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Spur Gears

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Ramesh S Sharma, Ph.D

Professor, Dept. of Mech.Engg
RVCE, Bengaluru
History of Gears
 Gears are considered as one
of the oldest equipment
known to mankind.
 The origin of gears dates
back to 27th Century in China
 Aristotle has the credit to his
name of giving the earliest
description of gears in the
4th century B.C. According to
his definition, the direction of
rotation is reversed when
one gear wheel drives
another gear wheel.
 Gears have been used by
the Greek Inventors in water
wheels and clocks.
Development of Gear drives
Consider a two plain circular wheels A & B
mounted on shafts. The wheels have
sufficient roughness and press against
each other shown in fig. Let the wheel A is
keyed to rotating shaft and wheel B is
keyed to shaft to be rotated, then wheel B
rotates in the opposite direction to that of
wheel A. The wheel B will be rotated so
long as the tangential force (P) exerted by
wheel A does not exceed the maximum
frictional resistance (F) between the two
wheels. But when the tangential force
In order to overcome slipping, exceeds the frictional resistance, then
a no. of projections (called slipping will take place between the two
teeth) are provided on the wheels.
periphery of wheel A which fit
in to the corresponding
periphery of wheel B which led
to the development of what are
known as “GEARS”
Introduction to Mechanical Drives
 Belts, Chains, Ropes & Gear drives are often called as
‘Mechanical Drives’.
 A ‘Mechanical drive’ is defined as a mechanism, which is
intended to transmit mechanical power over a certain
distance, usually involving a change in speed or torque.
 In general, mechanical drives are required between the
prime mover, such as electric motor & the part of the
operating machine or structure.
Mechanical drives are classified into two groups
(i) Mechanical drives that transmit power by means of friction
e.g. Belt drive & Rope drive
(ii) Mechanical drives that transmit power by means of
engagement e.g. Chain drives & Gear drives 
Design of Gears (Page 201, DDHB)
Gears are used to transmit motion or power from one
shaft to another shaft if the center distance between the
shafts is small. It is a positive & smooth drive.
Gears are classified as follows:
(i) According to relative position of shaft axes:
Parallel axes : Spur gear, helical gear
Intersecting axes : Bevel gears
Non parallel, Non intersecting: Worm gears
(ii) According to peripheral velocity (v) of gears:
V< 3 m/sec: Low velocity gears
3<V< 15 m/sec: Medium velocity gears
V>15 m/sec: High velocity gears
(iii) According to type of gearing:
Gears mesh externally & hence rotate in opposite
directions : External gearing
Gears mesh internally & hence rotate in same
directions: Internal gearing
(iv) According to position of the teeth on gear surface:
Straight teeth: Spur gears
Inclined teeth: Helical gears
Skewed (curved) teeth: Spiral gear
Advantages & Disadvantages of Gear Drives
1. It transmits exact velocity ratio (i.e. velocity ratio remains constant)
2. It may be used to transmit large power
3. It is very effective way of transmitting power for smaller distances
4. Its efficiency is very high (> 90% in case of spur gears)
5. It has reliable service
6. It is very compact in assembly.

1. Manufacture of gears requires special tools & equipment &
therefore it is costlier.
2. The error in cutting teeth may cause vibrations & noise during
3. It requires adequate lubricant for proper operation
4. It cannot be used to transmit power for large distances
Spur gear pair (External & Internal)
P R Venkatesh Mech Dept RVCE
Spur gear animation
Rack & pinion Animation
Helical gear

Herringbone gear
Bevel gears (Straight teeth & Skewed teeth)
Worm Shaft & worm gear
Gear tooth profiles
• Gears are mainly used for transmission of
motion & power and must be of accurate profile
to obtain exact velocity ratio.
• Two commonly used profiles of gear teeth are
the Involute profile & the Cycloidal profile
• Involute is defined as the path described by a
point on an inextensible cord which is unwound
from a stationary cylinder.
• Cycloid is defined as the curve traced by a point
on the rim of a circle which rolls without slipping
on a fixed straight line.
• Base circle: It is the circle from which gear teeth
profiles are generated.
• Pitch circle: It is an imaginary circle which by pure
rolling action, would produce the same motion as
the toothed wheel. The size of the gear is usually
specified by the pitch circle diameter.
• Pitch point: It is a common point of contact between
two pitch circles of two meshing gear wheels.
• Pressure angle: It is the angle between the common
normal to two gear teeth at the point of contact and
the common tangent at the pitch point.
• Addendum: It is the radial distance from the pitch
circle to the tip of the tooth.
• Dedendum: It is the radial distance from the pitch
circle to the root of the tooth.
• Face : It is the part of the tooth surface which is
above the pitch surface.
• Flank : It is the part of the tooth surface which is
below the pitch surface.
• Circular pitch : It is the distance measured on the
circumference of the pitch circle from a point on one
tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent
• Module: It is the ratio of the pitch circle diameter in
millimeters to the number of teeth.
• Face width: It is the width of the gear tooth
measured parallel to its axis.
Pitch cylinders with
pure rolling friction

