives to divert your attention. The following are suggested

4. Participate in charitable works or

activities that may help others.
Join activities in your church or civic
activities in your community. You may help in
packing or in distributing relief goods for
victims of calamities or emergencies.
performance task 1: show it! performance task 3: Differentiated activity
For online submission of
Choose a topic and think how you would like to requirements, use the following
Using art materials, do one of the present your output in class. platforms.
following to show the short – and long –  Messenger – Aprille Maye C.
term effects of smoking to the body  Reasons for smoking
 Gmail –
using:  Effects of smoking to health [email protected]
 Effects of smoking on family and community m
 Poster  Reasons for drinking alcohol  FB Group – MAPEH 8
 Slogan  Effects of alcohol to health
 Brochure  Effects of drinking alcohol on family and

performance task 2: show it!
Using art materials, do one of the  Write an essay or an article
following to show the effects of drinking  Make a story book
 Role play
to the body using:  Create a poster

 Poster Write a poem
 Compose a song
 Slogan  Research and report data
 Brochure  Make a short infomercial

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