Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Dr. Humera Farooq

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Lecture 01

Introduction to Artificial
Dr. Humera Farooq
[email protected]

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 1

Position of Artificial Intelligence in
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Operating System
Information System Engineering

Computer Information Technology Engineering

Science Networking and Internet Technology
Expert System
…………… Fuzzy Logic
Neural Network
Natural Language
Artificial Intelligence
Evolutionary Algorithms
Digital Image Processing
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 2
Course Objectives
• The goal of this course is to provide a detail
introduction to artificial intelligence and searching
• This course gives an overview of the key ideas such as
search, knowledge representation, rule based
systems, and learning that underlay the main
subfields of artificial intelligence and demonstrate the
need for different approaches for different problems.
• This course also covers fundamental areas of, Local
Search Algorithms, Adversarial Searching and Neural
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 3
Course Learning Outcomes
• Analyze and solve problems by a suitable AI method
(e.g., as a search problem, machine learning, CSP,
planning, etc.) to improve efficiency.
• Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of
different algorithms on problem formalization and
state the conclusions that the evaluation supports.
• Make use of methods from artificial intelligence in the
analysis, design and implementation of computer
• Ability to work in groups to apply intelligent
techniques to complex computing problems.
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 4
Lecture Outline
• Course overview
• What is AI?
• Foundation of AI
• A brief history of AI
• The state of the art of AI

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About Theory Course
Course Code: CSC-411
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit Hours: 2+1
Abbreviation: AI
Prerequisite: Object Oriented Programming
Type of Course: Elective
Course Description:
Introduction, Knowledge Representation, Search, Informed Search,
Search in Game Playing, Symbolic Logic, Planning, Machine Learning,
Ruled based Expert System, Introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computer Vision, Neural Networks.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 6

Course Assessment
Quizzes 10%
Assignments (Theoretical) 20%
Midterm Examination 20%
Final Examination 50%
Total 100%



© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 7

Text Book and Reference Books
Text Book
• S. Russell, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
Prentice Hall, (3rd edition)

Reference books
• Tom Taulli (2019) Artificial Intelligence Basics. A Non-Technical

• Ethem Alpaydın (2016) Machine Learning. The new AI-MIT

• Kevin Warwick (2011) - Artificial Intelligence_ The Basics-Routledge

• Ben Coppin, “Artificial Intelligence Illuminated”, Jones and Bartlett

illuminated Series, 2004

• Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation”,

Prentice Hall, 1999

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 8

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

• Artificial Intelligence is one of the newest

sciences which emerged after the world war II.
• AI represents a big and open field.
• The name Artificial Intelligence was adopted
for the first time in 1956. (soft computing:
Computational Intelligence)
• Artificial Intelligence can be viewed as a
universal field: How to automate intellectual
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 9
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

• Goal of Artificial Intelligence: Not only to

understand how does mind work? but also how to
build intelligent entities?
– Engineering point of view:
• Solve real-world problems using knowledge and reasoning
• Develop concepts, theory and practice of building intelligent
• Emphasis on system building
– Scientific point of view:
• Use computers as a platform for studying intelligence itself
• Emphasis on understanding intelligent behavior.
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 10
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

• What is artificial Intelligence?

– Several definitions are available in the literature.
Thinking vs. Behavior
Model humans vs. Ideal standard (Rationality)
• Rational System = system which does the
“right thing” given what it knows.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 11

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
• Definitions fall into four categories:
Intelligence : Reference to judge
Human models Rationality
Thinking “The exciting new effort to make computers -The study of mental faculties
think . . . machines with minds, in the full through the use of
and literal sense.” (Haugeland, 1985) computational models. (Charniak
“[The automation of] activities that we and Mcdermott, 1985)
Intelligence : Goal to reach

associate with human thinking, activities -The study of the computations

such as decision-making, problem solving, that make it possible to
learning . . .” (Bellman, 1978) perceive, reason and act.
(Winston 1992)

Acting -The art of creating machines that perform - Computational intelligence is

functions that require intelligence when the study of the design of
performed by people. (Kurzweil, 1990) intelligent agents. (Poole et
-The study of how to make computers do al.,1998).
things at which, at the moment, people are - AI…is concerned with
better. (Rich and Knight, 1991) intelligent behavior in artifacts.
(Nilsson, 1998)

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 12

Systems that act like humans
• In this approach computer capabilities are
compared with human capabilities

• For this purpose a special test of intelligent

behavior is defined. The test is called the
Turing test

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 13

Systems that act like humans

In a Turing test, the

interrogator must
determine which
respondent is the
computer and which
is the human

The Turing Test

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 14
Systems that act like humans
• Turing (1950) “Computing machinery and intelligence”.
• A computer passes the test if a human interrogator, after posing
some written questions, cannot tell whether the written
responses come from a person or from a computer.