Line of action & Pressure angle

Actual gears (Toothed wheels)

Three systems of gear teeth listed below are
commonly used :
(i) 141/2o involute system; The number of teeth
required to avoid interference is high because of the
low pressure angle.
(ii) 20o full depth involute system; The number of teeth
required to avoid interference is less because of high
pressure angle. These teeth are broader at the root
& stronger.
(iii) 20o stub involute system; In this system the working
depth is usually 20% less than the FDI as the
addendum is made shorter. Its advantages are
• Low production cost
• Stronger teeth
• Less interference due to shorter addendum
Beam Strength of Spur gear teeth (Lewis Equation)
Lewis analysis (Wilfred Lewis, Philadelphia,1892)
considers the gear tooth as a cantilever beam loaded by
a normal load Fn (along the line of action) which can be
resolved into :
(i) Tangential component Ft
(ii) Radial component Fr
Assumptions made:
• The effect of radial component which induces
compressive stress is neglected.
• The tangential component is uniformly distributed
over the face width of the gear.
• The effect of stress concentration is neglected.
• At any instant, only one pair of teeth is in contact &
takes the entire load.


A Parabola
Tangent to base circle

B C Tooth profile

Forces acting on gear tooth

Chain link


Since t & h are dependent on the shape of tooth & circular pitch,
the quantity may be replaced by p  y where ' y' is known as
Lewis form factor or Tooth form factor, & p  circular pitch
Also the bending stress    d  Cv
where  d  allowable static stress
& C v  Velocity factor.Substituting in equation of Ft , we get
Ft  σ d C v byp  Equation 12.5 (a) Page 204.
NOTE : The Lewis form factor ' y' is a function of the pressure angle
(tooth system) & the number of teeth on the gear.
For values of y refer equation nos 12.15 (c) to12.15(e) Page 204
For velocity factor C v refer equation nos 12.6 a to 12.6 e Page 205
For  d refer Table 12.7 Page 234.
Dynamic Tooth Load
The dynamic tooth load is due to:
(i) Errors in tooth spacing.
(ii) Elements of face may not be perfectly parallel to axis.
(iii) Inaccuracies in the tooth profile.
(iv) Uneven distribution of load on the face of gear tooth.
(v) Deflection of tooth under load
(vi) Deflection of shaft & mountings.

Due to the above inaccuracies, there will be dynamic

load due to shock & impact.
It will be greater than the steady load and consists of
the tangential tooth load Ft required for power
transmission and an increment Fi due to irregularities.
Fd  Ft  Fi where Fi is the additional (increment) load due to
the dynamic action. According to Buckingham ' s equation,
K v(Cb  Ft )
Fd  Ft  3  Eq 12.12 Page 207
K 3  Cb  Ft
where C  dynamic factor which depends on the materials,
pressure angle and error in tooth action.
 Fd 
The ratio   is called dynamic load factor.
 Ft 
It is a function of peripheral velocity, tooth surface hardness &
degree of accuracy.
If a gear tooth is not strong enough dynamically, then
(i) The module can be increased
(ii) Face width can be increased
(iii) The hardness may be increased by proper heat treatment.
Wear Load
There are two main reasons for gear tooth failures:
• Breakage of tooth due to static & dynamic loads. (Failure
in bending)
• Surface destruction. (Wear)
The surface destruction or Wear occurs due to rolling &
sliding action of the gear teeth. The tooth wear may be of
following types:
(i) Abrasive wear: It is failure due to presence of foreign
particles in the lubricant that can scratch the tooth
(ii) Corrosive wear: Failure due to chemical reaction on the
tooth surface.
(iii) Pitting: A fatigue failure due to repeated application of
stress cycles.
(iv) Scoring: A failure due to metal to metal contact which
occurs when there is breakdown of lubricant oil film
because of excessive surface pressure or heat generation.
The failure of the gear tooth due to pitting occurs when the contact stresses
between the meshing teeth exceed the surface endurance strength of the
It is a surface fatigue failure and is analyzed by Buckingham whose
equation for wear strength is given by;
Fw  d 1bQK  Eq 12.15(a) Page 208
where d1  Pitch circle diameter of the gear,
2z 2
Q  Ratio factor  12.15 (c) Page 208
z 2  z1
K  Load stress factor (Refer Table 12.16 & 12.17 Page 239 & 240)
 es 2 sin   1 1
Also K     12.15 (b) Page 208
1.4  E1 E2 
where  es  surface endurance strength of gear pair
and  es  2.75( BHN )  7012.15 (d ) page 208
b  Face width of gear
Step 2 : Tangential tooth load Ft
(a) Using Power transmitted & rpm,
1000  P  Cs
Ft   Eq 12.7 (a) Page 205
where P  Power transmitted in KW,
Cs  Service factor (from Table 12.8, Page 235)
d1 N1 d 2 N 2
v  Peripheral velocity  
60000 60000
(b) Using Lewis equation of beam strength
Ft   d C v byp  Eq 12.5(a), Page 204
where Cv  velocity factor
( from Eq 12.6 (a) to 12.6 (e) page 205)
p  Circular pitch  πm where m  module
b  face width 9.5m  b  12.5m
(Equation 12.5 (f), p 205)
Equating (a) & (b) module m can be obtained .
Select standard module from Table 12.2 Page 229
Step 4 : Check for dynamic & wear load :
K 3v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft   Eq12.12, Page 207
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.12 Page 236
K 3  20.67 (for SI units, Page 207)
(b)Wear load Fw  d1bQK  Eq12.15 (a) Page 208
K  load stress factor from T12.16/17, Page 239
Q  Ratio factor from Eq 12.15c, Page 208
If Fw  Fd , the design is safe.
Calculation of Module (m)
# Problem 1
Design a pair of spur gear to transmit a power of 20kW at
1600 rpm of the pinion and a speed reduction ratio of 4:1
The pinion is made of Forged steel about 0.30%C heat
treated and gear is made of Cast Steel 0.2C untreated. Take
FOS = 3.0. Check the design for wear & dynamic strength
considerations. Assume 20 full depth involute system &
class II gears (carefully cut gears) subjected to medium
shocks running 8 – 10 hrs/day
Given Data: Power – P = 20kW;
Speed of Pinion – N1 1600 rpm;
Speed ratio = i = 4;
Materials: Pinion – Forged Steel – 0.3 C;
Gear – Cast steel 0.2C;
FOS = 3.0;  = 20 FDI;
Class II Gears – medium shock
8 – 10 hrs/day
Step 1: To identify the weaker member of the gear pair

