Scada Lectuer Note1

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• 1. Introduction
• 2. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
• 3. SCADA applied to process control systems
Introduction to SCADA
• Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of hardware
components and software application programs used for process control and to
transfer data in real time from remote locations to control equipment and
• Applications of SCADA systems in power plants, telecommunications,
transportation, and water and waste control, and so on.
• SCADA hardware gathers and feeds data into a computer that has SCADA
software installed.
• The computer then processes this data according to customer specifications and
displays it on customized screens. These systems allow operators to control
equipment from a central location and provide warnings (graphically on screens
and with audible alarms) when conditions become hazardous.
The Four Generations of SCADA
• FirstArchitectures
Generation - Monolithic - The original SCADA system was created
during a time where networks did not exist. These first systems were not
designed to connect to other systems. Wide Area Networks (WANs)
communicated with remote terminal units (RTUs). Redundancy was achieved
by the connection of a back-up mainframe to all the RTUs.
• Second Generation - Distributed - The second generation of SCADA
was able to take advantage of LAN and were smaller and cheaper than
its predecessor. In almost real-time, information was shared across
stations that each had their own tasks. Distribution increased the
processing power and redundancy of the system.
• Third Generation - Networked - Communication over WANs and
utilizing PLCs for monitoring, this generation is much like the 2nd
generation. However, it is able to connect to the internet and third-
party peripherals.
• Fourth Generation - Internet of Things (IoT) - Combining SCADA with
the cloud, IoT provides SCADA systems with an alternative to PLCs and the
use of data modeling and complex algorithms.
• Apart of nearly every industry, SCADA is one of the vital technologies for
• Human errors are reduced and virtually eliminated. With the coming fourth
generation, the capacity to share massive amounts of data with wireless
technology is bringing new possibilities of cost reduction and reliability to

• There are three main elements to a SCADA system:

•  RTU's (Remote Telemetry Units),
•  Communications
•  HMI (Human Machine Interface).
• Each RTU collects information at a site, while communications bring
that information from the various plant or regional RTU sites to a
central location, and occasionally returns instructions to the RTU.
• Communication within a plant is conducted by data cable, wire or
fiber-optic,while regional systems most commonly utilize radio.
• The HMI is fundamentally a PC system running powerful graphic and
alarm software programs. The HMI displays this information in an
easy to understand graphics form archives the data received, transmit
alarms, and permits operator control as required.
• A SCADA network consists of one of more Master Terminal Units (MTUs),which are
utilized by operators to monitor and control a large number of Remote Terminal Units
• The MTU is often a computing platform, like a PC, which runs SCADA software. The
RTUs are generally small dedicated devices that are hardened for outdoor use and
industrial environments.
• A SCADA system usually includes signal hardware (input and output), controllers,
networks, user interface (HMI), communications equipment and software. All together,
the term SCADA refers to the entire central system.
The central system usually monitors data from various sensors that are either in close
proximity or off site (sometimes miles away).

A SCADA system performs four functions:

