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What is Atomic mass?

It expresses the mass or weight of an individual atom which is

round off to the nearest tenths.
ex: Atomic mass of Na = 22.9 amu

What is Molar Mass ( Molecular mass or Molecular weight )?

It is the sum of the masses of the atoms that make up the
formula unit or molecule of a substance.

What are the steps in calculating the Molar mass?

1. Get the correct formula of the compound
2. Indicate the atomic mass of each element
3. Multiply it by its subscript
4. Get the sum of all the atomic mass in grams of the individual
atoms in the compound
Find the Molar mass of the following substance.

a) NaCl b) Fe2O3 c) (NH4)3PO4 d) Al2(SO4)3 e )CuSO4.5H20

a) NaCl a.w no.atom Total mass of each element

35.4 x 1 = 35.4
22.9 x 1 = 22.9

59.3 amu or g/mole

b) Fe2O3

15.9 ( 3 ) = 47.8
55.8 ( 2 ) = 111.6

159.4 amu
c) (NH4)3 PO4 d) Al2(SO4)3
16 ( 12 )=192
16 ( 4) = 64
32 ( 3 )= 96
31 ( 1 ) = 31
1 (12 ) = 12 27 ( 2 )= 54
14 ( 3 ) = 42
342 amu
149 amu

e) CuSO4. 5 H2O
16 ( 5 ) = 80
1 (10 ) = 10
16 ( 4 ) = 64
32 ( 1 ) = 32
64 ( 1 ) = 64

250 amu or
Find the molar mass of the following substances.
1. Sucrose ( C12H22O11 )
2. Ethanol ( C2H5OH )
3. Oxygen Gas
4. Ca ( NO3)2
5. Zn(OH)2
6. Fe2(C2O4)3
7. Br2
8. AgI
What is Percentage Composition?
The percentage composition of a compound gives the percent
mass of each element in the compound.

How do we Obtained the Percentage Composition of a

The percent by mass of each element in a compound can be
obtained by dividing the mass of the element in one mole of the
compound by the mass of one mole of the compound and multiplying
the quotient by 100%

% by Mass of Mass of the element

an element = X 100
Mass of the compound
Steps in Finding the Percentage Composition
1. Find the formula mass of the compound
2. Get the percent of each element by dividing it with the total
formula mass.
3. Add the percent of all the elements in the compound to get
the percentage composition

Atomic mass of element x 100

1. % Composition =
Molecular mass or Formula mass

only the formula of the compound is given

Amount of component
x 100
2. % Composition =
Total amount of all components
there are amounts of substance given
Determine the percentage composition of the compounds

a) Fe2O3

15.9 ( 3 ) = 47.8
55.8 ( 2 ) = 111.6

159.4 amu

%O = 47.8 / 159.4 x 100 = 29.99

% Fe = 111.6/ 159.4 x 100 = 70.01

100 %

b) NaCl
35.4 ( 1 ) = 35. 4 35.4 / 58.3 x 100 = 60.72
22.9 ( 1 ) = 22. 9 22.9 / 58.3 x 100 = 39.28

58. 3 100 %

1. Calculate the % composition of the following : a) H20 b)

Ca( OH )2 c) ( NH4)2 C2O4

2. An 8.20 gram of Mg combines completely w/ 5.40 g of oxygen to form

a compound. What is the % percentage composition of the
3. 0.545 g Al burns completely in oxygen producing 1.030 g of
aluminum oxide. What is the percentage of aluminum & oxygen in
metal oxide.
4. Sulfur makes up 26.7% of the mass of sodium bisulfate, NaHSO4. Find
the mass of S in 80 g of NaHSO4.
5. Calculate the mass of C & H present in 120 grams of propane, C3H8?
6. How many grams of salt, NaCl , will furnish 50 grams of Sodium?
7. How many grams of C, H, OI are present in ½ kg of sugar, C12H22O11
8. What mass of mercuric oxide, HgO , will give 20 grams of Oxygen?
9. 95.46 g of iron combines completely w/ 54.54 g of sulfur to form a
Moles, Molecules, Formula Units and Atoms

What is a mole?
It is the amount of substance that has the same number of
particles ( molecules, formula units, or atoms) as there are atoms
in 12 grams of C -12. . The no. of particles in 1 mole of any
substance is given by Avogdro’s no. named after Italian scientist
Amadeo Avogadro.

