CIM Module 2

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CAD/CAM Module-2

1.CAD and Computer Graphics Software

18ME72 2.Computerized Manufacturing Planning
and Control System

Dr. Mohanakumara K C
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical
ATMECE, Mysuru
CAD- Computer Aided Design
• Computer-aided design involves any type of design activity which makes
use of the computer to develop, analyze, or modify an engineering design.

• Modem CAD systems (also often called CAD/CAM systems) are based on
interactive computer graphics (ICG).

• Interactive computer graphics denotes a user-oriented system in which the

computer is employed to create, transform, and display data in the form of
pictures or symbols.

• The user in the computer graphics design system is the designer, who
communicates data and commands to the computer through any of several
input devices.
Fundamental reasons for implementing a computer-aided
design system
l. To increase the productivity of the designer. This is accomplished by helping the designer to
the product and its component subassemblies and parts; and by reducing the time required in
synthesizing, analyzing, and documenting the design. This productivity improvement
translates not only into lower design cost but also into shorter project completion times.

2. To improve the quality of design. A CAD system permits a more thorough engineering
analysis and a larger number of design alternatives can be investigated. Design errors are also
reduced through the greater accuracy provided by the system. These factors lead to a better

3. To improve communications. Use of a CAD system provides better engineering drawings,

more standardization in the drawings, better documentation of the design, fewer drawing
errors and greater legibility.

4. To create a database for manufacturing. In the process of creating the documentation for the
product design (geometries and dimensions of the product and its components, material
specifications for components, bill of materials, etc.), much of the required database to
manufacture the product is also created.
The Design Process
l. Recognition of need
2. Definition of problem
3. Synthesis
4. Analysis and optimization
5. Evaluation
6. Presentation
The Design Process
• Recognition of need involves the realization by someone that a problem exists for which
some corrective action should be taken. This might be the identification of some defect in
a current machine design by an engineer or the perception of a new product marketing
opportunity by a salesperson.

• Definition of the problem involves a thorough specification of the item to be designed.

This specification includes physical and functional characteristics, cost, quality, and
operating performance.

• Synthesis and analysis are closely related and highly interactive in the design process. A
certain component or subsystem of the overall system is conceptualized by the designer,
subjected to analysis, improved through this analysis procedure, and redesigned.

• The process is repeated until the design has been optimized within the constraints
imposed on the designer. The components and subsystems are synthesized into the final
overall system in a similar interactive manner.
The Design Process
• Evaluation is concerned with measuring the design against the specifications
established in the problem definition phase. This evaluation often requires the
fabrication and testing of a prototype model to assess operating performance,
quality, reliability, and other criteria. The final phase in the design process is the
presentation of the design. This includes documentation of the design by means of
drawings, material specifications, assembly lists, and so on. Essentially, the
documentation requires that a design database be created.
• Mechanical design includes the drawing of the complete product as well as its
components and subassemblies, and the tools and fixtures required to manufacture
the product. Similar manual documentation is required in other engineering design
fields (structural design, aircraft design, chemical engineering design, etc.). In each
engineering discipline, the approach has traditionally been to synthesize a
preliminary design manually and then to subject that design to some form of
analysis. The analysis may involve sophisticated engineering calculations or it may
involve a very subjective judgment of the aesthete appeal possessed by the design.
The Application of Computers For Design

l. Geometric modeling
2. Engineering analysis
3. Design review and evaluation
4. Automated drafting
Geometric modeling
• In computer-aided design, geometric modeling is concerned with the computer-
compatible mathematical description of the geometry of an object. The mathematical
description allows the image of the object to be displayed and manipulated on a
graphics terminal through signals from the CPU of the CAD system. The software
that provides geometric modeling capabilities must be designed for efficient use both
by the computer and the human designer.
• To use geometric modeling, the designer constructs, the graphical image of the object
on the CRT screen of the ICG system by inputting three types of commands to the
– The first type of command generates basic geometric elements such as points, lines, and
– The second command type is used to accomplish scaling, rotating, or other transformations
of these elements.
– The third type of command causes the various elements to be joined into the desired shape
of the object being creaed on the ICG system.
• During the geometric modeling process, the computer converts the commands into a
mathematical model, stores it in the computer data files, and displays it as an image
on the CRT screen. The model can subsequently be called from the data files for
review, analysis, or alteration
Geometric modeling
Basic Geometric Modeling Techniques Basic Geometric Modeling Techniques
• 2-D Projection (Drawings)
• Wireframe Modeling
• Surface Modeling ƒ
– Analytical Surface ƒ
– Free-form, Curved, & Sculptured Surface
• Solid Modeling ƒ
– Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) ƒ
– Boundary Representation (B-Rep) ƒ ƒ
– Feature Based Modeling ƒ
– Parametric Modeling
Geometric modeling
Geometric modeling
• Wireframe models consist entirely of points, lines, and curves. Since
wireframe models do not have Since wireframe models do not have “body
knowledge body knowledge ” , topological data are not needed in

