Mechanisms of Drugs Action 2021 Full For MBBS
Mechanisms of Drugs Action 2021 Full For MBBS
Mechanisms of Drugs Action 2021 Full For MBBS
• Component of a system that accomplishes
the biologic effect after the receptor is
activated by an agonist; often a channel or
enzyme molecule
• OR
• The amount of drug needed to produce a
given effect.
• The smaller the EC50 (or ED50 ), the greater the potency of the drug.
• A graph of the fraction of a population that shows a specified response at
progressively increasing doses
• The median effective (ED50), median toxic (TD 50), and (in animals) median
lethal (LD50) doses are derived from experiments carried out in this manner.
• TI = TD 50
•Represents an estimate of the safety of a drug, because a very safe drug might be
expected to have a very large toxic dose and a much smaller effective dose.
Therapeutic window:
•Describes the dosage range between the minimum effective therapeutic concentration /
dose, and the minimum toxic concentration/ dose.
Competitive Pharmacologic Antagonists
• are the drugs that bind to, or very close to, the agonist receptor site in
a reversible way without activating the effector system for that
• Do not bind to the agonist receptor site, they bind to some other
region of the receptor molecule that results in inhibition of the
response to agonists .
• For example,
Insulin acts on a tyrosine kinase that is located in the membrane.
The insulin receptor site faces the extracellular environment, and the effector
enzyme catalytic site is on the cytoplasmic side.
• which either stimulate or inhibit the cyclase. Thus, the receptor and
effector are linked through the G-coupling protein.
• Tachyphylaxis.
• Frequent or continuous
exposure to agonists often
results in short-term diminution
of the response, sometimes
called tachyphylaxis.
• Example is continuous use of
nitroglycerin results in loss of
• Up-regulation of receptors:
• When receptor activation is blocked for
prolonged periods (usually several days) by
pharmacologic antagonists or by denervation.