Lecture Note - Introduction of Mechanisms and Machines - CH-1

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Introduction of Mechanisms and


Dr. H. R. Prajapati
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
Government Engineering College, Modasa 1
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R,
Shigley J E, Oxford Press.
3. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Norton R L, McGraw-Hill
4. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Ambekar, A G, Prentice Hall
5. Theory of Machines, Singh Sadhu, Pearson Education

Course Outcomes
CO CO statement Marks %
CO1 Understand basic structure and elements of machines. 20

CO2 Identify functional characteristics of various machine 20


CO3 Synthesize various mechanisms based on position, velocity 20

and acceleration requirement.

CO4 Determine position, velocity and acceleration of linkages in 20

mechanism at any instant.

CO5 Understand basics related to friction and its practical 20

application in mechanical engineering.

What is Kinematics and Dynamics
Traditionally, motion studies have been divided into two categories:
kinematics and dynamics.

Dynamics is branch of science in which study of motion

Kinematics is the study of motion without regard to forces
that cause it.

Kinetics is the study of motion with regard to forces that
cause it.

Kinematic Link or Element:
Each part of a machine, which moves relative to some other part,
is known as a kinematic link (or simply link) or element.

• A link may consist of several parts, which are rigidly fastened

together, so that they do not move relative to one another.

• For example, in a reciprocating steam engine, as shown in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 5
• piston, piston rod and crosshead constitute one link ;

• connecting rod with big and small end bearings constitute a second
link ;

• crank, crank shaft and flywheel a third link and

• cylinder, engine frame and main bearings a fourth link.

• A link or element need not to be a rigid body, but it must be a

resistant body.

• A body is said to be a resistant body if it is capable of transmitting the

required forces with negligible deformation.

• Thus a link should have the following two characteristics:

1. It should have relative motion, and
2. It must be a resistant body. 6
Types of Links
1. Rigid link
A rigid link is one which does not undergo any deformation while
transmitting motion.
• Rigid links do not exist. However, as the deformation of a connecting
rod, crank etc. of a reciprocating steam engine is not appreciable, they
can be considered as rigid links.
2. Flexible link
A flexible link is one which is partly deformed in a manner not to
affect the transmission of motion.
• For example, belts, ropes, chains and wires are flexible links and
transmit tensile forces only.

3. Fluid link
A fluid link is one which is formed by having a fluid in a receptacle
and the motion is transmitted through the fluid by pressure or
compression only, as in the case of hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes.
It is an assemblage of a number of resistant bodies (known as
members) having no relative motion between them and meant for
carrying loads having straining action.

• A railway bridge, a roof truss, machine frames etc., are the examples
of a structure.

Difference Between a Machine and a Structure

1. The parts of a machine move relative to one another, whereas the
members of a structure do not move relative to one another.

2. A machine transforms the available energy into some useful work,

whereas in a structure no energy is transformed into useful work.

3. The links of a machine may transmit both power and motion, while
the members of a structure transmit forces only. 8
Kinematic Pair
The two links or elements of a machine, when in contact with each
other, are said to form a pair. If the relative motion between them is
completely or successfully constrained (i.e. in a definite direction), the
pair is known as kinematic pair.

Types of Constrained Motions
1. Completely constrained motion.
When the motion between a pair is limited to a definite direction
irrespective of the direction of force applied, then the motion is said to
be a completely constrained motion.

• For example, the piston and cylinder (in a steam engine) form a pair
and the motion of the piston is limited to a definite direction (i.e. it
will only reciprocate) relative to the cylinder irrespective of the
direction of motion of the crank, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2. Square bar in a square hole. Fig. 3. Shaft with collars in a circular hole
• The motion of a square bar in a square hole, and the motion of a shaft
with collars at each end in a circular hole, as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig.
3, are also examples of completely constrained motion.
2. Incompletely constrained motion.
When the motion between a pair can take place in more than one
direction, then the motion is called an incompletely constrained motion.
• The change in the direction of impressed force may alter the direction
of relative motion between the pair.
• A circular bar or shaft in a circular hole, as shown in Fig. 4, is an
example of an incompletely constrained motion as it may either rotate
or slide in a hole.

Fig. 4 Shaft in a circular hole

3. Successfully constrained motion.
When the motion between the elements, forming a pair, is such that
the constrained motion is not completed by itself, but by some other
means, then the motion is said to be successfully constrained motion.