• Surface models store topological information of their corresponding

objects corresponding objects. Both surface models and solid models
support shading. Surface models is still ambiguous and thus cannot support
a full range of engineering activities such as stress analysis full range of
engineering activities such as stress analysis.

• Solid models have complete, valid and unambiguous spatial addressability.

In general a wireframe model can be extracted from a In general, a
wireframe model can be extracted from a surface or a solid model.
Geometric modeling
Wireframe Modeling
Advantages ƒ
• Simple to construct ƒ
• Does not require as much as computer time and memory as Does not require as much
as computer time and memory as does surface or solid modeling (manufacturing
display) ƒ
• As a natural extension of drafting, it does not require extensive trainin g of users. ƒ
• Form the basis for surface modeling as most surface algorithms require wireframe
entities (such as points, lines and curves )
Disadvantages ƒ
• The input time is substantial and increases rapidly with the complexity of the object
• Both topological and geometric data need to be user-input; while solid modeling
requires only the input of geometric data. ƒ
• Unless the object is two-and-a-half dimensional, volume and mass properties, N C
tool path generation, cross-sectioning, and interference cannot be calculated.
Geometric modeling
Surface Modeling
Advantages: ƒ
• Less ambiguous ƒ
• Provide hidden line and surface algorithms to add realism to the displayed
geometry ƒ
• Support shading ƒ Support volume and mass calculation, finite element
modeling, NC path generation, cross sectioning, and interference detection.
Disadvantages ƒ:
• Require more training and mathematical background of the users the users ƒ
• Require more CPU time and memory ƒ
• Still ambiguous; no topological information ƒ
Geometric modeling

Why Solid Modeling?

