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DISSIMILAR (AA7075 and AA6082)
• Members
 Ch Srirama Narayana ( project leader )
G Sai Nishchal
 Chidipi Pardha saradhi
 Daliparthi Ganesh
 Devarakonda Naga Rohil
 Dude Yaswanth Manuram Narasimha
 Chitturi Sumanth
Guided by
(Associate professor)
• Abstract
AA6082 and AA7075 alloys have been successfully
welded using FSW process by changing the process
parameters. The input parameters that are selected
during the FSW are rotating speeds, welding speeds
and tool pin profile, while the output responses are
taken as ultimate tensile strength, Hardness, Impact,
Ultimate bending load. Regression, ANOVA and
Taguchi analysis have been performed by using
• List of contents
Literature review
Experimental setup
Methodology and Testing
Results and Discussion
• Introduction
 Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process that
uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing work pieces
without melting the work piece material. Heat is generated by
friction between the rotating tool and the work piece material,
which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool.

While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically
intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and
softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by
the tool, much like joining clay, or dough.
 Two discrete metal work pieces butted  The progress of the tool through the joint.
• Advantages
 Good mechanical properties in the as-welded condition.
 Improved safety due to the absence of toxic fumes or the spatter of molten

• Limitations
 Exit hole left when tool is withdrawn.
 Large down forces required with heavy-duty clamping necessary to hold the
plates together.
 Less flexible than manual and arc processes
• Benefits of FSW
 Low distortion of work pieces
 Good dimensional stability and repeatability
 Absence of cracking

• Applications
 Shipbuilding and Marine Industries: Aluminum super structure and hulls ,
helicopter land platform
 Aerospace industry:Cryogenic fuel tanks for space vehicles Aviation fuel
 Railway Industry:High speed trains Rolling stock of railways, underground
 Land transportation : Truck bodies
• Literature reviews
 Yadav and Bhatwadekar conducted experiment on AA6101
Aluminum and pure Al 6061 plates of 5mm thickness in butt joint
configuration. Welding was done at speed of 700 rpm and at
11mm/min tool traverse speed and tool with cylindrical
configuration. Welded joint shows onion ring structure in stir zone.
They found that AA6101 and Al 6061 joint was brittle in nature,
more downward force
 S. Jambulingam selected material was AA7075 and AA3014 and
joined by friction stir welding, 9 experiments were conducted at
different speed, feed, and axial force. Taguchi method was used for
design of experiments. He found optimum parameters were 1200
rpm speed, 10 mm/min feed with cylindrical tool profile.
 Farzad et al the microstructure and mechanical properties of lap joints produced
by friction stir welding (FSW) between 3.5 mm thick sheets of automotive
aluminium alloys AA6082-T6 with AA6063-T6. The FSW tool used in this study
includes a set of Wiper scrolls on the shoulder face and a probe having right hand
threads, a set of tapered flats, and a set left hand Counter flow grooves.
 Nandan et al investigated and deals with its metallurgical parameters. The main
focus of his study is on transfer of heat, generation of heat and flow of material
plastic during welding. Study about the major understanding of the defect
formation and shape and properties of the weld joints.
 Mishra et al stated that FSW is one among the many effective joining processes
in a decade. The author mainly investigates the present form of improvement of
FSW and FSP are employed. Particular importance has given to technique
responsible for production of welds and effect of FSW parameters on final
• Materials
 In this project, two dissimilar Aluminum alloys such as AA 6082 and AA 7075 have
been taken as workpieces and tool material as HCHCr (High Carbon High Chromium
steel) for friction stir welding (FSW).
 Selection of work piece materials:
 (1)Aluminum 6082-T6:AA6082 is a precipitation - hardened aluminum alloy,
containing magnesium and silicon as its major alloying elements. It is furnished in
the T6 temper. It has the lowest strength and highest ductility.

Name Magnesium Silicon Copper Zinc Mangnese Titanium Chromium Iron

Wt% 0.6 – 1.2 0.7 – 1.3 0.1 0.22 0.4 – 1.0 0.1 0.04-0.25 0.5

Chemical Compositions of AA6082-T6.