• Consider a shaft in a foot-step bearing as shown in

Fig. 5. The shaft may rotate in a bearing or it may
move upwards. This is a case of incompletely
constrained motion.

• But if the load is placed on the shaft to prevent axial

upward movement of the shaft, then the motion of the
pair is said to be successfully constrained motion.

• The motion of an I.C. engine valve (these are kept on Fig. 5 Shaft in a foot
their seat by a spring) and the piston reciprocating step bearing.
inside an engine cylinder are also the examples of
successfully constrained motion. 12
Classification of Kinematic Pairs
1. According to the type of relative motion between the elements.

(a) Sliding pair.

• When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one can only slide relative to the other, the pair is known as a sliding

• The piston and cylinder, cross-head and guides of a reciprocating

steam engine, ram and its guides in shaper, tail stock on the lathe bed
etc. are the examples of a sliding pair.

• A little consideration will show, that a sliding pair has a completely

constrained motion.

(b) Turning pair.
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one can only turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another link, the pair is
known as turning pair.

• A shaft with collars at both ends fitted into a circular hole, the
crankshaft in a journal bearing in an engine, lathe spindle supported in
head stock, cycle wheels turning over their axles etc. are the examples
of a turning pair.

• A turning pair also has a completely constrained motion.

(c) Rolling pair.

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one rolls over another fixed link, the pair is known as rolling pair.

• Ball and roller bearings are examples of rolling pair.

(d) Screw pair.
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one element can turn about the other by screw threads, the pair is known
as screw pair.

• The lead screw of a lathe with nut, and bolt with a nut are examples of
a screw pair.

(e) Spherical pair.

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one element (with spherical shape) turns or swivels about the other fixed
element, the pair formed is called a spherical pair.

• The ball and socket joint, attachment of a car mirror, pen stand etc.,
are the examples of a spherical pair.

2. According to the type of contact between the elements.

(a) Lower pair.

When the two elements of a pair have a surface contact when
relative motion takes place and the surface of one element slides over
the surface of the other, the pair formed is known as lower pair.
• It will be seen that sliding pairs, turning pairs and screw pairs form
lower pairs.
(b) Higher pair.
When the two elements of a pair have a line or point contact when
relative motion takes place and the motion between the two elements is
partly turning and partly sliding, then the pair is known as higher pair.

• A pair of friction discs, toothed gearing, belt and rope drives, ball and
roller bearings and cam and follower are the examples of higher
Fig. 6 Cam and Follower

Fig. 7 Toothed Gear

3. According to the type of closure.

(a) Self closed pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected together
mechanically in such a way that only required kind of relative motion
occurs, it is then known as self closed pair.

• The lower pairs are self closed pair.

(b) Force - closed pair

When the two elements of a pair are not connected mechanically but
are kept in contact by the action of external forces, the pair is said to be a
force-closed pair.

• The cam and follower is an example of force closed pair, as it is kept

in contact by the forces exerted by spring and gravity.

Kinematic Chain
When the kinematic pairs are coupled in such a way that the last link
is joined to the first link to transmit definite motion (i.e. completely or
successfully constrained motion), it is called a kinematic chain.

• A kinematic chain may be defined as a combination of kinematic

pairs, joined in such a way that each link forms a part of two pairs and
the relative motion between the links or elements is completely or
successfully constrained.

• For example, the crankshaft of an engine forms a kinematic pair with

the bearings which are fixed in a pair, the connecting rod with the
crank forms a second kinematic pair, the piston with the connecting
rod forms a third pair and the piston with the cylinder forms a fourth

• If each link is assumed to form two pairs with two adjacent links, then
the relation between the number of pairs ( p ) forming a kinematic
chain and the number of links ( l ) may be expressed in the form of an
l=2p–4 (i)

• Another relation between the number of links (l) and the number of
joints ( j ) which constitute a kinematic chain is given by the
expression :

• The equations (i) and (ii) are applicable only to kinematic chains, in
which lower pairs are used.

• These equations may also be applied to kinematic chains, in which
higher pairs are used. In that case each higher pair may be taken as
equivalent to two lower pairs with an additional element or link.
1. Consider the arrangement of three links AB, BC and CA with pin
joints at A, B and C as shown in Fig. 5. In this case,
Number of links, l = 3
Number of pairs, p = 3
and number of joints, j = 3
From equation (i), l = 2p – 4
or 3 = 2 × 3 – 4 = 2
i.e. L.H.S. > R.H.S.