Solid Modeling Support
• Using volume information
– weight or volume calculation, centroids, moments of inertia
– stress analysis (finite elements analysis), heat conduction
calculations, dynamic analysis,
– system dynamics analysis
• Using volume an d boundary in formation
– generation of CNC codes, and robotic and assembly simulation
Engineering analysis
• In the formulation of nearly any engineering design project, some type of
analysis is required.
• The analysis may involve stress-strain calculations, heat-transfer
computations, or the use of differential equations to describe the dynamic
behavior of the system being designed.
• The computer can be used to aid in this analysis work. It is often necessary
that specific programs be developed internally by the engineering analysis
group to solve a particular design problem.
• In other situations, commercially available general-purpose programs can
be used to perform the engineering analysis. two important examples of
this type
– Analysis of mass properties
– Finite-element analysis
Engineering analysis
Analysis of mass properties
• The analysis of mass properties is the analysis feature of a CAD system that has probably the
widest application.
• It provides properties of a solid object being analyzed, such as the surface area, weight,
volume, center of gravity, and moment of inertia.
• For a plane surface (or a cross section of a solid object) the corresponding computations
include the perimeter, area, and inertia properties.
Finite-element analysis
• Probably the most powerful analysis feature of a CAD system is the finite- element method.
With this technique, the object is divided into a large number of finite elements (usually
rectangular or triangular shapes) which form an interconnecting network of concentrated
• By using a computer with significant computational capabilities, the entire Object can be
analyzed for stress-strain, heat transfer, and other characteristics by calculating the behavior of
each node.
• By determining the interrelating behaviors of all the nodes in the system, the behavior of the
entire object can be assessed.
• If the finite-element analysis indicates behavior of the design which is undesirable, the
designer can modify the shape and recompute the finite- element analysis for the revised
Design review and evaluation
• Checking the accuracy of the design can be accomplished conveniently on the graphics
terminal. Semiautomatic dimensioning and tolerancing routines which assign size
specifications to surfaces indicated by the user help to reduce the possibility of
dimensioning errors. The designer can zoom in on part design details and magnify the
image on the graphics screen for close scrutiny
• A procedure called layering is often helpful in design review. For example, a good
application of layering involves overlaying the geometric image of the final shape of the
machined part on top of the image of the rough casting. This ensures that sufficient
material is available on the casting to acccomplish the final machined dimensions. This
procedure can be performed in stages to check each successive step in the processing of
the part.
• Another related procedure for design review is interference checking. This involves the
analysis of an assembled structure in which there is a risk that the components of the
assembly may occupy the same space. This risk occurs in the design of large chemical
plants, air-separation cold boxes, and other complicated piping structures.
• One of the most interesting evaluation features available on some computer- aided
design systems is kinematics. The available kinematics packages provide the capability
to animate the motion of simple designed mechanisms such as hinged components and
linkages. This capability enhances the designer‗s visualization of the operation of the
mechanism and helps to ensure against interference with other components.
Automated Drafting
• Automated drafting involves the creation of hard-copy
engineering drawings directly from the CAD data base.
• Over manual drafting. Some of the graphics features of
computer-aided design systems lend them- selves especially
well to the drafting process.
• These features include automatic dimensioning, generation
of crosshatched areas, scaling of the drawing, and the
capability to develop sectional views and enlarged views of
particular path details.
• The ability to rotate the part or to perform other
transformations of the image (e.g., oblique, isometric, or
perspective views), can be of significant assistance in
• Most CAD systems are capable of generating as many as six
views of the part. Engineering drawings can be made to
adhere to company drafting standards by programming the
standards into the CAD system.
Desirable relationship of CAD/CAM data
base to CAD and CAM
Benefits of Computer-Aided Design
l. Improved engineering productivity
2. Shorter lead times
3. Reduced engineering personnel requirements
4. Customer modifications are easier to make
5. Faster response to requests for quotations
6. Avoidance of subcontracting to meet schedules
7. Minimized transcription errors
8. Improved accuracy of design
9. In analysis, easier recognition of component interactions
lO. Provides better functional analysis to reduce prototype testing
ll. Assistance in preparation of documentation
l2. Designs have more standardization
Benefits of Computer-Aided Design
l3. Better designs provided
l4. Improved productivity in tool design
l5. Better knowledge of costs provided
l6. Reduced training time for routine drafting tasks and NC part programming
l7. Fewer errors in NC part programming
l8. Provides the potential for using more existing parts and tooling
l9. Helps ensure designs are appropriate to existing manufacturing techniques
20. Saves materials and machining time by optimization algorithms
21. Provides operational results on the status of work in progress
22. Makes the management of design personnel on projects more effective
23. Assistance in inspection of complicated parts
24. Better communication interfaces and greater understanding among engineers, designers,
drafters, management, and different project groups.
Computer Graphics Software and Data Base
• The graphics software is the collection of programs written to make it
convenient for a user to operate the computer graphics system. It includes
Programmes to generate images on the CRT screen, to manipulate the
images, and to accomplish various types of interaction between the user
and the system.

• The graphics software for a particular computer graphics system is very

much a function of the type of hardware used in the system. The software
must be written specifically for the type of CRT and the types of input
devices used in the system.
Newman and Spoull list six ground rules that should be
considered in designing graphics software
l. Simplicity. The graphics software should be easy to use.
2. Consistency . The package should operate in a consistent and
predict- able way to the user.
3. Completeness. There should be no inconvenient omissions in the set
of graphics functions.
4. Robustness. The graphics system should be tolerant of minor
instances of misuse by the operator.
5. Performance. Within limitations imposed by the system hardware,
the performance should be exploited as much as possible by
software. Graphics programs should be efficient and speed of
response should be fast and consistent.
6. Economy. Graphics programs should not be so large or expensive as
to make their use prohibitive.
The Software Configuration of a Graphics System
In the operation of the graphics system by the user, a variety of
activities take place, which can be divided into three categories:

l. Interact with the graphics terminal to create and alter images on

the screen
2. Construct a model of something physical out of the images on
the screen. the models are sometimes called application models.
3. Enter the model into computer memory and/or secondary
The Software Configuration of a Graphics System
The graphics software can be divided into three modules
according to a conceptual model suggested by Foley and Van
l. The graphics package (Foley and Van Dam called this the
graphics system)
2. The application program
3. The application data base
The Software Configuration of a Graphics System
• The central module is the application program. It controls the storage of data into
and retrieves data out of the application data base. The application program is
driven by the user through the graphics package. The application program is
implemented by the user to construct the model of a physical entity whose image 'is
to be viewed on the graphics-screen. Application programs are written for
particular problem areas. Problem areas in engineering design would include
architecture, construction, mechanical components, electronics, chemical
engineering, and aerospace engineering. Problem areas other than design would
include flight simulators, graphical display of data, mathematical analysis, and
even artwork. In each case, the application software is developed to deal with
images and conventions which are appropriate for that field.
The Software Configuration of a Graphics System
• The graphics package is the software support between the user and the graphics
terminal. It manages the graphical interaction between the user and the system. It
also serves as the interface between the user and the application software. The
graphics package consists of input subroutines and output subroutines. The input
routines accept input commands and data from the user and forward them to the
application program. The output subroutines control the display terminal (or other
output device) and converts the application models into two-dimensional or three-
dimensional graphical pictures.

• The third module in the ICG software is the data base. The data base contains
mathematical, numerical, and logical definitions of the application models, such as
electronic circuits, mechanical components, automobile bodies, and so forth. It also
includes alphanumeric information associated with the models, such as bills of
materials, mass properties, and other data. The contents of the data base can be
readily displayed on the CRT or plotted out in hard-copy form.
Functions of a Graphics Package
To fulfill its role in the software configuration, the graphics
package must perform a variety of different functions. these
functions can be grouped into function sets. Each set
accomplishes a certain kind of interaction between the user
and the system. Some of the common function sets are:
• Generation of graphic elements
• Transformations
• Display control and windowing functions
• Segmenting functions
• User input functions
Functions of a Graphics Package
• Generation of graphic elements: A graphics element in computer
is a basic image entity such as a dot or point, line segment, circle
and so forth. The collection of element in the system could also
include alphanumerical characters and special symbols.
• Transformations
• Display control and windowing functions
• Segmenting functions
• User input functions

• Many of the editing features involve transformations of

the graphics elements or cells composed of elements or
even the entire model.
• Certain changes in these drawings can be made by
performing some mathematical operations on these co-
ordinates. The basic transformations are
– Scaling,
– Translation
– Rotation
2.Computerized Manufacturing Planning and
Control System

Process Planning is the systematic determination of methods by

which a product has to be manufactured economically and


Process planning involves in determining the sequence of

processing and assembly steps that must be accomplished to
make the product.
• Process planning is concerned with determining the sequence
of individual manufacturing operations needed to produce a
given part or product.
• The resulting operation sequence is documented on a form
typically referred to as a route sheet.
• The route sheet is a listing of the production operations and
associated machine tools for a work part or assembly.
Manually Prepared Process Plans
• Based on the characteristics of a given part, the program automatically
generates the manufacturing operation sequence.
• A computer-aided process planning (CAPP) system offers the potential for
reducing the routine clerical work of manufacturing engineers. At the same
time, it provides the opportunity to generate production routings which are
rational, consistent, and perhaps even optimal.

