By: Sevia Ito Permadani Yongki Pradista

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By :

NOUN 1. Sevia Ito Permadani

2. Yongki Pradista
• Nouns are word used to name or refer to people, things, place and idea. In other
word, it refers to both physical objects and abstract concepts.
• Example :
• Physical objects : table, house, phone, floor, water, wind
• Abstract concepts of time, idea, opinion, age, difficulty
• From the example above, it can be seen that nouns do not only refer to physical
objects, but also abstract concepts that exits in this world
Based on their shape, nouns are divided into 2, namely :
1. Concrete noun
2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
• Concrete nouns are that can be observed by the five senses. So that it is concrete or
refers to an object directly as mention above
• Example :
• Book, eraser, bottle, flower, chair, classroom, star, moon, fire, wind
• Abstract nouns are nouns that are not observed by the five senses. In other words,
this noun is abstract or has a material concept only. Nouns of this type are usually
marked with the suffix is ace, age, ance, ancy, ion, sion, tion, dom, hood, ice, ism,
ment, ness, ship, ity, ty
• Example :
• Emergency, happiness, falsehood, freedom, communism, motivation, affection,
idea, love, spirit, life, time, age,
based on whether or not they can be counted, nouns are grouped into 2, namely
1. Countable Noun
2. Uncountable Noun
• Countable Nouns are nouns that can be counted, the characteristics of these nouns are:
- Can be followed by a count of 1,2,3,4,5, and so on
- Can be followed by articles a and an in the singular
- Can add the suffix s and es in the plural
Example :
House = a house, one house, three houses
Dictionary = a dictionary, one dictionary, four dictionaries
Notes :
In connection with this type, nouns in the form are called “singular nouns” (a, an, one …), and nouns that are plural are called “plural nouns” (…
-s and -es).
In addition, it should be noted that there are nouns that have irregular forms when they are plural. They do not add s or es, but have their own
form. These nouns are then included in the list of irregular plural nouns.
Contoh :
Man : a man, two men, three men, many men
Child : a child, two children, several children
nouns that cannot be counted. The characteristics are the opposite of a countable noun, namely:
- Cannot be followed by numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and so on
- Cannot be followed by articles a and an (no singular form
- Cannot add s and es (no plural form)
Example :
Milk : a milk, one milk. Three milk
Chesee : a chesee, one chesee, two chesee
Notes :
Uncountable nouns actually make it possible to count, but what counts is not the substance or substance, but the amount or
container. Therefore this noun is also called "mass noun".
Example :
Milk : a glass of milk, two glasses of milk, …
Cheese : a block of cheese, two blocks of cheese, …
a noun that can be both countable and uncountable, depending on the conditions or
context in which it is used
Example :
A saw hair on the floor
(In this sentence, hair can be counted, marked with the article a in front of it)
She curled her hair
(hair when it is on the head cannot be counted because it is not customary to count)
The division of nouns into common and proper nouns refers to whether a noun is a
name (specific) or not (general)
1. Common Noun
2. Proper Noun
noun that refers to things that are still common. So that the writing does not use
capital letters, unless it starts a sentence or title.
Example :
Person, city, country, month, restaurant, park, hall, phone, …
hyponyms of common nouns, so the reference is more specific than common nouns.
This type of noun is usually recognized in the form of the name of a thing (people,
things, places, etc.) and generally requires capital letters, unless lowercase letters
have been specified as part of the name.
Example :
John, Semarang, Indonesia, Huly, Bernard Steak House, Greenwich Park, Iphone, …
Collective nouns are nouns that indicate the existence of a combination, be it people,
places, or things.
Example : Army committee Government Pair

Audience congress Group Public

Class Crowd Jury Staff

club Family organization Team

Collective nouns can be pluralized. Notice the example below
A pair of sandals
Two pairs of sandals
Broadly speaking, the functions of nouns in 5) Objective complement
English are as follows :
Mr. Mrs. Smith named their baby
1) Subject
Life is wonderful
6) Modifier of noun phrase (penjelas
2) Object noun phrase)
The author has published new book World war
3) Object of preposition
7) Head of noun phrase (inti noun
We are going to fly to Jakarta tomorrow phrase)
4) Subjective complement English test
He is john

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