L.H.S. > R.H.S.

• Eq. not satisfy the equations (i) and (ii) and the left hand side is greater than the
right hand side, therefore it is not a kinematic chain and hence no relative motion is
• Such type of chain is called locked chain and forms a rigid frame or structure which
is used in bridges and trusses.
2. Consider the arrangement of four links AB, BC, CD and DA as shown
in Fig. 5.7. In this case
l = 4, p = 4, and j = 4

From equation (i), l = 2 p – 4

i.e. L.H.S. = R.H.S.

L.H.S. = R.H.S.

• Since the arrangement of four links, as shown in Fig. 7, satisfy the

equations (i) and (ii), therefore it is a kinematic chain of one degree
of freedom.

3. Consider an arrangement of five links, as shown in Fig. 8.
In this case,
l = 5, p = 5, and j = 5

From equation (i),

l = 2 p – 4 or 5 = 2 × 5 – 4 = 6
i.e. L.H.S. < R.H.S.
From equation (ii),

• Eq. not satisfy the equations and left hand side is less than right hand
side, therefore it is not a kinematic chain.
• Such a type of chain is called unconstrained chain i.e. the relative
motion is not completely constrained.
• This type of chain is of little practical importance 23
Types of Joints in a Chain
1. Binary joint. When two links are joined at the same connection, the
joint is known as binary joint.

• For example, a chain as shown in Fig. 9,

• has four links and four binary joins
• at A, B, C and D.

• In order to determine the nature of chain, i.e. whether the chain is a

locked chain (or structure) or kinematic chain or unconstrained chain,
the following relation between the number of links and the number of
binary joints, as given by A.W. Klein, may be used :


• When h = 0, the equation (i), may be written as 24

• Since the left hand side is equal to the right hand side, therefore the
chain is a kinematic chain or constrained chain.

2. Ternary joint. When three links are joined at the same connection, the
joint is known as ternary joint.

• It is equivalent to two binary joints as one of the three links joined

carry the pin for the other two links.
• For example, a chain, as shown in Fig. 9, has six links.
• It has three binary joints at A, B and D and two
ternary joints at C and E.

• Since one ternary joint is equivalent to two binary

joints, therefore equivalent binary joints in a chain,
as shown in Fig. 9, are 3 + 2 × 2 = 7 25
• Since left hand side is equal to right hand side, therefore the chain, as
shown in Fig. 9, is a kinematic chain or constrained chain.
3. Quaternary joint. When four links are joined at the same connection,
the joint is called a quaternary joint.
• It is equivalent to three binary joints.
• For example consider a chain having eleven
links, as shown in Fig. 10.

• It has one binary joint at D, four ternary

joints at A, B, E and F, and two quaternary
joints at C and G.
• Since one quaternary joint is equivalent to
three binary joints and one ternary joint is
equal to two binary joints, therefore total
number of binary joints in a chain, as shown
in Fig. 10, are:
• 1 + 4 × 2 + 2 × 3 = 15 26
• Let us now determine whether the chain, as shown in Fig. 5.12 (a), is
a kinematic chain or not.
• We know that l = 11 and j = 15. We know that,

• Since the left hand side is greater than right hand side, therefore the
chain, as shown in Fig. 10, is not a kinematic chain.

• Such a type of chain is called locked chain and forms a rigid frame or

When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is
known as mechanism.
• It may be used for transmitting or transforming motion e.g. engine
indicators, typewriter etc.

• A mechanism with four links is known as simple mechanism, and the

mechanism with more than four links is known as compound

Number of Degrees of Freedom for Plane Mechanisms

• It is defined as the number of input parameters (usually pair variables)

which must be independently controlled in order to bring the
mechanism into a useful engineering purpose.

• It is possible to determine the number of degrees of freedom of a

mechanism directly from the number of links and the number and
types of joints which it includes.

• Consider a four bar chain, as shown in Fig. 11.

• Only one variable such as is needed to define

the relative positions of all the links.
• In other words, we say that the number of
degrees of freedom of a four bar chain is one. 29
• Consider a five bar chain, as shown in Fig.
• In this case two variables such as 1 and 2 are
needed to define completely the relative
positions of all the links.
• Thus, we say that the number of degrees of
freedom is * two.

• In order to develop the relationship in general, consider two links AB

and CD in a plane motion as shown in Fig. 12 (a).

