Demystifying Radio Astronomy (History-Focused)

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Justine Haupt



The story

• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

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• Radio & light
• Antennas
How does this work?
• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

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Radio & light
Seemingly dissonant terms:

• Radio internet
• Radio television
• Radio computers
• Radio phones
• Radio optics
• Radio light

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Radio & light
Seemingly dissonant terms:

• Radio internet (Wifi, 3G/4G)

• Radio television (antenna TV, satellite TV)
• Radio computers (Wifi, bluetooth, mice, keyboards, etc.)
• Radio telephones (cell phones, cordless phones)
• Radio optics (antenna design, especially dishes)
• Radio light (radio = redder than infrared)

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Radio & light
Seemingly dissonant terms:

• Radio internet (Wifi, 3G/4G)

• Radio television (antenna TV, satellite TV)
• Radio computers (Wifi, bluetooth, mice, keyboards, etc.)
• Radio telephones (cell phones, cordless phones)
• Radio optics (antenna design, especially dishes)
• Radio light (radio = redder than infrared)

radio = wireless

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Radio & light

Radio Technology

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Radio & light

Radio Technology

Arbitrary divisions

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Radio & light

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Radio & light

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• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

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Antennas are electron “tanks” excited into oscillation
by external perturbance:


dipole antenna

• Fundamental antenna form is the dipole: divided wire of

certain length resonates with passing EM radiation

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• Sample case: Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA)
• Array of dipoles decreasing in size (increasing in resonant
frequency) toward the front

Same design, different



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• Sample case: Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA)
• Array of dipoles decreasing in size (increasing in resonant
frequency) toward the front

Same design, different




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• Sample case: Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA)
• Array of dipoles decreasing in size (increasing in resonant
frequency) toward the front

Same design, different





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• How far can scaling go?
• Could you make an antenna for visible light?

Same design, different





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• How far can scaling go?
• Could you make an antenna for visible light? Yes.

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• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

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History of radio
1850s: M. Faraday proposes concept of electric fields
1873: Maxwell publishes theory. Makes powerful mathematical prediction
that fields can propagate in open space and that light is an example of this
effect. Math is cumbersome.
1884: O. Heaviside refines Maxwell’s theory.
1880s: D. Hughes & H. Hertz separately prove Maxwell by demonstrating in
Folks realize physical mechanism of “Hertzian Waves” could be used to
communicate. Think of light signaling.

1890s: Simple signaling commercialized (Morse adopted from telegraphy)

1900s: First demonstrations of analog sound (e.g. voice) over radio, and first
radio navigation systems created
1920: First broadcast radio stations start transmitting
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History of radio
1927: Bell’s transatlantic “radiotelephone” service goes online.

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History of radio astronomy
1927: Bell’s transatlantic “radiotelephone” service goes online.

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History of radio astronomy
• 1930: Karl Jansky’s 20.5 MHz rotating beam antenna starts looking for
sources of communications interference and notices “a very steady hiss-
type static”

Jansky’s “merry go round”

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History of radio astronomy
• Having identified the noise source, Bell work was complete
• Took years for scientific interest to develop
• 1935-1941: Grote Reber (W9GFZ), electrical engineer and radio
amateur built (at home) first dedicated, steerable dish antenna for radio
astronomy and made first radio sky survey.
• Negative results at 3.3GHz and 900MHz
• Success at 160MHz, first sky map made

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History of radio astronomy
• Having identified the noise source, Bell work was complete
• Took years for scientific interest to develop
• 1935-1941: Grote Reber (W9GFZ), electrical engineer and radio
amateur built (at home) first dedicated, steerable dish antenna for radio
astronomy and made first radio sky survey.
• Negative results at 3.3GHz and 900MHz
• Success at 160MHz, first sky map made


“…[astronomers] could not dream up any rational

way by which the radio waves could be generated,
and since they didn’t know of a process, the whole
affair was (considered by them) at best a mistake
and at worst a hoax.”

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History of radio astronomy
• Post WWII, excellent new radio
telescopes readily available (surplus war

• Many radio astronomy programs begin

in earnest and the science grows


Make more accurate radio sky maps to
isolate locations of radio sources

• Brightest radio sources isolated to a handful of constellations:

Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Taurus, Sagittarius, among others
• Observations become possible at higher frequencies with better equipment

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History of radio astronomy
By 1950s:
• Several radio sources optically
identified but frustrating lack of optical
candidates for others.

• Sources that are ID’d are confusing. E.g.

