Concrete Technology Chapter 4 - Concrete Mix Design Methods

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University of Gondar

Department of Construction Technology and Management

Concrete Technology
Lecture 5
Chapter 4 – Concrete Mix Design
Example 1
1. Using the ACI mix design tables and charts, calculate the weights of all materials
that you would use for the first trial mix on a concrete mix required to achieve a
compressive strength of 34.5 MPa at 28 days.
 Max aggregate size - 19 mm
 Rel. density of combined agg. at SSD 2.68
 Required slump - 75 mm
 Fineness modulus = 2.65
 Air content = 2.50%
 SG of coarse and fine aggregates = 2.65
 Bulk density of aggregate = 1800 kg/m3
 Fine and coarse aggregate have a moisture content of 1.4 % and 1.5%
Step-1: Choice of slump
The slump is required to be 75mm
Step-2: Choice of maximum size of aggregate
The aggregate to be used has a nominal maximum size of 19 mm
Step-3: Estimation of mixing water and air content
Table-2: Approximate mixing water and air content requirements
For air entrained concrete with the slump of 75 mm and nominal maximum
size of 19mm aggregate the amount of water required for the mix is 184 kg/m 3
  Selection of water-cement or water-cementitious
materials ratio

Table 3 Relationship between water/cement ratio and compressive

strength of concrete

For air entrained concrete and 34.5 MPa compressive strength; the
approximate water-cement ratio is 0.4.

Step-5: Calculation of cement content

Cement content = = 460 kg/m3

Step-6: Estimation of coarse aggregate content

Table-4: Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete.
•The  volume of aggregate with nominal maximum size of 19mm and
fines modulus of 2.65 is calculated by interpolation
FM=2.65 on max. agg. Size of 19mm
2.6 = 0.64

2.65 = x
2.8 = 0.62

X=0.63 (volume of coarse aggregate)

The mass of aggregate= 0.63*1800= 1134 kg/m³

Step-7: Estimation of fine aggregate content
7.1. The weight method
Table-5: First estimate of weight of fresh concrete

The mass of a cubic meter of air-entrained concrete made with

aggregate having a nominal maximum size of 19mm is estimated to be
Masses already known are:

Water= 184 kg

Cement = 460 kg

Coarse aggregate= 1134 kg

Total= 1778kg

 Mass of fine aggregate=2275-1778= 497kg

7.2 Absolute volume basis

Volume of water = 184÷1000= 0.184 m³

Volume of cement= 460÷3150=0.146 m³

Volume of coarse aggregate = 1134÷2650=0.427 m³

Volume of air = 0.025 m³

Total= 0.782 m³

Volume of fine aggregate= 1 m³ -0.782 m³ =0.218 m³

Mass of fine aggregate= 0.218 m³*2650=578 kg

Step-8: Adjustment for moisture aggregate

From the given fine and coarse aggregate have a moisture content of 1.4 %

and 1.5% respectively.

Adjusted mass of fine aggregate= 578*1.014= 586kg

Adjusted mass of coarse aggregate= 1134*1.015= 1151kg

Adjusted mass of water= 184-578*0.014-1134*0.015=159 kg

The estimated batch masses for a cubic meter of concrete are:

Water= 159 kg

Cement= 460 kg

Fine aggregate= 586 kg

Coarse aggregate= 1151 kg

DOE Standard Mix Design Method

Department of Environment (DoE) method is a standard method of mix design

in U.K. now. This method used the relationship between water/cement ratio
and compressive strength depending on the type of cement and aggregate
The standard DOE mix design procedure includes;

1. Selection of target water/cement ratio (Stage 1)

If previous information concerning the variability of strength

tests comprises fewer than 20 results, the standard deviation

to be adopted should be that obtained from line A in Figure 3.

If previous information is available consisting of 20 or more

results, the standard deviation of such results may be used

provided that this value is not less than the appropriate value

obtained from line B. The margin can then be derived from

calculation C1:

M=k×s …C1
where M = the margin (Item 1.3)
k = a value appropriate to the ‘percentage
defectives’ permitted below the
characteristic strength (see 4.4)
s = the standard deviation.

Calculation C2 determines the target mean strength

(expressed to two significant figures):

fm = fc + M … C2 where
fm = the target mean strength
fc = the specified characteristic strength
M = the margin
 Next, a value is obtained from Table 2 for the strength of a mix made with
a free-water/cement ratio of 0.5 according to the specified age, the strength
class of the cement and the aggregate to be used.
 This strength value is then plotted on Figure 4 and a curve is drawn from
this point and parallel to the printed curves until it intercepts a horizontal
line passing through the ordinate representing the target mean strength.
 The corresponding value for the free-water/cement ratio can then be read
from the abscissa(x-axis). This should be compared with any maximum
free-water/cement ratio that may be specified and the lower of these two
values used.
2. Selection of free-water content (Stage 2)
  2 consists simply of determining the free-water content
from Table 3 depending upon the type and maximum size of the
aggregate to give a concrete of the specified slump or Vebe time.

3. Determination of cement content (Stage 3)

The cement content is determined from calculation C3:

Cement content = ……..C3

4. Determination of total aggregate content (Stage 4)

Figure 5 Estimated wet density of fully compacted concrete

Total aggregate content (saturated and surface-dry) =

D — C — W ………………….…C4 where
D = the wet density of concrete (kg/m3)
C = the cement content (kg/m3)

W = the free-water content (kg/m3)

5. Selection of fine and coarse aggregate contents (Stage 5)
Fine aggregate content =
total aggregate content*proportion of fines
Coarse aggregate content=
total aggregate content-fine aggregate content
 The coarse aggregate content itself can be subdivided if single sized 10, 20
and 40 mm materials are to be combined.
 Again, the best proportions will depend on aggregate shape and concrete
usage but the following ratios are suggested as a general guide:
 1:2 for combination of 10 and 20 mm material

 1:1.5:3 for combination of 10, 20 and 40 mm material.

Using the DOE mix design tables and charts, calculate the weights of all

materials that you would use for the first trial mix on a concrete mix required

to achieve a compressive strength of 40 MPa at 28 days.

Cement type 32.5 Required slump 75 mm

Max aggregate size 20 mm Min cement content 340 kg/m3

Aggregate type Crushed Max free w/c ratio 0.65

Rel. density of combined agg. at 2.68 Allowable failure rate 5%


Fine aggregate grading Zone 3 Plant S.D. Unknown


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