Two alternative approaches to computer-aided process planning have been


l. Retrieval-type CAPP systems (also called variant systems)

2. Generative CAPP systems

CAPP systems
(also called variant
Retrieval-type CAPP systems (also called variant systems)
• Retrieval-type CAPP systems use parts classification and coding and group
technology as a foundation.
• In this approach, the parts produced in the plant are grouped into part families,
distinguished according to their manufacturing characteristics.
• For each part family, a standard process plan is established. The standard process plan
is stored in computer files and then retrieved for new workparts which belong to that
• Some form of parts classification and coding system is required to organize the
computer files and to permit efficient retrieval of the appropriate process plan for a
new workpart.
• For some new parts, editing of the existing process plan may be required. This is done
when the manufacturing requirements of the new part are slightly different from the
• The machine routing may be the same for the new part, but the specific operations
required at each machine may be different.
• The complete process plan must document the operations as well as the sequence of
machines through which the part must be routed. Because of the alterations that are
made in the retrieved process plan, these CAPP systems are sometimes also called by
the name' 'variant system."
• Generative process planning involves the use of the computer to create an
individual process plan from scratch, automatically and without human assistance.
• The computer would employ a set of algorithms to progress through the various
technical and logical decisions toward a final plan for manufacturing.
• Inputs to the systern would include a comprehensive description of the workpart.
This may involve the use of some form of part code number to summarize the
workpart data, but does not involve the retrieval of existing standard plans.
• Instead, the general CAPP system synthesizes the design of the optimum process
sequence, based an analysis of part geometry, material, and other factors which
would influence manufacturing decisions.
• In the ideal generative process planning package, any part design could presented
to the system for creation of the optimal plan. In practice, generative- type systems
are far from universal in their applicability. They tend to fall short of a truly
generative capability, and they are developed for a some limited range of
manufacturing processes.
• Process rationalization. Computer-automated preparation of operation routings is more likely
to be consistent, logical, and optimal than its manual counterpart. The process plans will be
consistent because the same computer software is being used by all planners. We avoid the
tendency for drastically different process plans from different planners. The process plans tend
to be more logical and optimal because the company has presumably incorporated the
experience and judgment of its best manufacturing people into the process planning computer
• Increased productivity of process planners. With computer-aided process planning, there is
reduced clerical effort, fewer errors are made, and the planners have immediate access to the
process planning data base. These benefits translate into higher productivity of the process
planners. One system was reported to increase productivity by 6OO% in the process planning
function [lO].
• Reduced turnaround time. Working with the CAPP system, the process planner is able to
prepare a route sheet for a new part in less time compared to manual preparation.
• Improved legibility. The computer-prepared document is neater and easier to read than
manually written route sheets. CAPP systems employ standard text, which facilitates
interpretation of the process plan in the factory.
• Incorporation of other application programs. The process planning system can be designed
to operate in conjunction with other software packages to automate many of the time-
consuming manufacturing support functions.

