Phases of Teaching

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Also known as stages of teaching

In simple word phases means distinct period or stages in a

series of activities.

Teaching is a complex task. We need systematic planning

to perform this task. Teaching has to be done in steps. The
different steps constituting the process are called
the phases of teaching.
Importance Of Phases Of Teaching
Phases of teaching improves level of teaching

It modifies classroom teaching and interaction pattern.

Creates appropriate condition for learning.

It helps to evaluate the students systematically.

Improves the quality of a teacher.

Supervise various aspects of teaching.

Uses different methods and techniques.

Philip Jackson divides the teaching act
into three phases

These are-

I. Pre active phase

II. Interactive phase
III. Post active phase
Pre-Active Phases Of Teaching
Pre active phase takes place before the actual classroom
teaching in known as Pre active phase. The teacher
performs several activities in this stage.

It is also known as planning stage of teaching before

entering the classroom the teacher plans some task. For
examples Preparation of lesson plan, arrange the teaching
learning materials, write the objectives of teaching etc. the
planning helps the teacher to make classroom interesting
and effective.
Activities Of Pre-Active Phase

Decision about the content

The syllabus prescribed for the learners

Managing the way of presentation

Selection of strategies and techniques

Appropriate means of presentation

Interactive Phase
The stage after entering into the classroom is called as
interactive stage. In this stage teaching executes the plan that
he prepares in the pre active phase.

The interactive stage is an implementing stage of teaching. It

is the actual stage of teaching. The success and failure of
teaching depends upon this stage. Visit to know criteria of
successful teaching.

According to Jackson “The teacher provides pupils’ verbal

stimulation of various kinds, makes explanation, ask question,
listen to the learner response and provides guidance.”
Teacher’s Task Or Activities

Sign up the class

Identify the students

Action or start up the teaching

Development of strategies
Post Active Phase Of Teaching
This is the last stage of three of teaching. The task of
teaching is complete. In this stage the teacher think in
retrospect way about what happened in the class after it is

After completion of the class the teacher evaluates the

performance of the learner by asking them question. It this
stage the teacher has to do three important works to
evaluate the teaching learning process.
Three Important Works To Evaluate
The Teaching Learning Process

1. Assessing the behavioural change of the student

2. Selection of appropriate testing devices

3. Changing of improving strategies of teaching

Thus the steps follow to complete the activity of teaching
are the phases of teaching. Which includes pre active
phase also known as planning stage that takes place
before actual classroom. Interactive phase which refers to
all this activity that a teacher perfumes after entering the
classroom. And the last phase of teaching is post active
phase which take place after the completion of interactive
phase also known as evaluation stage.

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