The Tomcat Servlet Container

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The Tomcat Servlet Container

About Tomcat
• A “servlet container” is like a mini server, but only for
serving html, jsp and servlets.
• Many servlet containers could be used for this course.
Some may even be easier to configure than tomcat, but
tomcat provides an easy-to-use
development/deployment tool and also complies with the
servlet specification best of all containers.
• Tomcat is from Apache and is open-source.
• Tomcat can be used as a stand-alone servlet container.
• You can install the Apache server with Tomcat, and then
proceed to configure each for their individual purposes.
(The server would relay servlet requests to Tomcat.)
About these notes
• Two texts & many of my own examples
were used to compile servlet notes.
• The texts referenced are Jason Hunter’s
Servlet book and Core Servlets Vol 1 by
Hall & Brown. Both excellent books.
Asides: XML
• XML stands for eXtensible-markup-language and is a
• Unlike older HTML, XML can be validated.
• XHTML, for example, is HTML that is XML compliant.
• XML is widely used in internet programming. Some
technologies - like SOAP - are based on XML.
• Many files on Tomcat are XML.
• In the past I’ve taught XML as a full component of this
course. I am not doing that this semester. There are
websites with tutorials. I have links to a whole text of xml
content at
More Asides
• Case sensitivity
– Java, C, C++ and Ruby are all case-sensitive
– At times my notes and ppts will be sloppy and
incorrectly show case, but in your work you
can’t be sloppy.
• JAR files, classpath, batch files,
environment variables, even WAR files:
We are likely to use all of these.
Download tomcat at http://

• Apache recommends downloading the newest

version, although the core servlets text was
written with Tomcat 5.
• Download the appropriate zip and extract the
files to a directory named, for example, jakarta-
tomcat-5.0.28 (or whatever the version is)
• The Core Servlets text maintains a site with tips
for configuring different versions of Tomcat at This site has a
preconfigured version of Tomcat which I used.
Servlets API
• Links to servlet API are on the text’s web site
• You should bookmark the servlet API for
reference purposes:
• The servlet class files also need to be on your
classpath. These are part of java EE but not part
of java SE. I downloaded them and put mine in a
c:\servlets directory. You may instead include
the jar file “copy” from the server’s library on
your classpath. This would be something like
Classpaths & Environment
• Classpaths are where the java compiler looks to find classes needed to
perform compilation.
• On your machine, to successfully compile java servlets, packages, and so
on, you will have to create an autoexec file to set classpaths, use a special
batch file for compilation, or edit the classpath environment variables.
• The classpath setting may need editing whenever you create a package
with new classes in it, but should be ok otherwise. Text site has some
suggestions of what it should look like. Mine is:
• Add ;newdir to the end of this when you add a new classpath.
• You may need to define environment variable CATALINA_HOME. Got to
control panel and select system, then select advanced and then
environment variables.
• Select new (or edit) and add these (one at a time) along with their paths.
• For CATALINA_HOME, point to the jakarta-tomcat-v# directory.
• For JAVA_HOME point to the jdk directory
• This directory came in a pre-configured
tomcat version on the Core Servlets
book’s site which I installed. It unzipped
into the tomcat directory but I moved it up
to c:
Test tomcat installation
• Startup tomcat (click the bat file in tomcat/bin) and open
http://localhost in a browser window. Some tomcat stuff should
display. If you don’t see this there could be many reasons. Probably
Tomcat is not configured properly, but you might try
http:/localhost:8080 because some versions of Tomcat are
preconfigured to listen at port 8080. (This feature can be modified
by editing the conf/server.xml file.)
• Shutdown tomcat by clicking the shutdown.bat file.
• (If your installation has a control panel then use the
startup/shutdown buttons provided).
• BTW: you’ll need to shutdown/startup to get tomcat to recognize an
edited/recompiled classfile unless you edit the server.xml file and
<DefaultContext reloadable=“true” />
to the Service element of this file.
Testing it
• Download or copy the (It
is in the servlets+jsp directory also.)
• Compile it. Getting the compile to work
will reveal problems with your classpath
• Drop the class file into c:/your-tomcat-
directory… note imports
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String docType =
out.println(docType +
"<HTML>\n" +
"<HEAD><TITLE>Hello</TITLE></HEAD>\n" +
"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\">\n" +
"<H1>Hello from Higgins in the world of servlets</H1>\n" +
Test the hello servlet. You may edit
it first a servlet in a
package to test
package coreservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class HelloServlet2 extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String docType =
out.println(docType +
"<HTML>\n" +
"<HEAD><TITLE>Hello (2)</TITLE></HEAD>\n" +
"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\">\n" +
"<H1>Hello (2)</H1>\n" +
A servlet using a package of utilities to test: minus imports
public class HelloServlet3 extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String title = "Hello (3)";
out.println(ServletUtilities.headWithTitle(title) +
"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\">\n" +
"<H1>" + title + "</H1>\n" +
Hello3 servlet uses a utility class in
the same package
Apache Tomcat Native Library
• You may get an error that the APR is
missing. Tomcat will run ok without it.
• To eliminate this warning, you need to get
a dll file for the appropriate tomcat version
(mine wanted tcnative.dll v1.8) and put it
into C:/your-tomcat/bin and make sure
this dir is on the path settings to get rid of
the error. More suggestions are at:
Remarks on Tomcat5.5
• Does not require editing classpath or
definition of JAVA_HOME or
• Has windows installer download
• Has GUI interface for startup/shutdown
• The new version
of tomcat (5.5)
seems to install
itself ok and
comes with a
GUI for
startup and
• Under the jakarta directory is jakarta-
tomcat-v.?.? And under that is webapps.
In this directory appears ROOT. The
servlets deployed in ROOT are recognized
by the server without further path
• I will often deploy my servlets elsewhere.
Servlet directory structures
• In the webapps directory of jakarta/tomcat
create a directory for your work, let’s say you call
it MyStuff
• Create 2 directories, servlets and web-inf under
• In servlets, you will put all your servlet.html files.
• In web-inf you will place web.xml (your servlet
information file) and a directory called classes,
where you’ll place the servlet.class files.
Directory Structure


ROOT myexamples Other directories

Servlets- put html in here



Class- put the .class files in here

• I’ve given you a model of your web.xml
showing how to place servlet information
in the xml file, and also how to “grow” the
file as you complete more servlets.
<web-app xmlns=""

<!-- General description of your Web application -->

Java How to Program JSP
and Servlet Chapter Examples

This is the Web application in which we
demonstrate our JSP and Servlet examples.
web.xml- con’t
<!-- Servlet definitions -->

A simple servlet that handles an HTTP get request.

web.xml- con’t
A simple servlet that handles an HTTP get request with data.

<!-- Servlet mappings -->
• You’ll have to watch the blackscreen
associated with your server session for
errors on startup or reloads. If these occur
you may have to fix them before your
servlets can be accessed.

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