Computer Architecture Ca2

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Presentation on
Microarchitecture and instruction set Architecture

Presented by,
Name:- Vikas Laxmanrao Mokashe
Class:- T.Y. - B
Roll No:- 35231

Subject Teacher,
Dr.shaikh shoaib
computer architerture

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

DIEMS, Aurangabad 1
 Introduction
 What is microarchitecture
 What is instruction set architecture
 Type of instruction set architecture
 Examples of instruction set

[ Basic Terminologies in Data Structures ]

 Introduction:-

What is the microarchitecture.?

microarchitecture, also called computer organization and

sometimes abbreviated as µarch or uarch, is the way a
given instruction set architecture  is implemented in a
particular processor. 

A microarchitecture is the digital logic that allows an

instruction set to be executed. It is the combined
implementation of registers, memory, arithmetic logic units,
multiplexers, and any other digital logic blocks. All of this,
together, forms the processor

Name of Topic 3
 What is instruction set architecture?

ISA describes the design of a Computer in terms of the basic

operations it must support. The ISA is not concerned with the
implementation specific details of a computer. It is only
concerned with the set or collection of basic operations the
computer must support. 

Name of Topic 4
 Type of instruction set architecture:-

 Arithmetic/Logic Instructions:
These Instructions perform various Arithmetic & Logical operations on one or
more operands.

 Data Transfer Instructions:

These instructions are responsible for the transfer of instructions from memory
to the processor registers and vice versa.

 Branch and Jump Instructions:

These instructions are responsible for breaking the sequential flow of
instructions and jumping to instructions at various other location

Name of Topic 5
 Examples of instruction set:-

• ADD - Add two numbers together.

• COMPARE - Compare numbers.
• IN - Input information from a device, e.g., keyboard.
• JUMP - Jump to designated RAM address.
• JUMP IF - Conditional statement that jumps to a
designated RAM address.
• LOAD - Load information from RAM to the CPU.
• OUT - Output information to device, e.g., monitor.
• STORE - Store information to RAM.

Name of Topic 6
Name of Topic 7
Thank You !!!

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