(2) Aluminum 7075-T6:AA7075 series commercial aluminum alloys
utilize zinc as the major alloying element and when combined with a
smaller amount of magnesium, the result is a heat- treatable alloy
which offers very high strength.

Name Zinc Magnesium Copper Chromium Silicon Titanium

Wt% 5.6 -6.1 2.1 – 2.5 1.2 – 1.6 0.23 0.40 0.20

Chemical Compositions of AA7075-T6.

• Selection of tool material:
 HCHCr (High Carbon High Chromium steel) : High-carbon high-chromium
steel (D3) is commonly used for making cutting tools. It possesses higher
abrasion resistance and higher degree of dimensional stability in heat treatment. It
is high resistant to softening and medium resistant to decarburizing and can be
nitrided. D3 Steel Having 12 % ledeburitic chromium tool steel with great wears

 HCHCr comes under the group of COLD WORK TOOL STEEL

 The tool shoulder diameter - 20 mm,
 The length of the pin - 4.7 mm,
 Diameter of the tip of the tool - 2 mm
 Length of the tool -100 mm
• Properties
 D3 Steel having properties of High Carbon 2% and High chromium 12 % tool
steel with high wear resistance. Its supply condition is normally annealed to easy
machining which recommended hardness is 57-58 HRC after making the dies &
tools .

Coefficient 20 - 100 20 - 200 20 - 300 20 - 400 20 – 500 20 - 600 20 - 700

of thermal
expansion at
10^-6 10.7 11.6 12,3 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.3

Thermal conductivity 20 350 700

at °C
W/m*k 16.5 20.5 24.3

Physical Properties of HCHCr tool.

• Applications

HCHCR D3 is used in cold dies & tooling application that

required the achievement of high degree of accuracy in hardening
& tempering, such as dies drawing, forming cold rolls
• Expeimental Setup
 A vertical milling machine was used for friction stir welding (FSW)
of aluminium alloy
 The machine was a maximum speed of 1800 rpm and 5.5 KW/rpm
 The surface plates were grinded at the place welding
 A HCHCr tool was used that consists of a shoulder with diameter of
16 mm, pin with a tapper diameter of (2 x 3) mm and length 2 mm
 In this work, vertical milling machine having automatic feed is used
 The tool rotational speeds and the feeds were set accordingly and the
respective experiments were conducted
• Level Of Parameters
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Rotational Speed
450 900 1400
Feed Rate
60 80 100
Cylindr Taper
Tool pin profiles Square
ical cylindrical
• Preparation of Work Pieces

 Two dissimilar aluminium alloys of grade 7075 and 6063 are

fabricated for the respective dimensions i.e. 150 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm by
means of cutting machine. After the cutting process the work pieces are
subjected to clean by acetone solution to remove the unwanted particles.
 At first the tool is fixed and after setting the process parameters the
rotating tool pin is made to plunge into the work piece dwell time is
maintained for some time to develop heat. Then the tool is traversed along
the groove. If the tool moves from one end to another end then it is one
pass. The tool gets stop at the 5 mm before of the end of the specimen. The
same process is repeated for the remaining experiments. The FSW was
conducted with different speeds, feed and tool profiles.
Creation of plunge depth by Friction stir welding of test specimen
using a cent
with tool.

Cylindrical tool profile. Taper Cylindrical tool profile Square tool profile
• List of Tests Performed

 Tensile Test
 Hardness test
 Impact Test
 Bending Load Test
• Tensile Test
 Tensile testing is also known as tension testing, is a fundamental materials and science
engineering test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension unit failure.
 Properties that are directly measured via a tensile test are ultimate tensile strength,
breaking strength, maximum elongation and reduction in area.
 From these measurements the following properties can also be determined: Young’s
Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, Yield Strength, and Strain hardening characteristics.

Different stages during tensile test

 Uniform deformation
 Diffused necking
 Localised necking
• Fracture
Brinell Hardness Test
• The oldest of the hardness test methods in common use today, the Brinell test is
frequently used to determine the hardness of forgings and castings that have a grain
structure too course for Rockwell or Vickers testing.
• By varying the test force and ball size, nearly all metals can be tested using a
Brinell test.