6.022 x 10 23 particles/ mole

For any molecular compound or diatomic element

1 mole = 6.022 x 10 23 molecule = M.W ( in grams)

For ionic compound

1 mole = 6.022 x 10 23 formula units = M.W ( in grams)

For any mono atomic element

1 mole = 6.022 x 10 23 atoms = A.W ( in grams)
How do we determine the number of mole ( n) ?
a) for mono atomic element
n = given weight / atomic weight
b) for molecules
n = given weight / molecular weight

c) n = given volume / molar volume ( 22.4 L )

d) n = given no. of unit particles

Avogadros no.
Determine the number of moles in each of the following amounts of
the given substance.

a. 50.0 g of glucose , C6H12O6

C= 6 ( 12 ) = 72
n = mass given / mol .wt
H= 12 ( 1 ) = 12
= 50.0 g / 180 g/mole
O= 6 ( 16 ) = 96
= 0.278 mole
180 g/mole

a. 20.0 g of Ca(NO3)2

Ca = 1 ( 40 ) = 40 n = mass given / mol .wt

N = 2 ( 14 ) = 28 = 20.0 g / 164 g/mole

O= 6 ( 16 ) = 96 = 0.122 mole

164 g/mole
b. 112 g of iron
a. 32 g of oxygen gas

Fe = 1 ( 56 ) = 56 g/mole
O= 2 ( 16 ) = 32 g/mole
n = 112 g / 56 g/mole
n = 32 g / 32 g/mole
= 2.0 mole
= 1.0 mole

How many molecules are there in each of the following

a) 1.0 mole of SO2 b. 0.250 mole of N2

1 mole x 6.022 x 10 23 molecule 0.250 mole x 6.022 x 10 23 molecule

1 mole 1 mole

6.022 x 10 23 molecule 1.51 x 10 23 molecule

c) 15 g of NH3

N = 1 ( 14 ) = 14 15 g x 6.022 x 10 23 molecule/mole
H =3( 1) = 3
17 g/mole

17 g/mole 5. 31 x 10 23 molecules

d) 5 g of Cl2

Cl = 2 ( 35 ) = 70 g/mole

5 g x 6.022 molecule/mole
= 4.30 x 10 22 molecules
70 g/mole
How many formula units are there in the ff.
a) 0.400 mole of NaOH

0.400 mole x 6.022 x 10 23 formula unit = 2.41 x 10 23 formula

1 mole units

b) 3 g ofCaCl2

Ca = 1 ( 40 ) = 40 3 g x 6.022 x 10 23 formula unit/mole

Cl = 2 ( 35 ) = 70
110 g/mole
110 g/mole 1.64 x 10 22 formula units
How many atoms are there in the ff:

a) 2. 50 mole of K

2.50 mole x 6.022 x 10 23atoms

= 1.51 x 10 24 atoms

b) 4. 50 g of He

1 atom ( 4 g/ mole ) = 4 g/mole

4.50 g x 6.022 x 10 23 atoms/mole =6.77 x 10 23 atoms

4.0 g/mole
How many atoms are there in the following :

a) 0.750 mole of CO2

0.75 mole x 6.022 x 10 23 molecule X 3 atoms of CO2

1 mole of CO2 1 molecule

= 1.35 x 10 24 atoms

b) 1.57 g of Mg3(PO4 ) 2

Mg = 3 ( 24 ) = 72 1.57 g x 6.022 x 10 23 molecule/mole X 8 atoms

P = 2 ( 31 ) = 62 262 g/mole
1 molecule
O = 8 ( 16 ) =128
= 4.69 x 10 atoms
262 g/mole
c. 2. 16 g of F2
2 ( 19 ) = 39 g/ n

2.16 g x 6.022 x 10 23 formula units/ n X 2 atoms

39 g/ n

How many ions are there in 4 g of Fe2(SO4)3? = 6.85 x 10 22

Fe = 2 ( 56 ) = 112
S = 3 ( 32 ) = 96
O = 12 ( 16 ) = 192

400 g/ n
one formula unit of iron sulfate contains 5 ions ( Fe +3 & SO4 -2 )
4 g x 6.022 x 10 23 formula units/ n x 5 ions
=3.01 x 10 22
400 g/ n ions
How many carbon atoms are there in 2 mole of C12H22O11?

1 molecule of C12H22O11 contains 12 carbon atoms

2 mole X 6.022 x 10 23 molecule 12 C atoms

X = 7.23 x 10 23
1 mole 1 molecule

How many grams are there in 1.50 mole of KMnO4?