Cycle of Activities in a
Traditional Production
Planning and Control

Cycle of Activities in a
Computer Integrated
Production Management
Activities of Production Planning Control System
• Aggregate Production Planning(APP)
• Master Production Schedule (MPS)
• Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
• Capacity Planning
• Engineering and Manufacturing Database
• Inventory Control
• Shop floor Control (SFC)
• Purchase Department
• Aggregate Production Planning (APP): It is a high-level corporate
planning activity. The aggregate production plan indicates production
output levels for the major product lines of the company. The aggregate
plan must be coordinated with the plans of the sales & marketing
departments. Because the aggregate production plan includes products that
are currently in production, it must also consider the present & future
inventory levels of those products & their component parts.
• Master Production Schedule (MPS):The production quantities of the
major product lines listed in the aggregate plan must be converted into a
very specific schedule of individual products, known as the master
production schedule (MPS). It is a list of products to be manufactured,
when they should be completed & delivered, & it what quantities. Products
included in the MPS divide into 3 categories: (1) firm customer orders, (2)
forecasted demand, & (3) spare parts.
• Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a computational technique that converts
the master schedule for end products into a detailed schedule for the raw materials
& components used in the end products.
• The detailed schedule identifies the quantities of each raw material & component
item. It also indicates when each item must be ordered & delivered to meet the
master schedule for final products.
• MRP is often thought of as a method of inventory control. It is both an effective
tool for minimizing unnecessary inventory investment & a useful method in
production scheduling & purchasing of materials.
• The concept of MRP is relatively straightforward. Its implementation is
complicated by the sheer magnitude of the data to be processed.
• The master schedule provides the overall production plan for the final products in
terms of month-by-month deliveries. Each product may contain hundreds of
individual components.
• These components are produced from raw materials, some of which are common
among the components. For example, several components may be made out of the
same gauge sheet steel.
• The components are assembled into simple subassemblies, & these subassemblies
are put together into more complex subassemblies, & so on, until the final
products are assembled. Each step in the manufacturing & assembly sequence
takes time.
• All of these factors must be incorporated into the MRP calculations. Although
each calculation is uncomplicated, the magnitude of the date is so large that the
application of MRP is practically impossible except by computer processing.
1. Independent versus dependent demand
2. Lumpy demand
3. Lead times
4. Common use items
• To function, the MRP program needs data contained
in several files. These files server as inputs to the
MRP processor. They are
(1)The Master Production Schedule
(2) The Bill Of Materials file and other engineering and
manufacturing data,
(3) The inventory record file.
• The bill of material ( BOM ) file provides information the product
structure by listing the components parts and subassemblies that
make up each product, It is use to computer the raw material and
components requirement for end products listed in the master
Primary Outputs
1. Order release notice, to place order that have been planned by the MRP
2. Reports showing planned orders to be released in future periods.
3. Rescheduling notices, indicating changes in due dates for open order.
4. Cancellation notices, indicating cancellation of open order because of
changes in the master schedule.
5. Reports on inventory status.
Secondary Outputs
6. Performance reports of various types, indicating costs, item usage,
actual versus planned lead times and other measures of performance.
7. Exception reports, showing deviations from schedule, orders that are
overdue, scrap and so on.
8. Inventory forecast, indicating projected inventory levels in future
• Reduction in inventory
• Quicker response to changes in demand than is possible with a
manual requirements planning systems
• Reduced setup and product changeover costs
• Better Machine utilization
• Improved capacity to respond to changes in the master
• Aid in developing the Master Schedule.
 Capacity planning consists of determining what labor and equipment
resources are required to meet the current MPS as well as long term future
production needs of the firm.
 Capacity planning also identifies the limitations of the available
production resources to prevent the MRP program from planning an un
realistic master schedule.
Short-term Adjustment
 Employment levels : Employment in the plant can be increase or decrease in response to
changes in capacity requirements.
Number of temporary workers. Increase in employment level can also be achieved by
using workers from temporary agency. When the busy period is passed, these workers
move to positions at other companies where their services are needed
 Number of work shifts. The numbers of shifts worked per production period can be
increased or decreased.
 Number of labor hours. The numbers of labor hours per shift can be increased or
decreased, through the use of overtime or reduce hours.
 Inventory stockpiling. This tactic might be used to maintain steady employment level
during slow demand periods.
 Order backlogs : Deliveries of the product to the customer could be delayed during busy
period when production resources are insufficient to keep up with demand.
 Workload through subcontracting. This involves the letting of the jobs to other shops
during busy periods , or the taking in of extra work during slack periods.
Long-term Adjustments
 Investing in new equipment. This involves investing in more machines
or more productive machines to meet increased future production
requirements, or investing in new types of machines to match changes in
product design.
Constructing new plants. Building a new factory represents a major investment
for the company. However, it also represents a significant increase in
production capacity for the firm.
 Purchasing existing plants from other companies.
 Acquiring existing companies . This may be done to increase productive
capacity. However , there are usually more important reasons for taking over
an existing company, such as to achieve economies of scale that result from
increase market share and reducing staff.
Closing Plants. This involves the closing of plants that will not be needed in the
Subsets of CAQC

• CAI: Computer Aided Inspection

• CAT: Computer Aided Testing

Computer-aided inspection (CAI) and computer aided testing

(CAT) are the two major segments of computer-aided quality
control. Whereas these activities have been traditionally
performed manually (with the help of gauges, measuring
devices and testing apparatus), CAI and CAT are performed
automatically using computer and sensor technology. Today,
CAI and CAT can be well integrated into the overall CIM
Objectives of CAQC
1. To improve product quality
2. To increase productivity in the inspection process
3. To increase productivity and reduce lead times in
Advantages of CAQC
4. 100% testing and inspection
5. Inspection integrated with manufacturing
6. Use of non contact sensors
7. Computerized feed back control system

WIP Throughput
Tracking Tracking

Status Material Flow Work

Monitoring Control Forecasting

Capacity Quality
Feedback Control

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