Particulars d (MPa) y (dy) Remarks

Pinion 220.0 0.097 21.34 -
Gear 138.3 0.139 19.22 Weaker

Since (dy) is lesser for Gear; Gear is weaker & hence

design is based on Gear
iii. Check for stresses

Step 3: Dynamic Load (Fd)

N /mm
Alternate Method to find BHN
Refer table 12.16 / page 239
The calculated value of K = 2.232 for which the nearest
value available in DHB for 20 involute system is 2.189
(last column)
Suggested Hardness:
Pinion - BHN 400
Gear - BHN 350
400 & 350 (taking the average) : BHN = 375

Problem #2
Design a pair of spur gear to transmit a power of 40kW at
1200 rpm of the pinion with a speed reduction ratio of 3:1.
The drive is used in a sugarcane crusher with the center
distance equal to 250mm. Assume the following:
(i) Carefully cut gears (ii) Pressure angle =  = 20FDI
(iii) Material for pinion – Alloy steel, case hardened
(iv) Material for gear – C45 Steel untreated. (v) Gears are
subjected to heavy shocks and operated for 3 hrs/day.
Particulars d, MPa y dy Remarks

Pinion 345.2 0.0932 32.17

Gear 233.4 0.1337 31.20 Weaker

I) Design for static Strength
a) Tangential tooth Load (Ft) based on power

b) Tangential tooth load based on Lewis Equation

Assume b = 10m & p = m

Check for stresses

II) Dynamic Load (Fd)


x = 88.08  88
C = 228.9 + 88 = 316.9  317 N /mm

0.02 0.0277 0.03

Fd = 19546.33 N

iii) Dynamic Strength (Fs)

Fs = d2 b  Y m ----------- 12.16 / page 208
Where Y =  y2 =  * 0.1337 = 0.4200
 Fs = 233.4 * 50 * 0.4200 * 5 = 24508.80 N
Since Fs > Fd; Design is safe for Dynamic Load

(iv) Wear Strength (Fw)

Fw = d1bQK ---------- 12.15(a) / page 208
Where Q = 2z2/(z1 + z2) = (2 * 75)/(25 + 75) = 1.5
For safe Design; Fw  Fd;
OR d1bQK  19456.33
i.e., 125 * 50 * 1.5 * K  19456.33
i.e. K = 2.085
Now, from table 12.16 / page 239; for steel material (both
Pinion & Gear and for 20 FDI; the nearest value available
for K = 2.189 for which the Hardness number is
BHN for Pinion - 400
BHN for Gear - 350
(taking the average we get BHN = 375 (suggested

Problem 3
Design a pair of spur gears to transmit
9KW at 2000 rpm of cast steel (untreated)
pinion. The gear is made of high grade
Cast iron (heat treated) and is to rotate at
500 rpm. The pinion has 20 teeth of 141/2o
involute form. Assume carefully cut gears
and subjected to medium shock &
operated for 8 – 10 hrs/day
1 2 z2

