EAPP Lesson 1
EAPP Lesson 1
EAPP Lesson 1
Learning Competency I :
At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define academic text;
2. determine text structure of an academic text; and
3. explain the components of the three-part essay structure.
Academic Text
It is defined as critical, objective, specialized texts
written by experts or professionals in a given field
using formal language.
1. Literary Analysis:
A literary analysis essay examines, evaluates, and
makes an argument about a literary work. As its
name suggests, a literary analysis essay goes
beyond mere summarization. It requires careful
close reading of one or multiple texts and often
focuses on a specific characteristic, theme, or motif.
Some examples of academic writing :
2. Research Paper:
A research paper uses outside information to support a thesis or
make an argument. Research papers are written in all disciplines
and may be evaluative, analytical, or critical in nature. Common
research sources include data, primary sources (e.g., historical
records), and secondary sources (e.g., peer- reviewed scholarly
articles). Writing a research paper involves synthesizing this
external information with your own ideas.
Some examples of academic writing :
3. Dissertation:
A dissertation (or thesis) is a document
submitted at the conclusion of a Ph.D. program.
The dissertation is a book-length summarization
of the doctoral candidate’s research.
Structure is an important feature of academic
writing. A well-structured text enables the reader
to follow the argument and navigate the text. In
academic writing a clear structure and a logical
flow are imperative to a cohesive text.
Two (2) common structure
of academic text :
•The Introduction usually depicts the background of the topic and the central focus
of the study.
•The Methodology lets your readers know your data collection methods, research
instrument employed, sample size and so on.
•Results and Discussion states the brief summary of the key findings or the results
of your study.