Use of SCADA at Central Control Centre of Pakistan.: Group Members

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Use of SCADA at Central Control Centre

of Pakistan.
Group Members:
 Muhammad Ibrahim
 Bilal Ahmed Khattak
What is SCADA?
 The acronym SCADA stands for Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition.
 The primary purpose of SCADA is to monitor,
control and alarm plant or regional operating
systems from a central location.
 SCADA systems are combination of computers,
controllers, instruments; actuators, networks and
interfaces that manage the control of automated
and allow analysis of those system by data
collection and processing.
National Power Control Central (NPCC):
 National Power Control Center (NPCC) is part of National
Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) located in
Islamabad, Pakistan. It was established in 1990.
 NPCC is control center of NTDC and is responsible for
operation of generation and transmission system.
 NPCC is responsible for operation, monitoring of
generation , both primary and secondary transmission
system and coordination with all Power sector stake
holders ( i.e. NTDC head and field offices, DISCOs,
Objectives of NPCC SCADA System:
Functions NPCC SCADA System:
 Maintaining balance between Supply & Demand
 Frequency and voltage control
 Operational Control of Power Network
 Maintaining security & reliability of network
 Month-wise Energy Estimation
 Emergent shutdowns in case of abnormal
 Collection of system data and preparation of
NPCC Control Room:
SCADA Data acquisition System (NPCC)

 Data acquisition in SCADA used to access and control information

or data from the equipment being controlled and monitored.
 The data accessed are then forwarded onto at elementary system
ready for transfer to the different sites.
 They can be analog and digital information gathered by sensors,
such as flow meter, ammeter, etc.
 It can also be data to control equipment such as actuators, relays,
valves, motors, etc.
 SCADA computers at NPCC regularly monitor the complete status
of power system through Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), located at
each power system.
SCADA Communication Medias (NPCC)
 Communication
is of primary importance for a
SCADA system at NPCC.
 Poor
communication results in errors or lost
 A systemcannot function properly without reliable
and adequate communication channels.
 NPCC uses the various communication systems
media; ranging from satellite, to microwave, to
fiber optic, PTCL, Mobile and to cable TV circuits.
SCADA Communication Medias (NPCC)
Computer Systems Used By SCADA
 Two computer systems are used by National Power Control Centers.
 One is at NPCC Islamabad, which is used for NCC Islamabad and also for
Regional Control Center North.
 One Computer System is doing its operations at Regional Control Center
 Computers at NPCC/RCC are of 1980’s technology having primary memory of
4Mega Bytes and secondary memory (H.D) of 340 Mega Bytes. Both the systems
are linked via six channels through Wapda’s Analogue microwave system.
 Computer Systems are basically the hardware used at the control station
(room).Basically, it comprises of the personal computer (PC) complete with the
attached peripheral (connected) devices including the monitor, the printers, data
loggers & mimic panel (having lamp & analog outputs).
Stations Controlled and Monitored SCADA (NPCC):


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