Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance: Unit 3
Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance: Unit 3
Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance: Unit 3
Internet of Things
Privacy, Security and Governance
One specific challenge in IoT is to
Ensure that the information collected and stored by
micro/nano-RFID and micro/nano sensors should be
visible only to authorized users (e.g., the owner or user of
the object) otherwise there could be a breach of security
or privacy.
Information collected by the body sensors applied to an
elderly person should not be accessible by other persons
apart from the doctor.
Access control mechanisms for these wireless devices
should be implemented and deployed in the market,
security and privacy solutions are not easy to
implement in micro-nano devices because of the
limitations in computing power and storage.
It should not hamper business development of micro-
nano technologies.
Keys management and deployment can also be
complex to implement.
Trade-offs should be identified and described. These
are goals for research activity.
Augmented Reality 2030 - YouTube
New devices like Google Glass or future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
applications in cars will propose “augmented reality” where the integration of
digital and real-word information is used to compose sophisticated applications.
This trend highlights even more the need for security and privacy, because data
breaches in the virtual-world can have consequences in the real-world.
In some contexts and applications, security and privacy threats can even become
safety threats with more dramatic consequences for the lives of the citizen. As a
conceptual example, actuators in the real-world may be set remotely within a “smart
house” to provoke fires or flooding.
Topics-Internet of Things Privacy, Security and
Overview of Activity Chain — Governance, Privacy
and Security Issues,
Contribution From FP7 Project,
Security and Privacy Challenge in Data Aggregation
for the IoT in Smart Cities-Security,
Privacy and Trust in Iot-Data-Platforms for Smart
First Steps Towards a Secure Platform, Smartie
Internet of Things privacy is
the special considerations
• The main objective of the Activity Chain 05 is
to identify research challenges and topics, which
could make IoT more secure for users (i.e.
citizen, business and government), to guarantee
the privacy of users and support the confident,
successful and trusted development of the IoT
•FP7 iCore Access Framework
•The iCore cognitive framework is based on the principle
that any real world object and any digital object that is
available, accessible, observable or controllable can have
From a virtual representation in the “Internet of Things”, which
is called Virtual Object (VO).
Composite virtual objects (CVOs) use the services of
virtual objects.
A CVO is a cognitive mash-up of semantically
Projects interoperable VOs that renders services in accordance with
the user/stakeholder perspectives and the application
iCore framework
The first cognitive management layer (VO level cognitive framework)
is responsible for managing theVOs throughout their lifecycle,
ensuring reliability of the link to the real world object/entity (e.g.,
sensors, actuators, devices, etc.).
The second cognitive management layer (CVOlevel cognitive
framework) is responsible for composing the VOs in Composite
The third level (User level cognitive framework) is responsible for
interaction with User/stakeholders. The cognitive management
frameworks will record the users needs and requirements (e.g.,
human intentions) by collecting and analyzing the user profiles,
stakeholders contracts (e.g., Service Level Agreements) and will
create/activate relevantVO/CVOs on behalf of the users.
IoT@Work Capability Based Access
Control System
The CapBAC is devised according to the capability based
authorization model in which a capability is a communicable,
unforgeable token of authority.
This token uniquely identifies the granted right(s), the object on
which the right(s) can be exercised and the subject that can
exercise it/them.
ACLs become very complex to manage when the
number of subjects and resources increases.
The Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) approach, well
exemplified by the tries to solve the problem of roles
explosion giving the possibility to directly use subject’s
properties (e.g.: age, location, position in an organization,
etc.), as well as resources and environmental properties, to
specify access policies, therefore potentially reducing the
number of rules, or rules changes, at the expense of more
powerful (and complex) rules and more processing and data
availability requirements.
An example of ABAC would be allowing only users
who are type=employees and have department=HR to
access the HR/Payroll system and only during business
hours within the same timezone as the company.
