9 Biggest Social Justice Issues of 2020: Presented by

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9 Biggest Social

Justice Issues of
Presented by:

With 2020 more than halfway over,

there are countless challenges that social
workers are currently facing. For many, it
might feel like there are still more concerns to
come. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered
a historic economic downturn leaving millions
unemployed, and Black Lives Matter protests
have reignited discussions about systemic
racism, inequality as well as police reform. In
addition to the topics that dominate the
headlines, long-term issues such as food
insecurity and climate justice are still ongoing.
The list of social issues around the globe in
2020 can seem overwhelming.
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Voting Rights
Voting Rights:
Exercising the right to vote is one of the
social justice issues prioritized by
the National Association of Social
Workers. NASW’s goal is twofold:
encourage those who can vote to
exercise their right and work to
eliminate barriers to participation.
As the 2020 presidential election
approaches, NASW is hosting
webinars on engaging millennials
to vote and on understanding the
barriers that can hold back low-
income individuals, college
students, senior citizens, minorities
and many others. These obstacles
can include difficult voter
registration, shortened early voting
windows and stricter identification
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Climate Justice
Climate Justice:
On the list of social work’s Great
Challenges, it might be surprising to
see “strengthen social responses to
environmental changes.” The effects
of climate change can be seen all over
the news from wildfires in Australia to
record-breaking temps in the Arctic
(one recent paper found that polar
bears could be nearly extinct by the
end of this century)3. This might seem
like a problem for scientists, not social
workers, but climate change can put a
strain on resources and impact the
wellbeing of entire communities. In
reality, addressing climate justice can
positively affect many of the other
issues on this list, and social workers
have the network and skills to
mobilize and educate others on its
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Social work and healthcare are intrinsically tied
together. There are a number of challenges
when it comes to receiving quality
healthcare, particularly in the U.S. Despite
the passage of the Affordable Care Act in
2010, gaps in coverage remain, particularly
with mental health resources. The U.S.
spends more on healthcare for individuals
than any other country, but that increase in
expenditure has not translated to higher life
expectancies for Americans.5 Social workers
offer support to individuals, groups and
entire communities, so it matters whether
one person is struggling or whether an entire
community is struggling to find the care they
need.6 This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has
shown just how vital access to healthcare
really is as many communities struggle to
access tests, treatment and mental health
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Refugee Crisis
Refugee Crisis
It dominated headlines in 2019, and it still
remains a critical issue for those directly
impacted. According to the United Nations,
more people than ever before live in a
different country than the one where they
were born. Roughly 70.8 million people
have been forced from their homes. Nearly
30 million of them are refugees, and more
than half of the globe’s refugees are under
18 years old. This displaced population
faces the challenges of accessing
education, healthcare, job opportunities
and other resources. Whether it’s escaping
conflict in their home country or a natural
disaster, refugees need additional support
dealing with the logistical, mental and
emotional burdens of their situation—
support that social workers are uniquely
adept at providing.7
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Racial Injustice
Racial Injustice
Racism has a long history in the United States,
and its impact can be found in every facet
of education, business, media and day-to-
day life. After the killing of George Floyd in
Minnesota and several other high-profile
police shootings, Black Lives Matter
protests took place across the country and
have continued as activists demand
substantial change. Many social workers
are all too aware of the devastating and
long-term consequences of racial injustice
on the mental and physical health of
individuals, and more recently, the NASW
has vocalized its support for federal
legislation that would enact police reform
and address systemic racism within the
criminal justice system.
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Income Gap
Income Gap

A recent federal report found that in 2018,

America’s income gap was the largest it’s
ever been in 50 years.9Following the
COVID-19 pandemic, that divide will most
likely be much bigger. Social workers play a
critical role in assisting those struggling.
Also, pay disparities can be a factor at play,
based on both race, gender and sexuality.
Even in the field of social work, the gender
pay gap exists, where there is a significant
difference in how men and women are
compensated for the same work.
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

Gun Violence
Gun Violence
Many medical professionals consider gun
violence to be a public health crisis, but its
impact can be felt across health and
human services fields. From homicides to
mass shootings to suicides, gun violence is
a particularly troubling problem in the U.S.,
where homicides tied to firearms is the
highest among developed
nations.11However, the impact of gun
violence goes beyond those who have been
killed. Those who have been injured,
witnessed gun violence or lost someone
also suffer long-term effects, both mentally
and physically.
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020
Hunger and food

08 insecurity
Hunger and food insecurity

Even before the pandemic, Feeding Africa

found that 37 million regularly face hunger
in Africa, and 38 million live in poverty12.
Food insecurity remains a stubborn issue
to solve, so as unemployment rises and
many schools remain closed, accessing
food through food banks and free school
lunches will become more difficult. It’s also
one that will continue to gain attention as
more Gen Zers become old enough to vote.
One notable survey found that Gen Z
believes poverty and hunger are essential
matters to address, while older generations
rate it lower on a social issues list.
9 Biggest Social Justice
Issues of 2020

It’s something stated in NASW’s Code of Ethics,
but ensuring equality is an essential part of
a social worker’s role. It’s an issue that
pervades nearly all of the issues already
presented—whether it’s related to finances
or access to resources. It’s also become
painfully more relevant as the COVID-19
pandemic impacts marginalized
communities at higher rates both
economically and medically Obtaining
equality in America is a big picture issue
that social workers have been and will
continue to be dedicated to addressing.
“If you tremble with indignation at every
injustice then you are a comrade of mine.” 

― Ernesto Che Guevara












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