Dim nearby galaxies and bright distant
From Gerrit L. Verschuur:

• Separate naming convention for radio astronomers were greatly

objects based on constellation. impressed by the almost total lack of
connection between radio observations
and the visual sky. It did not seem
• Radio astronomy discoveries still
impossible then that there were two
suspicious to traditional astronomers. separate kinds of celestial objects, each
requiring distinct research techniques.

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History of radio astronomy
Entering 1960s:
• Scenario clarifies as discovery of optical
counterparts becomes common

• Understanding of observations improve as

theories for physical mechanisms evolve

• 1962: Quasars discovered (type of AGN, also

radio galaxy)

• New discoveries force attention of astronomical

community and radio astronomers finally

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History of radio astronomy
• 1964: Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
discover CMB
• 1967: Jocelyn Bell discovers first pulsar

Penzias & Wilson Jocelyn Bell

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History of radio astronomy
1970s to present:
• Leaps in receiver technology and high resolution
imaging methods
• Galactic jets observed
• Theories of pulsars and quasars refined
• Satellites observe CMB, big bang cosmology
• Increasingly high frequency observations
(millimeter and sub millimeter now bridging
observation gap almost all the way to the IR)
• 2010: new kind of radio source discovered (Fast
Radio burst)
J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 29
• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

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Science summary
• Celestial objects that emit visible light generally also emit radio but intensity
varies significantly
• Emissions >300MHz tends to be thermal (black body), <300MHz tend to be
non-thermal (Synchrotron, inverse Compton, or maser)
• Terms “radio galaxies” and “radio stars” refer to galaxies and stars that are
also exceptionally bright radio sources
- Radio galaxies often have Active Galactic Nuclei: e.g. jets and quasars
- Pulsars are a kind of radio star
• Interstellar gas emits radio via non-thermal processes
• Jupiter is an unusual, very bright non-thermal radio source.
• Some radio-specific identifiers have more common names, e.g. Taurus A is the
Crab Nebula
• First light in universe (from after big bang) is still visible: 3000K blackbody
radiation (mostly visible light) from when universe first became transparent.
Redshift from expanding space (not velocity) makes this light appear as 160GHz
radio (cosmic microwave background). Equivalent blackbody temp ~2.7K.

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Radio observation modes
Time domain RF intensity (audio):
• Pulsar identification, timing
• Spectroscopy
• et cetera

Single-dish observations typical

• Same reasons as optical astronomy

Multi-dish observations typical

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 32
• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 33
Radio optics
• Both radio and visible light focused with lenses or mirrors
• Lenses impractical for radio
• Same optical formulae apply: image height = f tan(θ)
• Mirror (dish) obvious choice

• Most radio telescopes are prime focus or Cassegrain types

Cassegrain telescope morphogenesis:


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Radio optics
Dish antenna focusing radio light:

Image formed

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Radio optics
Dish antenna focusing radio light:

Image not detected by single-pixel detector

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Radio optics
Dish antenna focusing radio light:

Image not detected by single-pixel detector

Dish’s image resolving
potential limited by

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Radio optics
Anatomy of a dish antenna:

Feed (antenna): Located at focal

point. Often a feed horn but any
antenna type is possible. On
consumer satellite dishes usually
called an LNB.

Dish / reflector / mirror: Usually

parabolic. Made from any radio
reflective material (metalized
plastic, wire mesh, solid metal,
wire mesh in fiberglass). Weave
size must be << wavelength.

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Radio Imaging
• Single dish, single detector

• Single dish, multiple detectors

• Multi dish (interferometry) s Over

ll G los
• Radar astronomy

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Radio Imaging
• Single dish, single detector

• Single dish, multiple detectors

• Multi dish (interferometry)

• Radar astronomy

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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• Celestial objects drift past
beam, power recorded

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
• 1D image

power 0 1 2 3 4
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Drift scanning
Jansky’s drift scan data:
Drift scanning
Jansky’s drift scan data:
Drift scanning
Grote Reber’s drift scan strip chart:
Drift scanning
Grote Reber’s drift scan strip chart:
Single dish imaging
• Side by side drift scans
•“2D strip chart”
• Scan sky with dish, writing
radio power to pixels

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Single dish imaging
Grote Reber’s drift scan strip charts:
Single dish imaging
Reber’s radio maps:

Effectively a hand-drawn image. Isolines indicate equal intensity regions extracted from
strip charts. Easy to replace with pixels with a computer for more conventional image.
Single dish imaging
• Faster to actively scan sky with 2-axis
mount (not relying on earth rotation)
• Forego strip chart generation and write
RF power variation directly to image

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Single dish imaging

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Radio Imaging
• Single dish, single detector