ABAC is not only the most flexible and powerful of the
four access control models, but is also the most
Additional features
Essential innovation over previous capability based techniques:
Delegation support: a subject can grant access rights to another
subject, as well as grant the right to further delegate all or part of the
granted rights. The delegation depth can be controlled at each stage;
Capability revocation: capabilities can be revoked by properly
authorized subjects, therefore solving one of the issues of capability
based approaches in distributed environments;
Information granularity: a capability can even specify dynamic
adaptation of the granted rights (e.g. specify a “level of details” for a
read access right on a specific piece of information). In this way the
service provider can refine its behavior and the data it has to provide
according to what is stated in the capability token.
Housekeeping example.
Bob has to go on holidays and his house
needs some housekeeping while he is away.
Dave, Bob’s neighbor, offered to takes care of
Bob’s house housekeeping for his holiday’s
Typically each of us, and Bob in this
example, will hand over a copy of our house’s
keys to our neighbor Dave (as exemplified by
action in the figure).
Our neighbor Dave will then use our keys for
doing the agreed housekeeping activities
(action in the figure).
But how can we, or Bob in our example,
be sure Dave does not use the keys for non-
envisaged or non-authorized activities?
How can we avoid that Dave makes a
duplicate of the keys?
To this end, Fig. 4 revise the use case depicted in Fig. 3 using a capability based access
control mechanism. In this example Bob provides to Dave an access token (a capability
token) that:
• identifies Dave has the only subject entitled to use the token,
• states what Dave can actually perform (e.g. monitoring and configuring Bob’s garden
watering system),
• states for how many days Dave can do these actions (i.e. token validity period).
• Bob and Dave do not need to establish trust relationships among their authentication
and authorizations systems (that actually remain independent). Bob’s house appliance
recognizes the access token created by Bob and Dave has only to prove that he is the
subject (grantee) identified by the capability token as (temporary) entitled to do a
specific housekeeping activity. Therefore:
• Dave cannot use Bob’s token for non-envisaged or non-authorized activities,
• Dave cannot pass the token to someone else, nor can use it outside the validity period,
• subjects other than Dave cannot use the capability token unless that are able to prove
they are Dave (e.g. if an attacker has stolen Dave’s identity).
Capability-based authorization architectural
components and their interactions.
The CapBAC architectural elements
Can be shortly characterized as follows
• The resource object of the capability (Service A in Figure 4.4); it
can be a specific data or device, a service or any accessible element
that can be univocally identified and/or actable on (like resource);
• The authorization capability that details the granted rights (and
which ones can be delegated and, in case, their delegation depths),
the resource on which those rights can be exercised, the grantee’s
identity, as well as additional information (e.g. capability validity
period, XACML conditions, etc.). An authorization capability is
valid as specified within the capability itself or until it is explicitly
The capability revocation is used to revoke one or more
capabilities. Like a capability, a capability revocation is a
communicable object a subject, having specific rights (e.g. the
revoker must be an ancestor in the delegation path of the
revoked capability), creates to inform the service in charge of
managing the resource that specific capabilities have to be
considered no more valid;
• The service/operation request is the service request as
visualized by the provided service with the only additional
characteristics to refer or include, For example, for a RESTful
service, an HTTP GET request on one of the exposed REST
resource has to simply include the capability and its proof of
ownership to use our access control mechanism;
The PDP (Policy Decision Point) is a resource-agnostic service in
charge of managing resource access request validation and
In the CapBAC environment it deals with the validation of the
access rights granted in the capability against local policies and
checking the revocation status of the capabilities in the
delegation chain;
• The resource manager is the service that manages
service/access requests for/to the identified resource. The
resource manager checks the acceptability of the capability token
shipped with the service request as well as the validity and
congruence of the requested service/operation against the
presented capability. It acts as an XACML Policy Enforcement
Point (PEP) which consider the validation result of the PDP;
• The revocation service is in charge of managing capability
GAMBAS Adaptive Middleware
(GAMBAS Contribution)
GAMBAS Adaptive Middleware (GAMBAS Contribution)