K = 1 ( 39 ) = 39
1.5 mole x 158 g
Mn= 1 ( 55 ) = 55
O = 4 ( 16 ) = 64 1 mole

= 237 g
158 g/ n
Determine the number of moles in the ff:
a) 40 g of sucrose C12H22O11 b) 15.0 g of Mg(ClO3)2

c) 18 g of N2 gas d) 80 g of K

e) 30 g of Ag f) 121 g of CH4

g) 34 g of Cl2 h) 0.150 g of NaOH

i) 0.240 g of H3PO4 j) 1.0 g of CO2

Determine the number of molecules in the ff.
a) 2.20 mole of N2O b) 0.750 mole of H2

c) 3.15 mole of C6H12O6 d) 0.420 mole of Cl2

e) 4.00 mole of CCl4 f) 20 g of P4O10

g) 16 g of HCl h) 25 g of H2SO4
How Many formula units are present in the following
amounts of substances?

a) 0.700 mole of KOH d) 45 g of AgNO3

b) 1.35 mole of Ba3 (PO4)2 e) 24 g of Zinc Chlorate

c) 2.14 mole of Ni(NO3)3 f) 10 g of Alumnium Chloride

Find the number of atoms in

a) 1.2 mole of P f) 0.165 mole of Ca(ClO3)2

b) 0.160 mole of mg g) 0.370 mole of I2

c) 3.12 g of Xe h) 15 g of CH3Cl

d) 8.0 g of Zn i) 20 g of Pb(C2H3O2)4
Find the number of ions in
a) 0.600 mole of NaOH d) 10 g of Mg(OH)2
b) 1.85 mole of FeCl3 e) 24 g of CaF2
c) 2.21 mole of Cu(NO3)2 f) 35 g of Ba3(PO4)2

Find the number of oxygen atoms in

a) 8.0 mole of C6H12O6 d) 0.170 g of K2Cr2O7
b) 15 g of SO2 e) 8 molecules of P4O10
c) 1.45 mole of Fe(ClO3)2 f) 5 F.U of Al2(SO4)3

Find the number of gram in

a) 0.812 mole of K2CO3 f) 8.14 x 10 22 molecules of SO3
b) 0.950 mole of CCl4 g) 1.62 x 10 23 F.U of Ca(MnO4)2
c) 18 molecules of CO2 h) 9.0 x 10 23 atoms of Ag

Determine the Percentage composition of the following

1.Sosium Bisulfate 2. Potassium permanganate 3. aluminum
chloride, 4. dinitrogen pentoxide & zinc phosphate.

Determine the percentage composition of each of the

ff. compounds
a) KClO3 f) Al( ClO2)3
b) MgI2 g) Fe2(Cr2O7)3
c) SO2 h) C12H22)11
d) CH3Cl i) C5H12
e) C2H5OH J) NH3
What is Empirical Formula? Molecular Formula?
Empirical Formula shows the ratio of the numbers of atoms
of the elements of the compound. While Molecular Formula of the
compound gives the actual number of atoms of each element in
one particle of the compound.

The empirical formula ca be obtained from the percentage

composition of the compound, while the molecular formula can
be obtained by multiplying the number of atoms of each element
in the empirical by the quotients that results when the actual
molar mass of the compound is diivided by the empirical molar
Steps to Calculate the empirical formula of a compound
1. Divide the given mass or percent composition by the corresponding
atomic weight of the elements to obtain the number of mole of
atoms of the element.
2. Divide each quotient by the smallest value to obtain the smallest
possible whole number ratio of the mole atoms.
3. If the whole numbers are not obtained in step 2, either round up
your value or multiply by a factor necessary to obtaine whole

To calculate the molecular formula from the empirical formula, the

M.W. of the compound must be known. Then divide the M.W. by the
total mass of the elements of the empirical formula. The quotient
obtained will indicate how many empirical formula units are
present in the molecule of the compound.
Multiplier of the Decimal Part of a Number of Atoms

Decimal part Multiplier Decimal part Multiplier

0.50 2 0.10 10
0.25 4 0.30 10
0.75 4 0.70 10
0.20 5 0.90 10
0.40 5 0.33 3
0.60 5 0.67 3
0.80 5
Derive the empirical formula of a hydrocarbon that on analysis gave the
following % composition.
C = 85.63% H = 14.37 %

Step 1: Divide the % composition by atomic weight of element

85. 63 g 85. 63 g
C = H=
12 g/ mole
1.008 g/ mole
= 7.129 mole
= 14 .26 mole

Step 2: Divide both quotients by 7.129 w/c will give the no. of atoms
of hydrogen for every atom of carbon.
7.129 14 .26
=1 =2
C =
7.129 7.129
The ratio of H to C is 2:1 , Hence the empirical formula is CH2
2. A compound gave on analysis the ff. & composition. Determine the
empirical formula.
K = 26.57 % Cr = 35.36 % O = 38.07 %

Cr = 35.36 O = 38.07
K = 26.57 g
52 g/mole 16 g/mole
39.10 g/mole

= 0.68 mole = 0.68 mole = 2.379 mole

= 0.68 mole = 0.68 mole = 2.379 mole

0.68 mole 0.68 mole 0.68 mole

= 1 = 1 = 3.499 or 3.5

Multiply each quotient w/ 2 , = K2 Cr2O7

Determine the empirical formula of a compound having the
following percentage composition: 26.53% K , 35.37% Cr, 38.10 %
O. If the compound has a molar mass of 294 g/mol. What is the
molecular formula?

