FLIPKART-Worlds Top 10 Most Visited E-Commerce

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 FLIPKART- Worlds top 10 most visited E-commerce

website in India with regards to traffic.
 Multiple payment methods available for customers to
make payment more easy.
 Fastest growing e-commerce website in India.
 It sells nearly 30 products per minute.

 Flip kart was founded in 2007 by sachin bansal and

binny bansal both alumni of the Indian institute of
technology Delhi. They worked before Amazon and left
to create their new company incorporated in October
2007 as flipkart online services Pvt. ltd. The first product
they sold was the book.
 Flip kart now employs more than 33000 people.

 Flip kart allows payment methods such as cash on

delivery, credit or debit card transactions, net banking, e-
gift voucher and card swipe on delivery.
 The mission statement for Flip kart com is a public
document that details the values and strategic aims of
Flip kart com. The mission statement of Flip kart com
also identifies the purpose of the organization existence,
highlighting the services and the products it offers.
 Further,the mission statement also identifies the
organization’s operational goals for Flip kart.com, the
processes the company uses to achieve those, the target
customer groups, and the region where the company

 AMAZON- arguably the world’s largest online shopping store. It offers a wide
array of services including online retail, consumer electronics, multimedia
content and computing services among others.
 SNAPDEAL- Snap deal is another Indian based e-commerce company that
offers online retail services. It was founded in 2010 but has risen to become
one of the biggest e-retailers in India.
 ALIBABA - is another giant company that offers online commerce services. It
was founded in 1999 as a simple B2B online shopping portal but later grew to
become the biggest e-commerce portal in Asia offering B2B, C2C, and B2C
online services.
 PAYTM - is an Indian-based online payment and e-commerce Company that
offers allows the users to make payments upon purchase of a wide range of
products including fashion items, electronics, home appliances and digital
products among many more.
 MYNTRA- Myntra is a part of Flip kart but is a competitor of the online portal
where fashion is concerned. Myntra is an Indian-based online marketplace
for a wide range of fashion items. It was founded in 2007 with the primary aim
of customizing different types of gift items, especially that are related to