• Brinell values are considered test force independent as long as the ball size/test
force relationship is the same.
• Impact Test On Charpy
 When the striker impacts the specimen, it will absorb energy until it yields. At this
point the specimen will undergo plastic deformation at the notch.
 The test specimen continues to absorb energy and work hardens at the plastic zone
at the notch. When the can absorb no more energy, fracture occurs.
 Notched impact data cannot be compared to unnotched. Brittle materials
generally have lower impact strength while those tend to be more impact for
tougher materials

Schematic diagram of Impact Test

• Bending Test Procedure
 The bend test is a simple and inexpensive qualitative test that can be used to
evaluate both the ductility and soundness of a material
 The sample weld is deformed using a guided bend test so that it forms a “U”
subjecting the material on the outer surface to a tensile force and the material on
the inside to a compressive force. If the weld holds and shows no sign of fracture
it has passed the test and is deemed an acceptable weld.

There are four common types of bend tests.

• guided bend test

• semi-guided bend test

• free bend test

• common fracture toughness test

Taguchi Method
• Define the process objective, or more specifically, a target value for a performance Rotational Weld
measure of the process. This may be a flow rate, temperature etc. The target of a S.No. Speed Speed
(rpm) (mm/min)
process may also be minimum or maximum 1 450 100 1
• Determine the design parameters affecting the process. Parameters are the 2 900 60 1
variables with in the process that effect the performance measure such as spindle 3 1400 80 1
speed, Depth of cut, etc. That can be easily controlled. The number of experiments 4 450 80 2
to be conducted. 5 900 100 2
6 1400 60 2
7 450 60 3
8 900 80 3
9 1400 100 3
• ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance)
 ANOVA is statistical technique which provides important conclusion based on
experimental data.
 This technique is very useful for revealing the level of significance of the
influence of factor (s) or interaction between factors on a particular response.
 It segregates the total variability of the response into individual contributions of
each of the factor and the error.
 it is also the ratio of variance due to the effect of factor and variance due to the
error term, hence the terminology.
• Results and Discussions

 Those that aim to determine a material's mechanical properties, independent of

 Those that determine the response of a structure to a given action, e.g. testing of
composite beams, aircraft structures to destruction etc
Impact Value

75 20

55 5
Ul tima te Tensile Strength (MPa) Yi eld Strength (MPa) 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sample Number Sample Number

Tensile Strength Vs Sample Number Hardness value Vs Sample number Impact value Vs Sample number

Tensile test Specimens Hardness test Specimens Impact test Specimens

U ltim a te B e n d in g L o
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sample Number

Bending test Specimens

Bend Test Results

Sourc Seq ibutio Adj Adj F- P- Contr
e DF SS n SS MS Value Value Sourc Seq ibutio Adj F- P-
RS 2 12.792 5.13 12.792 6.396 1.22 0.451 e DF SS n SS Adj MS Value Value
ws 2 89.554 35.94 89.554 44.777 8.53 0.105 RS 2 914.3 13.49 914.3 457.2 2.50 0.286
TP 2 136.35 54.72 136.35 68.175 12.99 0.071 %
0 ws 2 301.5 4.45% 301.5 150.7 0.82 0.548
Error 2 10.493 4.21 10.493 5.246
TP 2 5197.7 76.67 5197.7 2598.6 14.21 0.066
Total 8 249.18 100.00
9 %
Error 2 365.8 5.39% 365.8 182.9

Total 8 6778.8 100.00


ANOVA table for Ultimate load ANOVA table for Ultimate tensile strength
ANOVA table for Impact values

Source DF Seq SS ution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
RS 2 16.889 8.19 16.889 8.444 19.00 0.050
ws 2 43.556 21.12 43.556 21.778 49.00 0.020
TP 2 144.889 70.26 144.889 72.444 163.00 0.006