1. Data acquisition
2. Networked data communication
3. Data presentation
4. Control
• These functions are performed by several kinds of SCADA
• Sensors (either digital or analog) and control relays that directly interface
with the managed system.
• Remote telemetry units (RTUs): These are small-computerized units
deployed in the field at specific sites and locations. RTUs serve as local
collection points for gathering reports from sensors and delivering
commands to control relays.
• SCADA master units: These are larger computer consoles that serve as the
central processor for the SCADA system. Master units provide a human
interface to the system and automatically regulate the managed system in
response to sensor inputs.
• The communications network that connects the SCADA master unit to the
RTUs in the field monitor at your remote sites
Data Acquisition
• A real-life SCADA system needs to monitor hundreds or thousands of sensors. Some
sensors measure inputs into the system (for example, water flowing into a reservoir),
and some sensors measure outputs (like valve pressure as water is released from the
• Some of those sensors measure simple events that can be detected by a straightforward
on/off switch, called a discrete input (or digital input). Some sensors measure more
complex situations where exact measurement is important. These are analog sensors,
which can detect continuous changes in a voltage or current input. Analog sensors are
used to track fluid levels in tanks, voltage levels in batteries, temperature and other
factors that can be measured in a continuous range of input.
• For most analog factors, there is a normal range defined by a bottom and top level.
• For example, you may want the temperature in a server room to stay between 60 and
85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature goes above or below this range, it will
trigger a threshold alarm. In more advanced systems, there are four threshold alarms
for analog sensors, defining Major Under, Minor Under, Minor Over and Major
Over alarms.
Data Communication
• In our simple model of the widget fabricator, the “ network ” is just the
wire leading from the switch to the panel light. In real life, you want to be
able to monitor multiple systems from a central location, so you need a
communications network to transport all the data collected from your
• Early SCADA networks communicated over radio, modem or dedicated
serial lines. Today the trend is to put SCADA data on Ethernet and IP over
SONET. For security reasons, SCADA data should be kept on closed
LAN/WANs without exposing sensitive data to the open Internet.
• Real SCADA systems don’t communicate with just simple electrical
signals either.
• SCADA data is encoded in protocol format. Older SCADA systems
depended on closed proprietary protocols, but today the trend is to
open, standard protocols and protocol mediation.
• Sensors and control relays are very simple electric devices that can’t
generate or interpret protocol communication on their own. Therefore
the remote telemetry unit (RTU) is needed to provide an interface
between the sensors and the SCADA network.
• The RTU encodes sensor inputs into protocol format and forwards
them to the SCADA master; in turn, the RTU receives control
commands in protocol format from the master and transmits electrical
signals to the appropriate control relays.
Data Presentation
• The only display element in our model SCADA system is the light that comes on
when the switch is activated. This obviously won’t do on a large scale — you
can’t track a lightboard of a thousand separate lights, and you don’t want to pay
someone simply to watch a lightboard, either.
• A real SCADA system reports to human operators over a specialized computer
that is variously called a master station, an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) or
an HCI (Human-Computer Interface).
• The SCADA master station has several different functions. The master
continuously monitors all sensors and alerts the operator when there is an “alarm”
—that is, when a control factor is operating outside what is defined as its normal
operation. The master presents a comprehensive view of the entire managed
system,and presents more detail in response to user requests. The master also
performs data processing on information gathered from sensors — it maintains
report logs and summarizes historical trends.
• Unfortunately, our miniature SCADA system monitoring the widget
fabricator doesn’t include any control elements. So let’s add one. Let’s
say the human operator also has a button on his control panel.
• When he presses the button, it activates a switch on the widget
fabricator that brings more widget parts into the fabricator.
• Now let’s add the full computerized control of a SCADA master unit
that controls the entire factory.
• You now have a control system that responds to inputs elsewhere in
the system.
• If the machines that make widget parts break down, you can slow
down or stop the widget fabricator. If the part fabricators are running
efficiently, you can speed up the widget fabricator.
• If you have a sufficiently sophisticated master unit, these controls can run
completely automatically, without the need for human intervention.
• Of course, you can still manually override the automatic controls from the
master station.
• In real life, SCADA systems automatically regulate all kinds of industrial
• For example, if too much pressure is building up in a gas pipeline, the
SCADA system can automatically open a release valve.
• Electricity production can be adjusted to meet demands on the power grid.
• Even these real-world examples are simplified; a full-scale SCADA system
can adjust the managed system in response to multiple inputs.
• Typically, SCADA systems are used to automate complex industrial processes
where human control is impractical. Around the world, SCADA systems
controls are used in the following industries: .
• Manufacturing: SCADA systems manage parts inventories for JIT
manufacturing,regulate industrial automation and robots, and monitor process
and quality control.
• Buildings, facilities and environments: Facility managers use SCADA to
control HVAC,refrigeration units, lighting and entry systems.
• Electric power generation, transmission and distribution: Electric utilities use
SCADA systems to detect current flow and line voltage, to monitor the
operation of circuit breakers, and to take sections of the power grid online or
• Water and sewage: State and municipal water utilities use SCADA to monitor
and regulate water flow, reservoir levels, and pipe pressure.
• Mass transit: Transit authorities use SCADA to regulate electricity to
subways, trams and trolley buses; to automate traffic signals for rail
systems; to track and locate trains and buses; and to control railroad-
crossing gates.
• Traffic signals: SCADA regulates traffic lights, controls traffic flow and
detects out-of-order signals.

• The main difference between DCS and SCADA is data-gathering

oriented, while DCS is process orientated. DCS places a greater
emphasis on process control and includes a supervisory control level.
It also delivers the information to the operator as part of this process.
SCADA, on the other hand, focuses on gathering process data and
presenting it to the users and control center.

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