Poly-Phase Induction Motor

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Chapter: 06

Poly-phase Induction Motor

AC Machines

• AC generators: They convert mechanical energy into ac

electrical energy.

• AC motors: They convert ac electrical energy into

mechanical energy.
Major Classes of AC Machines

• Synchronous Machines: Synchronous machines are type

of machines in which the rotation of the shaft is
synchronized with the frequency of the supply voltage;
the rotation period is exactly equal to an integral number
of AC cycles.

• Induction Machines: Induction machines are motors and

generators in which the electric current in the rotor is
obtained by electromagnetic induction from the magnetic
field of the stator winding.
• Scientist Nikolas Tesla invented the three-phase induction motor.
• It is used as electric motor and workhorse in the industry.
• It is named as induction motor because rotor receives power from the
stator by induction phenomenon.
• It runs at constant speed and requires less maintenance.
• It is a self-starting device.
• Two main components:
1. The stationary part called stator.
2. The rotating part called rotor.
• There is a small clearance between stator and rotor called air gap. It
ranges from 0.4mm to 4mm.
It is the outer part of an induction motor, consists of steel frame that
a hollow cylindrical core made up of thin laminations of silicon steel. It
provides suitable slots in its inner periphery for winding purposes. It is wound
for a definite number of poles. The windings are geometrically spaced and
three phase AC supply is connected to stator.
It is the inner part of the motor, which moves during running. Rotor receives
energy from the stator by a process of induction.
Types: Squirrel cage rotor and wound rotor
Squirrel cage rotor
It consists of a highly laminated cylindrical core having parallel slots on its
outer surface. Thick copper bars are placed on each slot & metal rings
(end rings) short these bars. It is used for low & medium starting torque motor.
Rotor bars (slightly skewed)

End ring

Skew angle
The slots in the squirrel cage rotor are not always parallel to the shaft. These
are twisted through an angle called skew angle.
Wound rotor

This is used for high starting torque. It consists of a laminated cylindrical

core and carries 3-Φ double layer distributed winding.
• Stator and rotor are made up of thick wafers of silicon steel that are put
together with a varnish coating as insulation
• Both are cut out of same sheet.
Working Principle
The 3-ϕ stator winding of an induction motor is energized by a 3-ϕ supply.
This produces a constant magnitude magnetic field which rotates at
Specific speed around the stator. This rotating field crosses the air gap
& cuts the stationary rotor conductors. As a result, an emf will be induced
in the rotor conductors by transformer action. Due to this voltage, current will
flow through the rotor conductors. The current carrying conductors placed in
the magnetic field experience a force that helps to rotate the motor.
Rotating Field of a 3-phase Induction Motor
In a stator, the 3-ϕ windings (aa’, bb’, cc’) are placed 120° part from each
other. A rotating magnetic field of constant magnitude is produced when
a 3-ϕ voltage is applied to the stator winding. This rotating field is produced
by the contributions of space displaced currents. The fluxes are,
ϕa = ϕmsin ωt
ϕb = ϕmsin (ωt-120°)
ϕc = ϕmsin (ωt-240°)
Synchronous Speed

The speed at which the revolving flux rotates in

between the stator & rotor free space (air gap) is called
the synchronous speed and is given as:

Ns = 120f/P
Where f= supplied frequency in hertz
And P= no. of poles on stator
Slip Speed or Relative Speed
The slip speed is the difference between the
synchronous speed, Ns, & the speed of
the rotor, Nl. It is also called relative
speed Nr.
Nr = Ns-Nl
• The slip is the ratio of the slip speed N r to the
synchronous speed Ns.
s = Nr/Ns
As Nr = Ns-Nl
So, s= (Ns–Nl)/Ns
→ Nl= Ns (1-s)
• If s=1 then Nl =0.
• If s = 0 then Nr = Ns
• .
• The rotor speed Nl will be zero if the rotor is
blocked by some other devices.
i.e. s= (Ns–Nl)/Ns
Or s= (Ns–0)/Ns
Or s= 1
Rotor Circuit Frequency
The rotor frequency is, fr=(P*Nr)/120 → fr=(P*(Ns-Nl))/120 fr=(P*sNs)/120
fr =(s*PNs)/120. At s=1(under blocked rotor condition), fr=fBR → fBR=PNs/120
The full load speed of 3-Φ , 230 V, 4-pole, 50 Hz induction motor is 1445 rpm. find
(i) Synchronous speed
(ii) Slip
(iii) Rotor frequency

