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> The scientific study of human

development seeks to understand and

explain how and why people change
throughout life.
•Uses one or more
words with meaning
(this may be a fragment
of a word)
•Understands simple
instructions, especially if
vocal or physical cues
are given
•Is aware of the social
value of speech
Types of Language
Language can be thought of two main types/categories:
receptive and expressive.

1. Receptive language – it refers to child’s ability to

understand the communication of other people,
including spoken words, gestures and written
2. Expressive language – it refers to a child’s ability
to express him/herself, through modes including
speech, gesture, etc,
Elements of Language
Language is comprised of a number of
elements, including:
Prosody – the pattern or variations in pitch, intonation,
rhythm, and sounds.
Morphology – the formation of words (e.g. adding an –
ed ending to ‘walk’ to explain that someone ‘walked’,
creating the past tense form).
Syntax – putting words together to make sentences.
Semantics – word meanings.
Vocabulary – the number of words a child understands,
knows and uses.
Pragmatics – the social use of language (understanding
how to use it to interact with other people).
Behaviourist Theory:

B.F Skinner

Believe infants learn language through parental

reinforcement of word like sounds and correct grammar

Example: While babbling, babies will accidentally make

sounds that resemble a real word. Parents will respond
with praise and encouragement, leading to the baby to
slowly resemble more words.
Nativist Theory:

Noam Chomsky

Believe that a language acquisition device guides children’s

comprehension and production of language

Language Acquisition Device (LAD)- an innate language

processor that
contains the basic grammatical structure of all human

The LAD tells infants what two types of sounds, vowels and
consonants, to look for so they can properly divide the
speech they hear into two categories leading them to analyze
and learn the sounds.
Interactionist Theory:
Lev Vygotsky

Believe infants are biologically prepared and that

language development is a subprocess of cognitive
development, and that social interactions are
critical to language development.

Believe the child’s intent is to communicate and

share ideas in his head doing his best with
gestures and words they know. Striving to learn
new words to help him communicate his thoughts
and feelings.
Signs of Delayed Speech
or Language Development
Although every child develops at different rates, here are a few
signs of delayed development:

* No change in your child’s speech and language skills for two

to three

* Inconsistent or missing reaction to speech and other sounds.

* Marked frustration in trying to communicate.

* Your child doesn’t imitate language he hears in his

environment everyday.
Speech and language delay can be
caused by:

▪Hearing loss;

▪ Intellectual disability;

▪ Neurological problems- Ex: autism;

▪ Prematurity; and

▪ Bilingualism

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