• The link AB with co-ordinate system OXY is taken as the reference
link (or fixed link).

• The position of point P on the moving link CD can be completely

specified by the three variables, i.e. the co-ordinates of the point P
denoted by x and y and the inclination of the link CD with X-axis or
link AB.

• We can say that each link of a mechanism has three degrees of

freedom before it is connected to any other link.

• But when the link CD is connected to the link AB by a turning pair at

A, as shown in Fig. 11 (b), the position of link CD is now determined
by a single variable and thus has one degree of freedom.

• From above, we see that when a link is connected to a fixed link by a
turning pair (i.e. lower pair), two degrees of freedom are destroyed.

• This may be clearly understood from Fig. 12, in which the resulting
four bar mechanism has one degree of freedom (i.e. n = 1 ).

Fig. 12. Four bar mechanism.

• Consider a plane mechanism with l number of links.
• Since in a mechanism, one of the links is to be fixed, therefore the
number of movable links will be (l – 1) and thus the total number of
degrees of freedom will be 3 (l – 1) before they are connected to any
other link.

• A mechanism with l number of links connected by j number of binary

joints or lower pairs (i.e. single degree of freedom pairs) and h
number of higher pairs (i.e. two degree of freedom pairs), then the
number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism is given by
n = 3 (l – 1) – 2 j – h ... (i)
• This equation is called Kutzbach criterion for the movability of a
mechanism having plane motion.

• If there are no two degree of freedom pairs (i.e. higher pairs), then h =
0. Substituting h = 0 in equation (i), we have
n = 3 (l – 1) – 2 j ... (ii)
Application of Kutzbach Criterion to Plane Mechanisms
• Kutzbach criterion for determining the number of degrees of freedom
or movability (n) of a plane mechanism is
n = 3 (l – 1) – 2 j – h

Fig. 13 Plane mechanisms

• The number of degrees of freedom or movability (n) for some simple

mechanisms having no higher pair (i.e. h = 0), as shown in Fig. 13
are determined as follows :
1. The mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13 (a), has three links and three
binary joints, i.e. l = 3 and j = 3.
n = 3 (3 – 1) – 2 × 3 = 0

2. The mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13 (b), has four links and four
binary joints, i.e. l = 4 and j = 4.
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4 = 1

3. The mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13 (c), has five links and five binary
joints, i.e. l = 5, and j = 5.
n = 3 (5 – 1) – 2 × 5 = 2

4. The mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13 (d), has five links and six
equivalent binary joints (because there are two binary joints at B and D,
and two ternary joints at A and C), i.e. l = 5 and j = 6.

n = 3 (5 – 1) – 2 × 6 = 0
5. The mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13 (e), has six links and eight
equivalent binary joints (because there are four ternary joints at A, B, C
and D),
i.e. l = 6 and j = 8.
n = 3 (6 – 1) – 2 × 8 = – 1
Important Note:
(a) When n = 0, then the mechanism forms a structure and no relative
motion between the links is possible, as shown in Fig. 13 (a) and (d).

(b) When n = 1, then the mechanism can be driven by a single input

motion, as shown in Fig. 13 (b).
(c) When n = 2, then two separate input motions are necessary to
produce constrained motion for the mechanism, as shown in Fig. 13
(d) When n = – 1 or less, then there are redundant constraints in the
chain and it forms a statically indeterminate structure, as shown
Fig. 13 (e).
• The application of Kutzbach’s criterion applied to mechanisms with a
higher pair or two degree of freedom joints is shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 Mechanism with a higher pair.

• In Fig. 14 (a), there are three links, two binary joints and one higher
pair, i.e. l = 3, j = 2 and h = 1.
n = 3 (3 – 1) – 2 × 2 – 1 = 1

• In Fig. 14 (b), there are four links, three binary joints and one higher
pair, i.e. l = 4, j = 3 and h = 1

n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 3 – 1 = 2 37
Inversion of Mechanism

• When one of links is fixed in a kinematic chain, it is called a


• So we can obtain as many mechanisms as the number of links in a

kinematic chain by fixing, in turn, different links in a kinematic chain.
This method of obtaining different mechanisms by fixing different
links in a kinematic chain, is known as inversion of the mechanism.

Types of Kinematic Chains
1. Four bar chain or quadric cyclic chain,

2. Single slider crank chain, and

3. Double slider crank chain.

Four Bar Chain or Quadric Cycle Chain

Fig. 15 Four bar chain.

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