Given Data: Problem belongs to TYPE I

P = 9kW, N1 = 2000 rpm, N2 = 500 rpm.
Speed ratio i=(N1/N2)=(2000/500)=4
 141/2o , z1= 20 teeth
, Also, i = N1/N2 = Z2/Z1 = d2/d1
Hence z2 = iz1= 4 x 20 = 80 teeth
Design Procedure :
Step 1 : To identify the weaker member :
From Table 12.7, Page 234, for Cast steel 0.2% (untreated)
pinion, allowable static stress  d1  138.3Mpa( N / mm 2 )
For High grade CI (heat treated) gear,  d2  78.5Mpa
From Eq 12.5c P 204, Lewis form factor ' y' for 14 system
0.684 0.684
y1  0.124   0.124   0.0898 (for pinion)
z1 20
0.684 0.684
y 2  0.124   0.124   0.1154 (for gear)
z2 80
 d1 y1  138.3  0.0898  12.42,  d2 y2  78.5  0.1154  9.0598
As  d2 y2   d1 y1 , the gear is weaker.
 Design must be based on the gear.
Step 2 : Tangential tooth load Ft
(a) Using Power transmitted & rpm,
1000  P  Cs
Ft   Eq 12.7a Page 205
where P  Power transmitted in KW  9 KW
Cs  Service factor (from Table 12.8, Page 235)
Assuming medium shock loads, 8 - 10 hrs service/day, Cs  1.5
d 2 N 2   mz 2  N 2
v  Peripheral velocity  
60000 60000
  m  80  500
v   (2.094m ) m / sec
Substituting the above in equation of Ft , we get
1000  9 1.5 6444.9
Ft    (1)
2.094m m
Tangential tooth load
(b) Using Lewis equation of beam strength
Ft   d C v byp  Eq 12.5 (a), Page 204
where Cv  velocity factor, d   d 2  78.5Mpa
b  10m (Equation 12.5(f) , p 205), y  y 2  0.1154, p  πm
Substituti ng, we get Ft  78.5  C v 10m  0.1154  πm
 Ft  284.6m 2Cv  (2)
Equating (1) & (2),  284.6m 2Cv
 m 3C v  22.65  (3)
Find module ' m' by trial & error. Assume C v  0.5
Such that m  3 2  RHS i.e. m  3 2  22.65  3.54 mm
From T 12.2, P 229, the preferred values are 3 mm & 4 mm
Trial 1 :
Let m  3mm, Then pitch line velocity v  2.094m
v  2.094  3  6.282 m/sec
Assuming carefully cut gears, C v  12.6 (b), P205
4.58  v
 Cv   0.421
4.58  6.282
 m3Cv  33  0.421  11.38  22.65 ( RHS ).
Trial 2 :
Let m  4 mm, Then pitch line velocity v  2.094m
v  2.094  4  8.376 m/sec
 Cv   0.353
4.58  8.376
 m3Cv  43  0.353  22.62  22.65 ( RHS ).
Select m  4 mm as it yields m 3C v value very close to the required value.
From Table 12.3 / page 229
1) Addendum (ha) :m - 4 mm
2) Dedendum (hf) : 1.25m - 5 mm
3) Tooth thickness (f) : 1.5708m - 6.2832 mm
4) Tooth Space : 1.5708m - 6.2832 mm
5) Working depth : 2m - 8 mm
6) Whole depth : 2.25m - 9 mm
7) Clearance : 0.25m - 1 mm
8) Pitch diameter (d1) : z1m - 80 mm
9) Pitch diameter (d2) : z2m - 160 mm
g) Check for stresses under static condition
iii. Dynamic Load (Fd)
Select m = 5mm
PCD of Pinion : d1 = mz1 = 5 * 20 = 100mm
PCD of Gear : d2 = mz2 = 5 * 80 = 400mm
Center distance : a = (d1 + d2)/2 = (100 + 400)/2 = 250mm
Face width : b = 10m = 10 * 5 = 50mm
Circular Pitch : p = m = * 5 = 15.708 mm
Velocity : v = 2.094 m = 2.094 * 5 =10.47 m/sec
Tangential Tooth Load = Ft = 6444.9/m = 6444.9/5 =1289N
Dynamic Load (Fd)
Step 4 : Check for dynamic & wear load :
K 3v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft   Eq12.12 Page 207
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.12 Page 236
Here v  8.36m/sec, From Table 12.14 Page 237,
for v  8m/sec, tooth error e  0.05mm
for v  10m/sec, tooth error e  0.0386mm
 By interpolat ion, for v  8.36m/sec,e  0.048
From T 12.12, page 236, for CI & steel combinatio n, 14 1 system
for e  0.04, C  303.2 N/mm
 for e  0.048, C   0.048  363.84 N / mm (Linear variation)
K 3  20.67 (Always for SI system of units), Page 207
 20.67  8.36  (363.84  40)  1611.2) 
 