• Single dish, multiple detectors

• Multi dish (interferometry)

• Radar astronomy

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Single dish with multiple detectors
• Pixelized feed
• Useful to improve sky coverage but
insufficient on its own
• Difficult to make dense pixel array at
radio wavelengths

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Radio Imaging
• Single dish, single detector

• Single dish, multiple detectors

• Multi dish (interferometry)

• Radar astronomy

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Aperture Synthesis Interferometry
• Ultimate method for high-resolution imaging
• Only radio imaging method used by
• Requires an array of dishes
• Array behaves as a single very large dish
• Interesting, expansive subject (FFT fun)

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Radio Imaging
• Single dish, single detector

• Single dish, multiple detectors

• Multi dish (interferometry)

• Radar astronomy :
“active” single dish imaging

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• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 62
Amateur Radio Astronomy
• Easy to make simple radio telescope out of TV dish: “Itty Bitty Radio Telescope”
• Strip chart recording possible


• DirecTV (or equivalent) dish

• Power inserter, easy to make
• Stand
• Satellite finder

Better than satellite finder:

• $20 RTL-SDR

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Amateur Radio Astronomy
• Folks put larger radio telescopes together from old satellite dishes
• Much potential for experimentation and innovation
• Amateurs typically do drift scans

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Amateur Radio Astronomy
• Radio Jove
• Non directional decameter observation of
Jupiter, the sun, & the galaxy
• Listening mode
• NASA project

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Amateur Radio Astronomy
• Local experiment
• Novel method measure cosmic rays
• See Helio Takai

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• Radio & light
• Antennas

• Short history of radio astronomy

Radio Astronomy • Science summary

• Radio optics (yes)

• Introduction to amateur radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy
• New frontier: Imaging with a homebrew radio telescope

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 67
Elements of a

Homebrew Imaging Radio Telescope

-TV dish?
• Dish

• Feed (antenna) -For TV dish?

-Make? What frequency?

-Use telescope mount?

-Make? Need LNA

• Radio -Software Defined Radio?

• Software -Simple_ra?

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Elements of a

Homebrew Imaging Radio Telescope

-TV dish?
• Dish

• Feed (antenna) -For TV dish?

-Make? What frequency?

-Use telescope mount?

-Make? Need LNA

• Radio -Software Defined Radio?

• Software -Simple_ra?

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Dishes available in all shapes/sizes, sometimes free

Conceptually simple to make (foil, coat hangers?)

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Feed antenna
Popular choice:

• Make a “cantenna”
- A waveguide antenna made from a you-know-what
- Many guides available online for 2.4GHz Amplifier (LNA) from ebay
- An approximation of a horn antenna
- For radio astronomy, amplification is required

• Use a dish LNB
• Design/build actual horn antenna
• Buy

Image from Wikipedia

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Most difficult part?

• Buy: Motorized mounts readily available for amateur astronomy

- Suitable for small dishes
- Expensive
- Designed for optical telescope precision
- Availabel for radio astronomy
but also expensive

• Build
- Can be significant project
- Necessary for larger dishes

• Modify non-motorized mount

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 72
• Recent revolution in frontend receiver hardware

• Software defined radio (frontends) available for <$20

• Requires free software for control and high-level signal processing

(demodulation, audio)
-SDR# Popular on Windows
-GQRX Popular on Linux
-GNURadio for fancy stuff and development

50MHz – 2Ghz for <$20

1MHz – 6Ghz Rx + Tx for $300

J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 73
Radio Astronomy Software
Operate, tune, and read the SDR frontend:
• SDR Program (SDR#, GQRX, GNURadio, etc)

Sky map, telescope pointing software:

• RadioEyes (payware) from
• Stellarium

Software for radio-astronomy-specific data taking:

• Radio-SkyPipe (payware) from
• GNURadio
• Simple_ra (addon for GNURadio)

Software for radio imaging:

• ----

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How it goes together

Software to…
-Control SDR
-Control mount
-Compose an image DISH




J. Haupt Custer/LSST/BNL 75
Radio Astronomy Software
Operate, tune, and read the SDR frontend:
• SDR Program (SDR#, GQRX, GNURadio, etc)

Sky map, telescope pointing software:

• RadioEyes (payware) from
• Stellarium

Software for radio-astronomy-specific data taking:

• Radio-SkyPipe (payware) from
• GNURadio
• Simple_ra (addon for GNURadio) < ------- THE KEY?

Software for radio imaging:

• ----

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Need a way to take data from SDR and output to a text file for Python to
take in to make an image.

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Status of Project
First image:


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