Error 2 0.889 0.43 0.889 0.444    

Total 8 206.222 100.00

ANOVA table for Ultimate load

Source DF Seq SS ution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
RS 2 2.671 12.37 2.671 1.336 0.43 0.697
ws 2 4.775 22.11 4.775 2.387 0.78 0.563
TP 2 8 37.05 8.000 4.00 1.30 0.435
Error 2 6.149 28.48 6.149 3.074    
Total 8 21.594 100.00
Main Effects Plot (data means) for UTS Main Effects Plot (data means) for SN ratios
220 47

200 46

180 45

Mean of SN ratios
Mean of UTS

160 44
450 900 1400 60 80 100
450 900 1400 60 80 100
TP 47



160 1 2 3
1 2 3
Signal-to-noise: Larger is better

Main Effects Plot (data means) for Hardness Main Effects Plot (data means) for SN ratios
75.0 37.50

Mean of SN ratios
Mean of Hardness

67.5 36.50

65.0 450 900 1400 60 80 100

450 900 1400 60 80 100 TP
TP 37.50
75.0 37.25

72.5 37.00
1 2 3
Signal-to-noise: Larger is better
1 2 3
Main Effects Plot (data means) for Impact Main Effects Plot (data means) for SN ratios
16 25.0

14 22.5
12 20.0

Mean of SN ratios
Mean of Impact

450 900 1400 60 80 100
450 900 1400 60 80 100
TP 25.0 Rotational speed – 900,
16 Ultimate Tensile
22.5 Welding speeds – 80,
Strength value
12 20.0
Tool profile- 2
10 17.5

8 15.0
1 2 3 Rotational speed - 1400,
1 2 3 Signal-to-noise: Larger is better Hardness value Welding speeds – 100,
Tool profile- 2

Rotational speed – 900,

Main Effects Plot (data means) for Ultimate Bending Main Effects Plot (data means) for SN ratios
Impact value Welding speeds – 80,
Tool profile- 3
6.0 16

5.5 Rotational speeds - 900,

5.0 Welding speeds- 80,
Mean of Ultimate Bending

12 Bending load
Tool profile- 2

Mean of SN ratios

4.0 10

450 900 1400 60 80 100 450 900 1400 60 80 100


5.5 14

1 2 3
1 2 3
Signal-to-noise: Larger is better
• Conclusion

 Regression equations have been developed for predicting Ultimate tensile strength,
Hardness, Impact and Ultimate bending load in terms of process parameters.
 From tensile result ANOVA table, it is observed that tool profile is the major influence
factor followed by rotational speed and welding speed.
 The optimum tensile strength can be obtained at a Rotational Speed of 900 rpm,
Welding Speed of 80 mm/min and Taper cylindrical tool pin profile.
 From Hardness value result ANOVA table, it is observed that tool profile plays
important role followed by welding and rotational speeds based on its contribution.
 The optimum hardness value is predicted by Taguchi method at a rotating speed 1400
rpm, welding speed 100 mm/min and Taper cylindrical pin profile tool.
 From impact value result ANOVA table, it is observed that tool profile plays major
contribution followed by rotating and welding speeds.
 The optimum impact value can be attained at a rotating speed of 900 rpm, welding
speed 80 mm/min and Square pin profile tool is used.
 From ultimate load result ANOVA table, it is observed that tool profile plays
important role followed by welding and rotational speeds based on its
 The ultimate load can be obtained at a rotating speed of 900 rpm, weld speed of
80 mm/min and uses Taper cylindrical tool pin profile
• Future Scope

 Other prediction tools like artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic systems may be used for
the prediction of output responses.
 Similarly, other optimization techniques such as Genetic algorithm, Particle Swarm
Optimization, Ant Bee Colony, Harmony Search and Grey Relational Optimization
Techniques may be applied for identifying the optimum values of FSW process parameters
for achieving better results.
 The effect of post heat treatment of FSW joints with different ageing treatments to improve
the tensile strength can be studied.
 Study of dissimilar friction stir welding between copper-brass and Aluminium - magnesium
can be attempted.
 More experiments with different tool materials and geometries should be attempted in order
to improve the tensile strength and make the process acceptable to the welding industries.
 Study of heat transfer analysis can be extended to lap friction stir welded joints.

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