 Dynamic load Fd  1611.2   

 ( 20.67  8.36)  (363.84  40 )  1611.2 

2.793  10 6
Fd  1611.2   10924 N


V=8.0 V=8.36 V=10

From the similar tr iangles, ABC & CDE,

AB AC (10  8) (0.05  0.0386)
  
DE CD (8.36  8) x
 x  0.002 and hence for V  8.36 m/sec,
tooth error e  (0.05 - 0.002)  0.048
(b) Wear load Fw  d1bQK Eq 12.15 (a)Page 208
K  load stress factor from T12.16, Page 239
Q  Ratio factor from Eq 12.15c, Page 208
2 z2 2  80
Q   1.6, b  10m  10  4  40 mm, d1  80 mm
z1  z2 20  80
 Fw  80  40 1.6  K  5120 K . For safe design, Fw  Fd
i.e. 5120 K  10924  K  2.133
From T 12.16, P 239, For 14 system, K=2.363 (>2.133)
BHNof gear pinion = 450, BHN of gear = 450 .
Step 4 : Check for dynamic & wear load :
K3v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft  Eq12.33
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.14 Page 190
K3  20.67
(b) Wear load Fw  d1bQK Eq12.36a Page 167
K  load stress factor from T12.16, Page 193
Q  Ratio factor from Eq 12.36c, Page 167
If Fw  Fd , the design is safe.
Problem 2
(Type IV :Only power & speed is given)

Design a pair of spur gears

to transmit 12KW at 1000
rpm of pinion with a velocity
ratio 2.5. The design should
be as compact as possible.
1 2 z2

P=12KW, N1=1000 rpm,
Speed ratio i=(N1/N2)=2.5
Hence N2=1000/2.5= 400rpm.
Assume 20o full depth involute,
Initially assume: z1=20 teeth
Hence z2= i * z1=2.5 * 20=50 teeth
For compact design, size of gears should be
as minimum as possible. Hence select
strongest material for both the pinion & gear.
Hence select chrome vanadium steel,
0.45%C heat treated, static stress=516.8
MPa (Table 12.7, page 234)
Design Procedure :
Step 1 : To identify the weaker member :
From Table 12.7, Page 234,
for chrome vanadium steel (heat treated) material
allowable static stress  d1   d2  516.8Mpa
Here as both pinion & gear are assumed
to be of same material, the pinion is weaker.
 Design must be based on the pinion.
Lewis form factor for 200 FDI tooth system,
for pinion y1  0.154   0.1084
for gear y 2  0.154   0.1358 (Eq 12.5(d) P204)
Step 2 : Tangential tooth load Ft
(a) Using Power transmitted & rpm,
1000  P  Cs
Ft   Eq 12.7a Page 205
where P  Power transmitted in KW  12 KW
Cs  Service factor (from Table 12.8, Page 235)
Assuming medium shock loads, 8 - 10 hrs service/day, Cs  1.5
d1 N1   mz1  N1
v  Peripheral velocity  
60000 60000
  m  20 1000
v   (1.047m ) m / sec
Substituting the above in equation of Ft , we get
1000 12 1.5 17191.97
Ft    (1)
1.047m m
Tangential tooth load
(b) Using Lewis equation of beam strength
Ft   d C v byp  Eq 12.5(a), Page 204
where Cv  velocity factor, d   d 1  516.8Mpa
b  10m (Equation 12.5(d), p 205), y  y1  0.1084, p  πm
Substituting, we get Ft  516.8  C v 10m  0.1084  πm
 Ft  1759.955m 2Cv  (2)
Equating (1) & (2),  1759.95m 2Cv
 m 3C v  9.768  (3)
Find module ' m' by trial & error. Assume m  3 2  RHS
i.e. m  3 2  9.768  2.69 mm
From Table 12.2, page 229 the preferred values are
m  2.5 mm & m  3 mm
Trial 1 :
Let m  2.5mm, Then pitch line velocity v  1.047m
v  1.047  2.5  2.6175 m/sec
For v upto 8m/sec, C v 
3.05  v
 Cv   0.538
3.05  2.6175
 m3Cv  2.53  0.538  8.408  9.768 ( RHS ).
Hence module of 2.5 is not suitable.
Trial 2 :
Let m  3 mm, Then pitch line velocity v  1.047m
v  1.047  3  3.141 m/sec
 Cv   0.493
3.05  3.141
 m3Cv  33  0.493  13.3  9.768( RHS ).
Select m  3 mm as it yields m 3C v value greater than the required value.
Step 3 : Dimensions of the gear & pinion
(a) Pitch diameter of pinion d 1  mz1  3  20  60mm
Pitch diameter of gear d 2  mz2  3  50  150mm
d 1  d 2 60  150
(b) Center distance between shafts a    105mm
2 2
(c) Face width b  10m  10  3  30 mm
(d) Circular pitch p  πm    3  9.425 mm
17191.97 17191.97
(e) Tangential tooth load Ft    5730.6 N
m 3
(f) For 20 o FDI system, from T12.4, Page 230, addendum h a  1m  1 3  3mm
dedendum h f  1.157 m  1.25  3  3.75 mm (where m  module  3 mm)
 Addendum diameter of pinion d a1  d 1  2ha  60  (2  3)  66mm
Addendum diameter of gear d a2  d 2  2ha  150  (2  3)  156mm
Dedendum diameter of pinion d f1  d 1  2h f  60  (2  3.75)  52.5mm
Dedendum diameter of gear d f2  d 2  2h f  150  (2  3.75)  142.5mm
Step 4 : Check for dynamic & wear load :
K 3v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft   Eq12.12 Page 207
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.12 Page 236
Here v  3.141m/sec  3m/sec, From Table 12.14 Page 237,
tooth error e  0.0785mm
From T 12.12, page 236, for Steel & Steel combinatio n, 200 FDI system
for e  0.01, C  114.4 N/mm
 for e  0.0785, C   0.0785  892.3N / mm (Linear variation)
K 3  20.67 (Always for SI system of units), Page 207
 20.67  3.141 (892.3  30)  5730.6) 
 Dynamic load Fd  5730.6   
 (20.67  3.141)  (892.3  30)  5730.6 
2.11  10 6
Fd  5730.6   14336N
Check for dynamic strength (Fs)
Fs = d1bYm --- eqn 12.16 /page 208
= 516.8 * 30 *  * 0.1084 * 3 =15839.6 N
Hence, Fs > Fd; Design is SAFE for dynamic load
(b) Wear load Fw  d1bQK  Eq12.15 (a ) Page 208
K  load stress factor from T12.16, Page 239
Q  Ratio factor from Eq 12.15c, Page 208
2 z2 2  50
Q   1.428, b  30mm, d1  60 mm
z1  z 2 20  50
Fw  60  30 1.428  K  2571.43K
For safe design, Fw  Fd  2571.43K  14336
or K  5.575, For K  5.913( 5.575), & 200 tooth system,
From Table 12.16, page 239,
BHN for pinion  600
BHN for gear  600
Problem 3
(Type II: where velocity/center distance/diameters are known)
A pair of carefully cut spur gears transmit 20
KW at 230 rpm of the gear. Reduction ratio is
5:1. The pinion is made of cast steel (heat
treated) with allowable stress of 197 MN/m2.
Gear is made of Cast iron with allowable stress
of 56 MN/m2.
Determine the module, face width and number
of teeth on pinion & gear. Also suggest suitable
surface hardness for the gear pair. Pitch line
velocity of the pinion is not to exceed
7.5 m/sec.
1 2 z2