A 3-phase, 440 V, 8-pole, 60 Hz induction motor has a rotor speed of 690 rpm. Find
(i) Synchronous speed
(iii) Rotor frequency
Rotor Voltage
According to working principle, 3-ϕ induction motor is comparable with 3-ϕ
transformer. The expression of rotor voltage is,
Er = 4.44 frNϕm, at s=1, Er = EBR, EBR = 4.44fBRNϕm, Er=sEBR
A 4-pole, 50Hz 3-Φ induction motor is operating at 1450rpm. Under blocked
rotor condition, the voltage is found 120V. Determine the synchronous speed
, rotor frequency and rotor voltage.
A 6-pole, 60Hz 3-Φ induction motor is operating at 1100rpm. Under blocked
rotor condition, the voltage is found 120V. Determine the synchronous speed
, rotor frequency and rotor voltage.
Rotor Torque
In 3-ϕ induction motor torque is proportional to the product of rotor current,
flux and power factor, TαϕI2cosϕ2, but E2αϕ
T=k1E2I2cosϕ2, for constant E2, T=k2I2cosϕ2
Starting Torque
The expression is, Tst=k2I2cosϕ2, Tst =k2R2 /(R22+X22)
Condition for maximum starting torque is R2 = X2
Staring Current
The starting current can be reduced in two ways: Reduced stator voltage
external resistance in rotor,
Ist =Io (Vs / Vo), Tst =To(Vs / Vo)*(Vs/Vo)
Where o subscript represents original/rated values
The original starting torque of a 4-pole, 230V, 3-ϕ induction motor is 230N-m
and the starting current at rated voltage is 560A. A reduced 3-Φ voltage of
150V is applied to the motor terminals. Find the value of starting torque and

The original starting torque of a 6-pole, 208V, 3-ϕ induction motor is 180N-m
& the starting current at rated voltage is 300A. A reduced 3-ϕ voltage of
108V is applied to the motor terminals. Find the value of starting torque &
Running Torque
The initial expression, Tr α ErIrcosϕ2
The final expression, Tr = krsE22R2/(R22+(sX2)2)
Condition for Maximum starting torque is R2=sX2
The maximum torque, Tmα1/(2X2)
n Relationships between different Torque
For starting and maximum torque,
For full load/running and maximum torque,
(Tm/Tf)= 2as/(s2+a2)
The full load slip of a 50Hz, 8-pole induction motor is 3%. The rotor resistance and
standstill reactance per phase are 0.01Ω and 0.1Ω respectively. Find the speed at
which maximum torque occurs and the ratio of starting torque to maximum load
The full load slip of a 60Hz, 4-pole induction motor is 4%. The rotor and standstill
reactance per phase are 0.03Ω and 0.4Ω respectively. Find the speed at which
maximum torque occurs and the of maximum torque to full load torque.
Power Relationships
The electrical power reaches from stator to rotor through an air-gap. Most of
the air gap power is converted into mechanical power and rest of the power
Is wasted as rotor copper loss. The air gap power is, Pag=PMech+Prcu
The rotor copper loss is,Prcu = 3I22R2

The airgap consumed by variable resistance is, Pag = 3I22R2/s = Prcu/s

The mechanical power is, PMech=(1-s)Pag

The mechanical power in terms of rotor copper loss is, Pag=[(1-s) /s]*Prcu

Airgap power:Mechanical Power:Rotor copper loss

It is clear from above relation that Pag is dissipated in the rotor circuit as a
fraction of s & the Pag is converted into Pmech as a fraction of (1-s).
Torque Relationships
The expression of torque is, Ƭ= Pag /ωs where, ωs= (2πNs)/60
Rotor Input is, Pag = (2πNsƬ)/60=kƬ→ where K=(2πNs)/60
As we know, Pag = 3I22R2/s → kT = 3I22R2/s
If the rotor resistance is constant, the expression is, TαI22/s
In general, the torque expression is, TαI2/s
The rotor input of a Φ, 4-pole, 440V, 50Hz induction motor is 1.5kW. The
copper loss of the rotor circuit is 250W. Determine the slip, shaft speed,
synch.speed and mechanical power developed.
The rotor speed of a 3-Φ, 415V, 60Hz, 30kW induction motor is 1745rpm.
The friction and windage losses of the induction motor are 550W. Determine
the mechanical power developed, rotor copper loss, airgap power and slip
Power Stages in an Induction Motor
The electrical power applied to the stator of an induction motor is converted
into mechanical power at the shaft of the motor. During this conversion
Various losses are encountered.
The rotor speed of a 3-Φ, 6-pole, 50Hz, 45kW induction motor is 900rpm. Total stator
losses are measured 2kW.The friction and windage losses of the induction motor are
1.5kW each. Determine the Shaft or output power, Rotor cu loss, motor efficiency and
A 3-phase, 415V, 6-pole, delta connection, 50Hz induction motor consumes
power 72kW with a line current of 71A and runs at a slip of 2%. The stator iron
loss is 1.5kW, friction and windage loss is 2kW. If the stator resistance per phase
is 0.12ohm, determine the rotor input power, rotor Cu loss, shaft power Motor
Linear Induction Motor
• The linear induction motor is obtained if the induction motor is cut and laid
in flat position.
• This is designed for high force and long-stroke applications.
• It is used in the door sliding system, curtain puller etc.
• The secondary winding(rotor winding) of LIM is called a reaction plate.
• When 3-phase voltage is applied to the primary winding (stator winding) ,
a traveling magnetic field is created in the air gap.
• This magnetic field induces a current in the reaction plate which in turn
creates its own magnetic field.
• The interaction of the two magnetic fields
generates the high force and direct
linear motion.

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