Breast Cancer Pamphlet

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Why should I care What is a

about Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer?
Breast Breast cancer starts when cells in the
breast begin to divide and grow in an

Cancer Do you know that :

abnormal way. These cells usually form
a tumor that can often be seen on an x-

ray or felt as a lump. The tumor is
cancerous if the cells can grow into
surrounding tissues or spread to distant
1 in every 8 women has areas of the body. Breast cancer occurs
potential developing almost entirely in women, but men can
Breast Cancer
1 get it, too

Breast Cancer is the Second- Risk factor of Breast

leading cause of cancer death in Cancer:
the More you Know, I. Age (Older)
the Less you Fear Male also has potential of
II. Genetic (Family History)
Breast Cancer
III. Obesity
3 IV. Lack of Physical Exercise
• Smoking
• Having dense breast
Example of
Symptoms to look
What should I do ? available treatment
out for:
for Breast Cancer:

A change in the size,

shape or feel of a breast
Know the Symptom
Do pay attention to the symptoms
A new lump or thickening
in a breast or armpit Surgery (Lumpectomy / Mastectomy)

Radiation Therapy
Skin changes such as
puckering, dimpling, a 2 Do self-exam Chemotherapy
rash or redness of the If you want to help,
skin once a month
you Therapy
Hormone could also..
Check for unusual lump when arms
at side and raised overhigh
Targeted Therapy
Fluid leaking from a
nipple in a woman who
Spread the message by
isn't pregnant or breast
spreading info to everyone
3 you know
Support those whom you
Meet the Doctor know that are battling with
Changes in the Breast Cancer
Make appointment if you had Donate to the organization
appearance of a nipple
lumps found during self-exam for Breast Cancer

Pain in one of the breast

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