Data: P=20KW, N2=230 rpm,
Speed ratio i=(N1/N2)=5
Hence N1=230x5= 1150rpm.
Pitch line velocity v=7.5m/sec
Assume pressure angle 20o FDI
d1=197 Mpa, d2=56 Mpa,
πd1 N1
As pitch line velocity of pinion  m/sec,
Given that the value is not to exceed 7.5 m/sec,
π  d1 1150
 7.5  d1  124.5mm.
Select pitch circle diameter of pinion d1  120mm
 Pitch circle dia of gear d 2  id1  5 120  600mm.
Design Procedure :
Step 1 : To identify the weaker member :
Here the number of teethare to be found out (not assumed).
But to decide the weaker member assume tentatively,
z1  20 teeth  z 2  iz 1  5  20  100 teeth (Not the final value)
Lewis form factor for pinion y1  0.154   0.1084
for gear y 2  0.154   0.145 (Eq 12.5(d) P163)
For pinion,  d1 y1  197  0.1084  21.35
For gear,  d2 y2  56  0.145  8.11   d1 y1
 Gear is weaker, hence design must be based on gear.
(Note : The above values of y should not be used for design)
Step 2 : Tangential tooth load Ft
(a) Using Power transmitted & rpm,
1000  P  Cs
Ft   Eq 12.7(a) Page 205
where P  Power transmitted in KW  20 KW
Cs  Service factor (from Table 12.8, Page 235)
Assuming medium shock loads, 8 - 10 hrs service/day, Cs  1.5
d 2 N 2   600  230
v  Peripheral velocity    7.23m / sec
60000 60000
Substituting the above in equation of Ft , we get
1000  20 1.5
Ft   4150 N  (1)
Tangential tooth load
(b) Using Lewis equation of beam strength
Ft   d Cv byp Eq 12.5(a), Page 204
4.58 4.58
where Cv  velocity factor    0.388
4.58  v 4.58  7.23
(for carefully cut gears, eq 12.6b,page 205, for v  13m/sec)
 d   d 2  56Mpa
b  10m (Equation 12.5(d), p 205), p  πm
0.912 0.912m
y  y 2  0.154   0.154   (0.154-1.52 10-3m)
 d2  600
 m
 
