Questionnaire Design

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Questionnaire Design
What Is A Questionnaire?
A tool for collecting information
to describe, compare, or explain
an event or situation, as well as,
knowledge, attitudes, behaviors,
and/or sociodemographic
characteristics on a particular
target group.
Questionnaire General Format

• Self-administered (by mail or

personal contact)
• In person (face-to-face)
• Telephone interviews
Types of questionnaire


Postal Electronic
No method consistently outperforms others
The Questions or Items
• Are the focus on any survey or
• It is crucial to know how to ask
the questions in written and
spoken form
• The way you ask the questions
determines the answers
Quality aims in survey research
Goal is to collect information that is:
• Valid: measures the quantity or concept that is supposed to
be measured
• Reliable: measures the quantity or concept in a consistent
or reproducible manner
• Unbiased: measures the quantity or concept in a way that
does not systematically under- or overestimate the true
• Discriminating: can distinguish adequately between
respondents for whom the underlying level of the quantity
or concept is different

Steps to design a questionnaire:
1. Write out the primary and secondary aims of your
2. Write out concepts/information to be collected that
relates to these aims.
3. Review the current literature to identify already
validated questionnaires that measure your specific
area of interest.
4. Compose a draft of your questionnaire.
5. Revise the draft.
6. Assemble the final questionnaire.
Question types
• Open / closed
• Single / multiple
• Attitudinal / opinion
• Filtering / routing
Questions Format
• Open questions - more
information but difficult to
codify, enter, and analyze
• Closed questions - less
information but easy to
codify, enter, and analyze
An effective questionnaire…
Asks relevant questions Question
• Questions that will provide the answers to the n1

research topic in question 2


Gets valid responses
• Responses given reflect the respondent’s actual

Gets a representative response report
• Makes it more reliable to infer the findings to
wider population
How to make the Questionnaire
More Effective
• Ask purposeful questions
• Ask concrete questions
• Use time periods based on
importance of the questions
• Use conventional language
• Use complete sentences
• Avoid abbreviations
• Review questions with
experts and potential
• Use shorter questions
• Avoid two-edged questions
• Avoid negative questions
• Adopt/adapt questions used
successfully in other
Ordering your questionnaire
• Place easy, non-challenging questions first
• Key filter questions should go in early.
• Use a funnel structure
– Go from basic to more in depth.
– General questions before specific questions.
– Go from the least sensitive to the most sensitive
– But – try and put important questions in before the
Ordering your questions
• Ask for suggestions for improvement at the
• Check for leading questions.
• Add prompts where required.
• Order of questions can impact heavily on the
amount of time it takes for the respondent to
complete the questionnaire.

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