Differentiation and Stationary Points

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AS-Level Maths:

Core 2
for Edexcel

C2.7 Differentiation

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Increasing and decreasing functions

Increasing and decreasing functions


Stationary points
Second order derivatives
Optimization problems
Examination-style questions

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Increasing and decreasing functions

Look at how the value of the gradient changes as we move

along this curve.

At any given point the function is either increasing, decreasing

or stationary.

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Increasing and decreasing functions

A function is said to be increasing when its gradient is positive.

So: A function y = f(x) is increasing if  0.
A function is said to be decreasing when its gradient is
So: A function y = f(x) is decreasing if  0.

Is the function f(x) = x3 – 6x2 + 2 increasing

or decreasing at the point where x = 3?
f ′(x) = 3x2 – 12x
f ′(3) = 27 – 36 = –9
The gradient is negative, so the function is decreasing.
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Increasing and decreasing functions

Suppose we want to know the range of values over which a

function is increasing or decreasing. For example:
Find the range of values of x for which the
function f(x) = x3 – 6x2 + 2 is decreasing.

f ′(x) = 3x2 – 12x

f(x) is decreasing when f ′(x) < 0.
That is, when 3x2 – 12x < 0
x2 – 4x < 0
x(x – 4) < 0
We can sketch the graph of y = x(x – 4) to find the range for
which this inequality is true.

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Increasing and decreasing functions

The coefficient of x2 > 0 and so the graph will be -shaped.

Also, the roots of y = x(x – 4) are x = 0 and x = 4.

This is enough information to sketch the graph.

y The inequality
x(x – 4) < 0
(0, 0) (4, 0)
is true for the parts of the
0 x curve that lie below the
So 0 < x < 4.

f(x) = x3 – 6x2 + 2 therefore decreases for 0 < x < 4

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Stationary points

Increasing and decreasing functions


Stationary points
Second order derivatives
Optimization problems
Examination-style questions

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Stationary points

A stationary point occurs when the gradient of a curve is 0.

A stationary point can be:

a maximum point a minimum point

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Stationary points

Maximum and minimum stationary points are often called

turning points because the curve turns as its gradient
changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive.
A stationary point can also be a point of inflection.

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Finding stationary points

We can find the coordinates of the stationary point on a

given curve by solving = 0. For example:
Find the coordinates of the stationary points
on the curve with equation y = x3 – 12x + 7.
= 3 x 2  12
= 0 when 3x2 – 12 = 0
x2 – 4 = 0
(x – 2)(x + 2) = 0
x = 2 or x = –2
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Finding stationary points

Substituting x = 2 into y = x3 – 12x + 7 gives

y = 23 – 12(2) + 7
= 8 – 24 + 7
= –9
So one of the stationary points has the coordinates (2, –9).
Substituting x = –2 into y = x3 – 12x + 7 gives
y = (–2)3 – 12(–2) + 7
= –8 + 24 + 7
= 23
So the other stationary point has the coordinates (–2, 23).

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Deciding the nature of a stationary point

We can decide whether a stationary point is a maximum, a

minimum or a point of inflection by working out whether the
function is increasing or decreasing just before and just
after the stationary point.
We have shown that the point (2, –9) is a stationary point
on the curve y = x3 – 12x + 7.
Let’s see what happens when x is 1.9, 2 and 2.1.

Value of x 1.9 2 2.1

Value of = 3 x 2
 12 –1.17 0 1.23
–ive 0 +ive

So (2, –9) is a minimum turning point.

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Deciding the nature of a stationary point

Using this method for the other stationary point (–2, 23) on
the curve y = x3 – 12x + 7.
Value of x –2.1 –2 –1.9
Value of = 3 x 2  12 1.23 0 –1.17
+ive –ive
Slope 0

So (–2, 23) is a maximum turning point.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the behaviour of
more unusual functions can change quite dramatically on either
side of the turning point.
It is also time consuming and involves several calculations.

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Second order derivatives

Increasing and decreasing functions


Stationary points
Second order derivatives
Optimization problems
Examination-style questions

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Using second order derivatives

Differentiating a function y = f(x) gives us the derivative

or f ′(x)
Differentiating the function a second time give us the second
order derivative. This can be written as
2 or f ′′(x)
The second order derivative gives us the rate of change of the
gradient of a function.
We can think of it as the gradient of the gradient.
The second order derivative can often be used to decide
whether a stationary point is a maximum point or a minimum

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Using second order derivatives

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Using second order derivatives

If 2
 0 at a stationary point, the point is a maximum.

If 2
 0 at a stationary point, the point is a minimum.

If 2
= 0 at a stationary point then the point could be a
maximum, a minimum or a point of inflection.

In this case we would have to use the method of looking at

the sign of the derivative at either side of the stationary point
to decide its nature.

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Using second order derivatives

Examination-style question: Given that y = x3 – 6x2 – 15x

dy d2y
a) Find and 2
dx dx
b) Find the coordinates of any stationary points on the
curve and determine their nature.
c) Sketch the curve.

a) = 3x 212x 15
= 6x 12

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Using second order derivatives
b) The stationary points occur when = 0.
3 x 2  12 x  15 = 0
x2  4 x  5 = 0
( x +1)( x  5) = 0
x = –1 or x = 5
When x = –1 y = (–1)3 – 6(–1)2 – 15(–1)
= –1 – 6 + 15
= 6( 1)  12
= 18
 (–1, 8) is a maximum
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Using second order derivatives

When x = 5 y = (5)3 – 6(5)2 – 15(5)

= 125 – 150 – 75
= –100
= 6(5)  12
= 18
 (5, –100) is a minimum
c) Sketching the curve:
(–1, 8)
0 x

(5, –100)
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Optimization problems

Increasing and decreasing functions


Stationary points
Second order derivatives
Optimization problems
Examination-style questions

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Optimization problems

A very useful application of differentiation is in finding the

solution to optimization problems. For example:
A farmer has 60 m of fencing with which to construct a
rectangular enclosure against an existing wall. Find the
dimensions of the largest possible enclosure.

If l is the length of the enclosure

and w is the width, we can write
2w + l = 60
l = 60 – 2w
The area A of the enclosure is:
A = wl
= w(60 – 2w)
= 60w – 2w2
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Optimization problems

Look at how the value of w affects the area of the enclosure.

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Optimization problems

To find the maximum area we differentiate A = 60w – 2w2

with respect to w.
= 60  4 w
= 0 when 60  4 w = 0
4w = 60
w = 15
The maximum area is therefore achieved when the width of
the enclosure is 15 m.
The dimensions of the enclosure in this case are 15 m by 30 m
and the area is 450 m2.

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Examination-style questions

Increasing and decreasing functions


Stationary points
Second order derivatives
Optimization problems
Examination-style questions

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Examination-style question

Given that y = x3 – 6x2 – 15x

dy d2y
a) Find and 2
dx dx
b) Find the coordinates of any stationary points on the
curve and determine their nature.
c) Sketch the curve.

a) = 3x 212x 15
= 6x 12

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Examination-style question
b) The stationary points occur when = 0.
3 x 2  12 x  15 = 0
x2  4 x  5 = 0
( x +1)( x  5) = 0
x = –1 or x = 5
When x = –1 y = (–1)3 – 6(–1)2 – 15(–1)
= –1 – 6 + 15
= 6( 1)  12
= 18
 (–1, 8) is a maximum
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Examination-style question

When x = 5 y = (5)3 – 6(5)2 – 15(5)

= 125 – 150 – 75
= –100
= 6(5)  12
= 18
 (5, –100) is a minimum
c) Sketching the curve:
(–1, 8)
0 x

(5, –100)
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