Air Quality Monitoring

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The key takeaways are that an air pollution monitoring system involves collecting samples from ambient air and sources, analyzing pollutant concentrations, and reporting the information. It also discusses monitoring methods for criteria pollutants and toxic compounds established by the EPA.

The components of an air pollution monitoring system include the collection or sampling of pollutants, the analysis or measurement of pollutant concentrations, and the reporting and use of the information collected.

The steps involved in monitoring particulates using a high volume sampler include performing a leak check, inspecting and conditioning the filter paper, attaching a weighed cyclone cup, operating the sampler, and calculating the particulate matter concentration based on the initial and final weights of the filter and cyclone cup.



 The Components of an air pollution monitoring system include the -collection or

sampling of pollutants both from the ambient air and from specific sources, -the
analysis or measurement of the pollutant concentrations, and -the reporting and use
of the information collected.
 Emissions data collected from point sources are used to determine compliance with
air pollution regulations, determine the effectiveness of air pollution control
technology, evaluate production efficiencies, and support scientific research.
 The EPA has established ambient air monitoring methods for the criteria pollutants,
as well as for toxic organic (TO) compounds and inorganic (IO) compounds.
 The Methods specify precise procedures that must be followed for any monitoring
activity related to the compliance provisions of the Clean Air Act.
 These Procedures regulate sampling, analysis, calibration of instruments, and
calculation of emissions.
 The Concentration is expressed in terms of mass per unit volume, usually
micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3).
• Objective:
To Measure the Ambient Concentrations of
gases and particulate matter by using High
Volume Sampler (HVS).
• Instruments:
– High volume sampler (HVS)
– Whatman filter paper
– Impingers
` PM10 and TSPM are measured by passing air at flow rate of
about 1 lpm through high efficiency cyclone which retains
the dust particles greater than 10 micron size and allow only
fines (less than 10 micron particles) to reach the glass
Microfiber filter where these particles are retained. The
instrument provides instantaneous flow rate and the period
of operation (on-time) for calculation of air volume passed
through the filter. Amount of particulates collected is
determined by measuring the change in weight of the
cyclone cup and filter paper.
• Reagents for gaseous pollutants:
– 0.1 N Sodium tetra-chloratemercurate (SO2)
– Sodium hydroxide and sodium arsanite (NO2)
• Procedure:
• For Particulates:
– Perform leak check of the instrument before starting the sample.
– Filter paper need to be inspected for pin holes.
– Filter conditioning need to be done at 20-25ºC temperature and less than 50% Relative Humidity.
– Never fold filter completely.
– Do not touch filters by dirty hands always use disposable hand gloves.
– Under take regular cleaning of key components of the machine.
– Ensure stable power supply to the machine. Do not leave loose contact of supply wire to the
– Always fill up distilled water in manometer assembly.
– Do not switch on and off machine using Timer Switch.
– Clean impinge and rotameter regularly and also clean manifold once in two months.
– Do not take flow reading immediately after switching on the machine. Give 5 minute for flow
stabilization and for heat up the blower components.
– Always attach a new weighed cyclone cup with every filter change.
– Do not switch on machine without filter paper
– If machine is not expected to be operated within 48 hrs drain out the manometer water and store
machine with water in the manometer tank.
– Do not run machine during rain in open atmosphere.
• For Gaseous:
The Increasing general awareness of
atmospheric pollution and its hazards to the
health and well-being of industrial workers,
educational buildings, offices etc., is bound to
result in greater stress on accurate, reliable
and frequent assessment of work place
pollution and worker- exposure. Use
additionally impinge tray with HVS sampler
simultaneously sample gaseous pollutants.
Calculation for Particulates:

– Initial Manometer Reading =

– Final Manometer Reading =
– Initial Filter Paper Weight =
– Final Filter Paper Weight =
– Initial Cyclone Cup Weight =
– Final Cyclone Cup Weight =
– Total Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration

• To Understand how to operate the instrument
and also know the basic knowledge of indoor
air quality (IAQ) monitor.
• Indoor Air quality monitor (automatic
sampler) for carbon monoxide (CO), carbon
dioxide (CO2), temperature and humidity.
• Indoor Air Quality monitor:

• With 90% of our time spent indoors, determining the quality of the air we breathe

indoors is essential for good health and productivity. The IAQ monitor key indoor air

quality indicators including CO2, humidity, temperature and CO. Should these

measurements fall outside recognized guidelines; further tests can be made to suggest

an appropriate course of action. For example, ventilation studies show that as room

temperatures rise above 75°F(24°C) the ability of occupants to concentrate can drop by

up to 50% and high levels of carbon dioxide will indicate poor ventilation that results in

drowsiness and perceived stuffiness. Over-ventilation wastes energy and results in

increased building running costs. The Surveyor range has been designed with the user

in mind. Minimal training is required to use the instruments as the intuitive menu

system and display provide step-by-step guides for each operation that are updated

when smart probes are plugged in.

• Steps for Sampling:
– Prepare a Sampling assembly.
– Set the Time constant depending upon the
required averaging period.
– Instrument can be switch on and it will display
– Simultaneously instrument will start recording the
concentration values in the memory card.
– Using data transfer cable (ie. RS232 cable) can
download data from instrument to personal

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