Critical Evaluation of A Published Paper: Methods Results Discussion References

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Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper

 Abstract
 Introduction
 Methods
 Results
 Discussion 
 References
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper -
 The abstract serves as a summary of the paper, presenting the
purpose, scope, and major findings. The title & abstract are
often all that people will read, using this information to
decide whether they want to continue. What did you
do? What are the main results? What are your
 a) Is the abstract intelligible? Does it…
 b) …accurately describe the objectives & results of
 c) …include data not presented in the paper?
 d) …include material that cannot be substantiated
(conclusions unsupported by results)?
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper –
 The introduction serves to logically present the background
information/provide context for the study.
 What is the question?
 Why is it important ?
 What are the alternative hypotheses?
 Can you observe a pattern?
 Can you explain this pattern?.
 Can you test the predictions using statistical tests?
 a) Did the authors indicate why the study was done?
 b) Is the information adequate to understand the aims &
objectives of the study?
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper – Methods

 The methods section should be a clear chronological description of what

you did & how you did it.
 Could someone else repeat the research with the information
 a) Were methods described in sufficient detail for others to repeat
or extend the study?
 b) Were adequate references cited?
 c) If methods were modified, were modifications described?
 d) Have the authors indicated why particular procedures were
used, the potential problems of the methods used, & limitations of
their methods?
 e) Have the authors specified the statistical procedures used?
 f) Are the statistical methods appropriate?
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper - Results

 The results section is meant to highlight trends in the data

(most often presented in figures and/or tables). Text
should compliment the tables/figures, NOT repeat
the information presented therein.
 a) Are the results appropriate for the stated
 b) Do the results make sense?
 c) Do tables & figures clearly describe the data?
 d) Have the appropriate statistical analyses been
performed on the data? 
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper – Discussion
 Use this section to synthesize your results & to tie
your results to the literature.
 Do not repeat your results…relate them to other
 What are the potential explanations for the
 Have other studies come to similar/different
 How do you account for those discrepancies?
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper – Discussion
 a) Were the objectives of the study met? If not, do
authors have an explanation as to why?
 b) Were statistical hypotheses clearly supported or
 c) Are results discussed in relation to similar studies?
 d) Do authors indulge in needless speculation?
 e) If results are statistically significant, are they also
biologically significant?
 f) Do authors adequately interpret their data &
discuss the limitations of their study?
Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper –References

 a) Do authors cite appropriate papers for

comments made?
 b) Do authors cite their own publications
 Use the format of Journal of Physiology
( for your list of references,
as well as for the parenthetical notation
throughout your paper. Try to find recent
references (within the last 2 or 3 years) so that
your analysis is up to date.

Critical Evaluation of a Published Paper –
General Tips & Suggestions
 -Outline before you write
 -Define your terms
 -Be accurate, concise, and to the point. Make sure your
paper follows a logical sequence & moves smoothly
from one thought to the next.
 -Avoid the passive voice
 -Use others as editors. suggestion :3 types of people
read the work…1) someone knowledgeable in the
field, 2) someone knowledgeable in some other
scientific discipline, and 3) your mother! CRITICISM
is OK!
Critically Read and Evaluate a Scientific

 Review Articles
 Research Articles
 Authors and Journals
 Summary
Critically Read and Evaluate a Scientific Paper-
Research Articles

Correlation does not imply causation:

 variables (say, A and B) co-vary, does not mean that A caused B.
 It may be the case that B caused A (reverse causation),
 both A causes B and B causes A (bidirectional causality)
 a third factor (say, C) causes both A and B (third-variable
problem; common-cause variable).
An overstated discussion is a discussion that is not
motivated by the result of the study.
Critically Read and Evaluate a Scientific Paper-Authors and

 Is the author an expert on the topic?

 Is he an respectable scientists or just a crank?
 What journal is the paper published in?
 There is a world of difference between a respected
journal that uses peer-review from a journal that no
one has heard of, lacking peer-review. There are
many different ways to check this, such as impact
factor and citation index.
 Has there been independent replication?
Critically Read and Evaluate a Scientific
Paper-Review Articles
 A review article is a summary of the research already been
done on an area. The quality of a review article is linked to
the research it summarizes. Generally speaking, the more
well-carried out research it uses, the better.
 The key way to handle a pseudoscientists reference a review
articles is checking if the article actually says what the
person that is referencing is claiming it says. There are two
main ways to do this: (1) read the conclusion of the review
article and see if it fits or (2) read the quote given by the
person in context, to see what the author(s) really meant.
 It may be cases where none of this is true: the quote is in
context and it is not a faulty of the review article. If so, you
can go further and check the research being summarized.
Critically Read and Evaluate a Scientific Paper-Summary

Keep in mind when critically investigating

a scientific paper:
 Who wrote it?
 What journal has it published in?
 Does the journal apply peer-review?
 Have the person citing it incorrectly characterized the
study? Taken quotes out of context?
 Does the method of the paper have serious flaws?
 Does the results support the conclusion?
 Has the results been independently replicated?
Evaluarea critica a literaturii de
specialitate – McMaster:

Clasificare dupa problema abordata:

 Descrie istoricul bolii
 Descrie cauzele imbolnavirii
 Rezultate terapeutice
 Valoarea testelor diagnostice
Evaluarea critica a literaturii de
specialitate – Sacket

1. Informatiile sunt corecte/utile? (din abstract)

2. Carei populatii i se adreseaza?
3. Ce tip de studiu este?
4. Care sunt rezultatele:
1. Prezentare
2. Prelucrare
3. Interpretare
5. Care sunt concluziile? Corectitudine/ aplicabilitate
Evaluarea critica a literaturii de
specialitate – Sacket
Populatia de baza
Carei populatii i se adreseaza?
1. Definirea populatiei de baza
2. A fost realizata esantionarea? Randomizata?
3. Volumul esantionului e suficient? (precizia
4. Exista erori /distorsiuni? (biases)

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