Substituting, we get Ft  56  0.388 10m  (0.154-1.52 10-3m)  πm
 Ft  (105.12m 2  1.0376m3 )  (2)
Equating (1) & (2), 4150  (105.12m2  1.0376m3 )
Solving, module m  6.5 mm.
From table 12.2, page 182, the preferred values are 6 & 8mm.
m  6 mm gives Ft  3560 N  required value of 4150 N.
 Select m  8mm.
Step 3 : Dimensions of the gear & pinion
(a) Pitch diameter of pinion d 1  mz1  120  8  z1  z1  15
 Number of teeth on pinion  15 teeth
Pitch diameter of gear d 2  mz2  600  8  z2  z2  75
 Number of teeth on gear  75 teeth
d 1  d 2 120  600
(b) Center distance between shafts a    360mm
2 2
(c) Face width b  10m  10  8  80 mm
(d) Circular pitch p  πm    8  25.13 mm
(e) Tangential tooth load Ft  4150 N
(f) For 20 o FDI system, from T12.4(a), Page 230, addendum h a  1m  1 8  8mm
dedendum h f  1.25m  1.25  8  10 mm (where m  module  8 mm)
 Addendum diameter of pinion d a1  d 1  2ha  120  (2  8)  136mm
Addendum diameter of gear d a2  d 2  2ha  600  (2  8)  616mm
Dedendum diameter of pinion d f1  d 1  2h f  120  (2 10)  80mm
Dedendum diameter of gear d f2  d 2  2h f  600  (2 10)  580mm
Step 4 : Check for dynamic & wear load :
K v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft  3  Eq12.12, Page 207
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.12 Page 236
Here v  7.23m/sec.From Table 12.14 Page 237,
for v  6m/sec, tooth error e  0.059mm
for v  8m/sec, tooth error e  0.050mm
 By interpolat ion, for v  7.23 m/sec, e  0.0535
From T 12.12, page 236, for Steel & Cast iron combinatio n, 200 FDI system
for e  0.01, C  78.6 N/mm
 for e  0.0535, C   0.0535  420.5 N / mm (Linear variation)
K 3  20.67 (Always for SI system of units), Page 207
 20.67  7.23  (420.5  80)  4150) 
 Dynamic load Fd  4150   
 (20.67  7.23)  (420.5  80)  4150) 
Fd  4150  16424.7  20575N


V=6.0 V=7.23 V=8

From similar tr iangles ABC & CDE, 
(8 - 6) (0.059 - 0.05)
i.e.   x  0.0055
(7.23 - 6) x
 For v  7.23 m/sec, tooth error e  (0.059 - 0.0055)  0.0535
(b) Wear load Fw  d1bQK  Eq12.15a Page 208
K  load stress factor from T12.16, Page 239
Q  Ratio factor from Eq 12.15c, Page 208
2 z2 2  75
Q   1.667, b  80mm, d1  120 mm
z1  z 2 15  75
Fw  120  80 1.667  K  16000 K
For safe design, Fw  Fd  16000K  20575
or K  1.286
For K  1.344( 1.286), & 200 tooth system,
From Table 12.16, page 239,
BHN for pinion  350
BHN for gear  250
Problem 4
(Type II: where material /center distance are given)
A compressor running at 400 rpm is driven by a
25 KW, 1200 rpm motor through a pair of
141/2o involute spur gear. The centre distance is
around 400 mm. The pinion is made of forged
steel of static allowable 190 MN/m2 and 350
BHN. Gear is to be made of cast steel of
allowable stress 180 MN/m2 and 300 BHN.
Design the gear for safe continuous operation.
Check the gear for endurance, wear & dynamic
Data: P=25KW, N1=1200 rpm,
N2=400 rpm,
Speed ratio i=(N1/N2)=(1200/400)=3
Center distance a=400 mm
pressure angle 141/2o
d1=190 Mpa, d2=180 Mpa,
BHN (pinion)=350, BHN(gear)=300
N1 d 2 d2
As velocity ratio i   3
N 2 d1 d1
d1  d 2 d1  3d1
 d 2  3d1 Also center distance ' a'   400 
2 2
 Pitch diameter of pinion d1  200mm
Pitch diameter of gear d 2  3  200  600mm
1 2 z2