Basis: 100 g of the compound

mass of K = 26.53 g nK = 26.53 g / 39 g/mole = 0.680256

mass of Cr = 35.37 g nCr= 35.37 g / 52 g/mole = 0.680192
mass of O = 38.10 g nO = 38.10 g / 16 g/mole = 2.38125

Divide each mole with least no. of mole to get the ratio

no. K at. = 0.680256 no. O at. = 2.38125 = 3.5

= 1.0
0.680192 0.680192
no. Cr at. = 0.680192 = 1.0
The only decimal part in the no. of atoms is 0.50. To convert this
decimal part to a positive integer, we use the multiplier 2 ( see

no. of K atoms = 1. 0 x 2 = 2.0

no. of Cr atoms = 1.0 x 2 = 2.0 Emp. formula is = K2Cr2O7
no. of O atoms = 3.5 x 2 = 7.0

K = 2 ( 39 ) = 78
X = actual molar mass
C r= 2 ( 52 ) = 104
Empirical molar mass
O = 7 ( 16 ) = 112
X = 294 g/mole
Emipirical molar =294
g/mole 294 g/mole
Molecular Formula = ( Empirical Formula) X

= ( K2Cr2O7)1
An analysis of a compound having a molar mass of 180 g/mole gives
the following % composition: 40% C , 6.67 % H and 53.33% O. Find the
empirical and molecular formula

nC = 40 g / 12 g/mole = 3.33 mole

nH = 6.67 g / 1 g/mole = 6.67 mole
nO = 53.33 g / 16 g/mole = 3.33 mole

no. C at. = 3.33 / 3.33 = 1

Emp. Formula = CH2O
no. H at. = 6.67 / 3.33 = 2
no. O at. = 3.33 / 3.33 = 1

C = 1 ( 12 ) = 12 X = 180 g/mole / 30 g/mole

H= 2( 1) = 1 = 6
O = 1 ( 16 ) = 16
M.F = ( CH2O ) 6
30 g/mole
= CH O
What is the empirical formula of the ff:
a) 27.38 % & Na, 1.19 % H, 14.29% C , & 57.14 % O
b) 2.22 % H, 26.66 % C, & 71. 11 % O
c) 60 % Mg & 40 % O
d) 2% H, 32.7 % S, & 65.3 % O
e) Na = 16.2 %, Mn = 38.7 % O =45.1%
f) K =56.6 % ,, C =8.87% , O = 34.7 %
g) H = 3.7% , C = 37.8 % O=58.5 %

Determine the empirical and molecular formula of a compound having the

percentage composition and molar mass
a. 24.68 & K, 35.81% Mn and 40.51% O: Molar mass = 158 g/n
b. 82.76% C, 17.24% H ; m.m = 58 g/n
c. 58.97 % Na , 41.03 % O ; m.m = 78 g/n
d. 72.41% Fe, 27.59 %O; m.m = 232 g/n
e. 12.68% Al , 19.72% N, 67.61% O ; m.m = 213 g/n
f. 49.48% C, 5.15 % H, 28.87% N , 16.49% O ; m.m. = 194 g/n
What is the empirical formula of a compound w/c has the ff.
composition: 74% C , 5.23 % H, & 20.76 % O
A 250 gms compound of C & H consists of 93.71 % C & 6.29 % H by
mass. The M.W is 128 g/ mole. What is the M.F
It is found that 15.5 g of P combined w/ 12 g of O to form a
compound. Whose M.W is 220g/mole. What is the M.F. of the
A gaseous compound has been formed to have the following
composition: N = 30.43% , O = 69.57%. If one liter of gas weigh
0.8192 g, derive the M.F of the compound.
A compound is found to contain 27.3 g of C, 4.55 g of H & 36.4 g of
oxygen. The M.W is 90 g/mole. What is the E.F & M.F.?
Cholesterol has a molecular wt. of 382 g/mole , is composed of 84.%
C, 11.85% H & 4.15 % O. Derive the E.F. & M.F.
A compound is found to contain 30.4% N & 69.6% O. if the M.W is
92g/mole, what is the M.F.
Determine the molecular formula of each of the ff:
Empirical Formula Molecular mass
a) CH 52
b) CH 78
c) C2H3F 92
d) NaO 78
e) C5H5H 79
f) C2HNO3 213.

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