KrishiCloud - Voice Site Platform

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KrishiCloud (Smart Farming)

Voice Site Platform


Though the farmers have grown the same crop for centuries, the ever changing weather
conditions, soil fertility, pests and diseases etc. affects the final outcome.

Indian farmers need reliable agricultural information and alternate marketing channels

Information Technologies can bring an overall qualitative improvement

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) permits the exchange or collection of data
through interaction or transmission

The latest and most promising area of ICT is Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a tool to make IT related services available in
a simplified manner hiding the complexities of those services.
Break the farmer’s
Can also be the biggest barrier in extending cloud
services as Internet penetration in India is only 27%
The solution for this would be to extend
cloud computing through Voice Web.
Why Voice Web?

Mobile penetration in India stands at 79.78%

Push the Expansion of Cloud Computing

Reach a large percentage of human population

Farmers can access quality content, information and know how,

related to agriculture
Agriculture in India
Most important sector in India..

Major issues faced are agricultural productivity, remunerative prices

for farmers, land policy, agrarian distress and eastern states that have
lagged behind the rest of the country in farming.
Lot of initiatives taken by Government for development of the sector.

Digital initiatives also undertaken to reach the farmers directly

Subsidies and welfare schemes announced by the Central and
State governments does not reach farmers.
No information about water management

Absence of agricultural Marketing

Lack of proper storage facilities

Knowledge of modern agri-practices

Lack of awareness among farmers about the benefits of ICT in
KrishiCloud: Answer to the challenges

Segregated information can be brought under one umbrella

where all the channels can connect.

Service Providers can reach the farmers easily by sending audio

files, videos and SMS to provide information about the various

No investment required by service provider in IT & Telecom

infrastructures, product design, etc.,

The use of mobile technology will increase information quality,

improve overall efficiency and effectiveness

Government Soil Analysis

Weather Expert
Policies and Water
Forecasting Opinion

Direct Debit
Aadhar Services


Post Harvest

Directory Market
Potential E-NAM

Service Layer
How it will work?
Plug and play mobile information delivery system

Sell/buy from the farmers directly.

Access to quality content, information and know how, related to

agriculture and related activities.

Ministry of Agriculture would collect the information regarding the

crops, soils, post-harvest, etc.
Current scenario

Farmer calls
various channels
for information
about his queries

Data collection by individual channels due to which predictive analysis is not possible
Information dissemination through KrishiCloud
मैं आपकी किस प्रकार सहायता कर सकती हूँ

मुझे आलू की खेती करनी है , कृ पया मुझे इसके बीज के बारे में जानकारी दे

अवश्य !! आगे बढ़ने से पहले कृ पया हमे अपने राज्य और जिले का नाम बताएँ

राज्य उत्तर प्रदेश, जिल्ला मुरादाबाद

धन्यवाद!! आलू की खेती के लिए आप कु फरी सदाबहार, कु फरी चंद्रमुखी, कु फरी जवाहर कु फरी अलंकार, या कु फरी बादशाह का
इस्तेमाल कर सकते है

अच्छा तो क्या अब आप खाद सम्बंधित जानकारी भी लेना चाहेंगे

एक अच्छी उपज के लिए इस्तेमाल किये जाने वाले खाद में निट्रोजेन और फास्फोरस की मात्र अधिक होनी चाहिए, पशु KrishiCloud
खाद खेती के लिए सबसे अच्छा है

Farmer calls अच्छा तो बताइए क्या आप कीटनाशक सम्बंधित जानकारी भी लेना चाहेंगे
KrishiCloud नहीं
हमारे इस वौइस् आटोमेटिक सिस्टम पर और कई विषयों पर जानकारी मौजूद है, आप जिस भी विषय के बारे में जानकारी लेना चाहते है उसका नाम बोले (उद्धरण के तौर पर
आप मौसम, सकरी योजना, बैंक लोन इत्यादि बोल सकते है )

तो चलिए बताइए क्या आप किसी और विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते है?
हमे उम्मीद है की आप हमे सेवा का अवसर दुबारा प्रदान करेंगे | कृ षिक्लौड के आटोमेटिक वौइस् इनफार्मेशन सिस्टम में कॉल करने के लिए धयवाद,. हम आशा करते है की आपका दिन
मंगलमय हो
Revised Scenario
Information provided
KrishiCloud from various sources,
disseminated to
farmers through

Farmer calls
KrishiCloud for
any query

Big data analysis of the data collected from farmers which helps to
provide real time reports and analysis. It also allows predictive analysis
for better services.
New Crop

Post- Water
Harvest Managem
Activities ent

nt Pesticides
catered by
Krishiclou Transport

ntal Crop
Conditions Insurance

Market Farming
Potential Machinery
of their and
product Equipment

Talk to an Weather
Expert Forecast
Info about
Health and Soil
diseases of Analysis
Services Catered by KrishiCloud
• Farmers will be able to search and browse through the content
Agriculture Information • Farmer will be able to talk to an expert to solve their queries. Talk to an Expert
feature will record each conversation and automatically index it with search criteria
& Advisory Services so that same content/answer can be repeated for any users with similar queries.

• The farmers will get to know about loans being provided by the banks, insurance for
Financial Services their crops and any offers by banks for farmers.

Weather • Up to date weather forecasts on demand

• Farmers can connect through this system to other farmers for advising other
Knowledge Sharing colleagues about farming techniques, farming events, Social gatherings, job opening

• The farmer will be able to buy or sell product. The farmer will also be able to get
Transactional information regarding the market price of the product they want to buy or the price
they can expect of their produce.

• The farmer would be able to know about the policies that government brings for
Government Policies them through this portal
Benefits of KrishiCloud

Provide services to farmers on their phones

Information provided using SMS, IVR and USSD as channel bearers

Provides all the services sought by farmers under one umbrella.

Saves cost and time of everyone linked to the platform

Real time data analysis using big data analytics and generate reports as required

Regional language support in all major languages spoken in India.

Voice gives better reach as all people can access the platform
Company Back Ground
Founded by IITians to innovate & leverage technology to create a mark
in Common man’s life .

Team comprises of Telecom experts who have been pioneers and

successfully created new market in GPS, m-Payment, Local Search,
Mobile Marketing & other Telecom Fields.

In past three years, Invested in technology and platform to deliver wide

scale services. Now floated Phoneme to concentrate on R&D in areas of
Machine Learning, Big Data, NLU.

Already built V-Phoneme platform catering to Agriculture, Health and

Education industry, thereby touching about 30k subscribers a day.
Key Team Members
Anuj Kumar

• Founder & Chief Executive - B-Tech (IIT-Varanasi), PGCAMPR (MICA) has more than 12 years of
relevant experience which has included heading business units of major companies like Spanco,
Mobile2Win, ACL, Air2web etc. where he has conceptualized, implemented and taken platform
solutions to market

Sudhanshu Tewari

• Director- Strategy B.Tech from IIT Kanpur & an MBA from IIM has extensive experience in
software industry for last 20 years. He headed various organizations as Orange, France Telecom,
Trimax, Spanco etc.

Nikhil Kulshreshtha

• Executive Director, Strategy & Business Development. B.Tech from IIT Roorkee ,Nikhil is an
evangelist & entrepreneur in technology and telecom domain with over 25+ year experience. He
was the founder and CEO of Mobile2Win India and China and has actively shared his views in
various Indian & International forum in mobile, interactive marketing, mobile entertainment as
well as business issues.

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