Design Procedure :
Step 1 : To identify the weaker member :
Here the number of teethare to be found out (not assumed).
But to decide the weaker member assume tentatively,
z1  20 teeth  z 2  iz 1  3  20  60 teeth (Not the final value)
Lewis form factor for pinion y1  0.124   0.0898
for gear y 2  0.124   0.1126 (Eq 12.5(c) P204)
For pinion,  d1 y1  190  0.0898  17.06
For gear,  d2 y2  180  0.1126  20.27
  d1 y1   d2 y2
 Pinion is weaker, hence design must be based on pinion.
(Note : The above values of y should not be used for design)
Step 2 : Tangential tooth load Ft
(a) Using Power transmitted & rpm,
1000  P  Cs
Ft   Eq 12.7(a) Page 164
where P  Power transmitted in KW  25 KW
Cs  Service factor (from Table 12.8, Page 235)
Assuming medium shock loads, continuous service, Cs  1.8
d1 N1   200 1200
v  Peripheral velocity    12.57 m / sec
60000 60000
Substituting the above in equation of Ft , we get
1000  25 1.8
Ft   3581N  (1)
Tangential tooth load
(b) Using Lewis equation of beam strength
Ft   d C v byp Eq 12.5(a) Page 204
6.1 6.1
where Cv  velocity factor    0.327
6.1  v 6.1  12.57
(Assume accurately cut & ground gears, eq 12.6(c),page 205, for 6  v  20m/sec)
 d   d 1  190Mpa
b  10m (Equation 12.5(f), p 205), p  πm
0.684 0.684m
y  y1  0.124   0.124   (0.124-3.42 10-3m)
 d1  200
 m
 
Substituting, we get Ft  190  0.327 10m  (0.124-3.42 10-3 m)  πm
 Ft  (242.03m 2  6.675m3 )  (2)
Equating (1) & (2), 3581  (242.03m2  6.675m3 )
Solving, module m  4.25 mm.
From table 12.2, page 229, the preferred values are 4 & 5mm.
m  4 mm gives Ft  3445 N  required value of 3581 N.
 Select m  5mm.
Step 3 : Dimensions of the gear & pinion
(a) Pitch diameter of pinion d 1  mz1  200  5  z1  z1  40
 Number of teeth on pinion  40 teeth
Pitch diameter of gear d 2  mz2  600  5  z2  z2  120
 Number of teeth on gear  120 teeth
d 1  d 2 200  600
(b) Center distance between shafts a    400mm
2 2
(c) Face width b  10m  10  5  50 mm
(d) Circular pitch p  πm    5  15.71 mm
(e) Tangential tooth load Ft  3581N
(f) For 14 1 tooth system, from T12.4, Page 230, addendum h a  1m  1 5  5mm
dedendum h f  1.157m  1.157  5  5.785 mm (where m  module  5 mm)
 Addendum diameter of pinion d a1  d 1  2ha  200  (2  5)  210mm
Addendum diameter of gear d a2  d 2  2ha  600  (2  5)  610mm
Dedendum diameter of pinion d f1  d 1  2h f  200  (2  5.785)  188.43mm
Dedendum diameter of gear d f2  d 2  2h f  600  (2  5.785)  588.43mm
Step 4 : Check for dynamic load:
K v(Cb  Ft )
(a) Dynamic load Fd  Ft  3  Eq12.12 Page 207
K 3v  Cb  Ft
where C  Dynamic load factor from T12.12 Page 236
Here v  12.57m/sec.FromTable 12.14 Page 237,
for v  12m/sec, tooth error e  0.033mm
for v  15m/sec, tooth error e  0.023mm
 By interpolat ion, for v  12.57 m/sec, e  0.0311
From T 12.12, page 236, for Steel & Steel combinatio n, 14.50 involute system
for e  0.01, C  110.3 N/mm
 for e  0.0311, C   0.0311  343.3N / mm (Linear variation)
K 3  20.67 (Always for SI system of units), Page 207
 20.67 12.57  (343.3  50)  3581) 
 Dynamic load Fd  3581   
 ( 20.67  12.57 )  (343.3  50)  3581) 
5390.2610 3
Fd  3581  16928 N


V=12 V=12.57 V=15

From similar tr iangles ABC & CDE, 
(15 - 12) (0.033 - 0.023)
i.e.   x  0.0019
(12.57 - 12) x
 For v  7.23 m/sec, tooth error e  (0.033 - 0.0019)  0.0311
(b) Check for wear load :
Fw  d1bQK  Eq12.15a Page 208
where d1  Pitch circle diameter of the gear  200 mm
2z 2 2 120
Q  Ratio factor    1.512.15c Page 208
z2  z1 120  40
 es 2 sin   1 1
Also K     12.15b Page 208
1.4  E1 E2 
where  es  surface endurance strength of gear pair
and  es  2.75( BHN )  7012.15 d page 208
350  300
where BHN  avearge value for pinion & gear   325
 es  2.75(325)  70  823.75Mpa, Pressure angle   14.50
b  Face width of gear  50 mm, E1  E2  207Gpa  207 103 N / mm 2
823.752 sin(14.5)  1 1 
Load stress factor K      1.173
1.4 10 3
 207 207 
 Wear load Fw  d 1bQK  200  50  1.5  1.173  17588N
As Fw  Fd , the design is safe.

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