Ms Hira Ijaz (Mphil Pharmacognosy)

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Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 1

 It's the second largest and most important organs in your
  Due to its complexity hepatic diseases are widespread
effects virtually all other organ systems.
 The liver is a gland and plays a major role in
metabolism with numerous functions in the human
body, including regulation of glycogen storage,
decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein
synthesis, hormone production, and detoxification.
It is accessory digestive gland and produces bile,
an alkaline compound which aids in digestion via
the emulsification of lipids.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 2

What is hepatitis?
 Hepatitis means injury to the liver with
inflammation of the hepatocytes, caused
by a virus or toxin and is characterized by
jaundice, liver enlargement and fever.
There are five main types of hepatitis.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 3

Types of Hepatitis
There are five types of hepatitis





Hepatitis that cannot be attributed to one of

the viral forms of the disease is called
hepatitis X
Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 4
Hepatitis A
 Cause:
Hepatitis A is caused by the
hepatitis A virus. (HAV)
 Spreading:
The virus is primarily
spread when an uninfected
(and unvaccinated) person
ingests food or water that is
contaminated with the faeces of
an infected person.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 5


 The hepatitis A virus is transmitted

primarily by the faecal-oral route
 When an uninfected person ingests food or
water that has been contaminated with the
faeces of an infected person.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 6


Symptoms of hepatitis A range from mild to

severe, and can include
Loss of appetite,
Abdominal discomfort,
Dark-colored urine and jaundice
(a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).
Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 7

 Cases of hepatitis A are not clinically

distinguishable from other types of
acute viral hepatitis.
 Specific diagnosis is made by the
detection of HAV-specific IgM and IgG
antibodies in the blood.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 8

Hepatitis B

 Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening

liver infection caused by the hepatitis B
 It is a major global health problem.
 It can cause chronic infection and puts
people at high risk of death from cirrhosis
and liver cancer
Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 9

 Horizontal transmission (exposure to infected

 Hepatitis B is also spread by per-cutaneous or
mucosal exposure to infected blood
 Through various body fluids,through saliva,
menstrual,vaginal and seminal fluids.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 10


 Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice),

 Dark urine
 Extreme fatigue
 Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
 Chronic liver infection
 Cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer
Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 11

 Laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis B

infection focuses on the detection of the
hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 12

Hepatitis C

 Cause: single strand RNA virus (HCV)

 Route of transmisson: Through blood and
sharing needles with the infected person.
 Spreading: Receive blood from donor
having disease. Long term kidney dialysis.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 13

PCR assay for HCV

 Jaundice
 Stomach pain
 Nausea
 Fatigue

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 14

Hepatitis D

 Cause: Circular defective single strand

RNA virus (HDV), also called DELTA
hepatitis virus.

 Route of Spreading: Parental

 Transmisson: Blood transfusion, vaginal

fluid, semen.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 15

 Yellowing of skin
 Dark urine
 Fatigue
Diagnosis: Detection of Ig-M and Ig-G antibodies.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 16

Hepatitis E

 Cause: Single strand RNA virus (HEV).

 Route of transmisson: Fecal-oral route.

 Spreading: By drinking contaminated

water with fecal matter.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 17

 NOTE: SELF LIMITING infection resolve in 5-6
 Symptoms: As it is self resolving so no such
symptoms appears untill it is CHRONIC.
Diagnosis: PCR assay for HEV .

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 18


 Improved sanitation, food safety. 

 Proper disposal of sewage within
 Personal hygiene
 hand-washing with safe water.
 Screening of blood prior to transfusion,
abstaining from the use of injection drugs,
safe needle .

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 19

Natural Medicines

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 20

Natural Medicines & Hepatitis

 1. Berberis vulgaris
 2. Picrorhiza kurroa
 3. Lawsania inermis

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 21

1. Berberis vulgaris:

Common barberry
European barberry
Jaundice berry


Part Used
Whole plant

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 22

The chief constituents are berberine, bitter alkolaiod,
 other alkaloids are
Berbamine, Hydroxycanthine , and Resins and tannins etc

Medicinal Action and Uses---

 Tonic,
 Purgative
 Anti viral
 Anti Bacterial.
 It is used in all cases of jaundice (Hepatoprotective)
 Anti -pyretric
 Cough suppressant

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 23

Mechanism :
Ethanolic extract of berberine inhibits HCV replication

Adverse Effects
Hypersensitivity reactions ( burning, itching, redness)

It should not be used in pregnancy as berberine stimulates uterine 

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 24

2. Picrorhiza kurroa
Common name
Kutki or Katuki
Parts used
Roots and rhizomes.
Constituents :
 Main chemical constituents are glycosides
picroside I, II and III, picrorhizin and kutkoside

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 25

1. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in
2. It is useful in curing fever and stomach
3. It shows hepatoprotective properties and
protects liver against toxins.
4. It shows antioxidant activity.
5. It is used to lowers the high cholesterol level.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 26

 Mechanism Of Action

The hepatoprotective action of Picrorhiza kurroa

is not fully understood but may be attributed to
Picrorhiza’s ability to inhibit the generation of
oxygen anions and to scavenge free radicals.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 27

Adverse Effects
Prolong use can cause vomiting, rash, anorexia, diarrhea,
and itching. It might cause the immune system become
more active that could increase the symptoms of
autoimmune diseases.


if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 28

3. Lawsonia inermis
Hina, Henna,Mehndi
Part Used:
Whole plant
Lawsone(2-Hydroxy-1, 4-napthoquinone) is the
principle natural dye contained at 1.0-1 .4 % in the leaves
of Henna.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 29

 Lawsone(2-Hydroxy-1, 4- napthoquinone) is
the principle natural dye in the leaves of
 Flavonoids
 Coumarins
 Sterols
 Tannins
 Glucose, mannitol, fat, resin and mucilage.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 30

 Uses:

1. Lawsonia inermis is useful against heat stroke and used

against a headache.
2. Henna bark and root are used for the treatment of liver
enlargement and jaundice.
3. It acts against hair loss and strengthens hair.
Hence, henna is used as a naural agent for baldness.
4. People suffering from fever or high-temperature use as a
home remedy for the treatment..
5. It is used for treatment of arthritis. Massage of Lawsonia
inermis oil for a month can give relief.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 31

Mechanism Of Action:
Hepatoprotective effect is due to the
presence of polyphenols and gallic acid
which are potent free radical scavenging
agents and antioxidants.

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 32

Adverse Effect:
Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis).
Rarely, allergic reactions can occur such
as hives, runny nose, wheezing, and

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 33

 It’s UNSAFE to take henna by mouth if you
are pregnant can lead to miscarriage.
 It’s alsoUNSAFE to take henna if you are

Ms Hira Ijaz ( Mphil Pharmacognosy) 34

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