Sociological and Legal Bases of School - Community Partnerships

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The Teacher and the Community,
School Culture and Organizational
Sociological Basis of School-
Community Partnership
 Partnership implies two parties helping each other.
This means that if a school - community partnership
exists both parties benefit from relationship.

 Sociology - come from two words Societas meaning

Society and Logos meaning science .

 Functionalist theory
- one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology.
- states that institutions must perform their respective
functions for the stability of society.
Sociological Basis of School-Community Partnership

 “It takes a village to educate a child”

- key to the concept of total education
- Neighbors, teachers, coaches and
church leaders will have an effect on
who the child will be in the future.
Sociological Basis of School-Community Partnership

The rearing and education of the child is the primary

obligation of parents. The school, the Church and
other social institutions come in to assist parents
and families to fulfil their irreplaceable obligation.
Added to these is the increasing number of families
composed of single mothers struggling to raise a
family. With the burden of earning lodged solely on
the shoulders of one parent, single parents struggle
to earn enough to provide for their families.
Sociological Basis of School-Community
This is not to mention the negative effect of
uncontrolled and unregulated use of
technology on the young. While the
technology has brought a lot of convenience
its uncontrolled unregulated use by the tech-
savvy kids expose these kids to all sorts of
information not necessarily favorable for their
Sociological Basis of School-Community Partnership

Being involved in the child’s education not

only at home, but also at school can make a
huge difference.
Families, schools and other social institutions
need to work together to save the youth.
Legal Bases of School-Community Partnership

 Provision of the 1987 Constitution :

Section 1. Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution provides that the state
shall protect and promote of all citizens to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible for
Section 2. The state shall :
(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete adequate, and
integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and
(2) Establish and maintain, a system of free public education in the
elementary and high school levels;
(3) Establish and maintain, a system of scholarship grants, students loan
programs, subsidies, and other incentives.
Legal Bases of School-Community
RA 9155
- Governance of Basic Education Act
• SECTION E : explicitly states that one of the responsibilities
of school heads is "establishing school and community
networks and encouraging the active participation of
teachers organizations, non-academic personnel of public
schools, and parents-teachers-community associations."
• SECTION F : encourages "local initiatives for the
improvement of schools and learning centers and to
provide the means by which... improvements may be
achieved and sustained."
Legal Bases of School-Community Partnership

 RA 9155 states that partnership between School and community

also ensures…that:
1) educational programs, projects and services take into
account the interests of all members of the community (Sec 3, d);
2) the schools and learning centers reflect the values of the
community by allowing teachers/learning facilitators and other
staff to have the flexibility to serve the needs of all learners (Sec 3,
e); and
3) local initiatives for the improvement of schools and learning
centers are encouraged and the means by which these
improvements may be achieved and sustained are provided (Sec 3,
Legal Bases of School-Community
RA 8525
- Adopt-A-School Program Act
- Sect.2 : Towards this end, the State shall
institute programs to encourage private
companies and enterprises to help in the
upgrading and modernization of public
schools in the country, particularly those in
poverty-stricken provinces .
Legal Bases of School-Community

Section II. National Development Goals

(a) To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of
economic development and social progress;
(b) To assure the maximum participation of all the
people in the attainment and enjoyment of the
benefits of such growth;
(c) To strengthen national consciousness and
promote desirable cultural value in a changing
Legal Bases of School-Community
Batas Pambansa Blg. 232
- Education Act of 1982
- An act providing for the establishment and
maintenance of an integrated system of
- Sect. 2 : This act shall apply to and govern both
formal and non –formal system in public and
private schools in all levels of the entire
educational system.
Legal Bases of School-Community
 Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan
- is a vision and a holistic program of reforms
that aims at improving the quality basic
education for every Filipino by 2015.
- "Schools shall continue to harness local
resources an facilitate involvement of every
sector of the community in the school
improvement process."
Legal Bases of School-Community
 EFA 2015 Plan was extended in Education for All
Beyond 2015 - Agenda 2030
- has 7 new educational targets from 2015 to 2030
that must involve education stakeholders which in
essence is school-community partnership.
- “cannot be realized without schools partnering
with community.” - UNESCO Assistant Director
General for Education Dr. Qian Tang
“Schools and communities function better when
they work as a team.”

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