• Little effort by AI researchers to pass the Turing Test

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 15

Systems that act like humans
• To pass the Turing test the computer must have the following
– Natural language processing: To communicate successfully.
– Knowledge representation: To store what it knows or hears.
– Automated reasoning: to answer questions and draw conclusions using
stored information.
– Machine learning: To adapt to new circumstances and to detect and
extrapolate patterns.
• However ,the Turing test excludes direct physical contact
between the machine and the interrogator. The so called the
Total Turing test brings forward two more requirements:
1. Computer vision in order to perceive objects, and
2. Robotics in order to move objects

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 16

Systems that act like humans
• Captcha
– Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans
– CAPTCHA is sometimes described as a reverse Turing test
– Tests to identify humans from bots on the Internet, to deny services to
WebCrawler's or spammers

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 17

Systems that think like humans
• Program think like human → How humans think?
• Requires Scientific theories of internal activities
of the brain (cognitive science and cognitive
• Cognitive science integrates computational
models developed in the area of artificial
intelligence with techniques from psychology in
order to develop theories about how the human
mental mind works

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 18

Systems that think rationally
• The Laws of Thought approach is based on
pattern for argument structure arising from
Aristostle’s syllogisms.
• This approach is related to logics, that is,
logical rules make the mental mind of humans
• Example, “Socrates is a man; all men are
mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal.” The
laws of thought initiated the field of logic.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 19

Systems that act rationally
• Modern AI can be characterized as the
engineering of rational agents.
• An agent is simply an entity that perceives and
acts. A rational agent is an entity that perceives,
reasons and acts rationally (correctly).
• Rational behavior : doing the right thing
• The right thing which is expected to maximize
goal achievement given the available information

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 20

The Foundation of Artificial
• Philosophy
• Mathematics
• Economics
• Neuroscience
• Psychology
• Computer Engineering
• Control Theory and Cybernetics
• Linguistics

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 21

AI Tree
Affective computing
Machine Learning Speech Understanding
Programming Robotic

Natural Language Game Playing

Processing Neural Network
Expert System
Fuzzy Logic
Intelligent Tutor Genetic Algorithm
Computer Vision Data Mining

Linguistics Computer Science

Psychology Management &
Philosophy Management Science
Electrical Engineering Mathematics

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 22

The Foundation of Artificial
• PHILOSOPHY (428 b.c. -present)
– Can formal rules be used to draw valid conclusions?
– Where does knowledge come from?
– How does knowledge lead to action?

• MATHEMATICS (c. 800 -present)

– What are the formal rules to draw valid conclusions? (formal logic)
– What can be computed? (algorithms)
– How do we reason with uncertain information? (probability
theory, fuzzy sets, etc.)

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 23

The Foundation of Artificial
• ECONOMICS (1776 -present)
• How should we make decisions so as to maximize payoff?
• NEUROSCIENCE (1861 -present)
• How do human brains process information? (neural
• PSYCHOLOGY (1879 -present)
• How do humans and animals think and act? (behaviorism,
cognitive psychology, cognitive science)

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 24

The Foundation of Artificial
• COMPUTER ENGINEERING (1940 -present)
 How can we build an efficient computer?
 How can artifacts (man made objects) operate under
their own control? (automatic)
• LINGUISTICS (1957 -present)
 How does language relate to thought?
 (natural language processing, knowledge representation)

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 25

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

1943: first piece of AI work: Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts

Model of artificial neurons.
Mathematical learnable functions that generate “on/off” depending on inputs (logic gates)
Any computable function can be computed by a network of connected neurons.
Suitably defined networks can learn.
1949: Hebbian learning
A mechanism for updating the connection strength of a neuron.
Today, neurologists have confirmed that something similar to Hebbian learning indeed is
going on in our brain when we are learning.
1950: Turing test complete vision of AI in “computing machinery and Intelligence”
1951: first neural network computer
Implemented by M. Minsky and D. Edmonds
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 26
History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

1956: Dartmouth Conference

Organized by John McCarthy and colleagues for starting a new area in studying
computation and intelligence.

John McCarthy introduced the term “artificial intelligence” in the conference.

The next 20 years witnessed steady growth of the field led by the pioneers
appeared in the Dartmouth conference.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 27

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

1963: Thomas Evan’s program ANALOG

Solved analogy problems in an IQ test.
1965: ELIZA
Simulates a dialog with a computer in English on any topic.
Became popular when programmed to simulate a psychotherapist (Fedora’s Emacs).
1967: Dendral program (developed at Stanford)
- First successful program for scientific reasoning – one of the earlier rule based expert
- A program that can infer molecular structures given the information provided by a mass

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 28

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

Series of disappointments and frustrations

AI was poured little buckets of “reality cold water”

- Most early systems contain little or no knowledge of their subject matter
Example: Poor performance of earlier machine translation system (Russian ⇔English): “the
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” was translated to “the vodka is good but the meat is
- Computational Intractability of AI problems
Theory of computational complexity was not developed. Polynomial solvable problems, NP-
completeness, etc
People thought a faster machine could solve any hard problem.
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 29
History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

- 1971: T. Winograd’s Ph.D. thesis (MIT)

demonstrated a system that can understand English in a micro-domain (the block world).

-1972: PROLOG was developed

- 1974: MYCIN was developed by Ted Shortliffe

Expert system for medical diagnosis. Sometimes called the first expert system.
- And many other works…

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 30

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

AI started to become industrially and commercially beneficial

- 1982: R1 was deployed at DEC – an expert system that saved the company around $40M
/ year
- Du Pont had 100 in use and an estimated 500 in development at late 90’s to early 21st
At an international level, AI was considered a part of a country’s technological
- Japan: “First Generation” project (10 year plan to build intelligence machines running in
- USA: Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) was formed in
- Britain: Funding for AI was reinstated

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 31

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

- In the mid-1980s at least four different groups reinvented the back-propagation

learning algorithm first found in 1969 by Bryson and Ho.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 32

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

- Work of the physicist John Hopfield (1982) on using techniques from statistical
- Connectionist models of intelligent systems competitor to the symbolic models
(Newell and Simon) and logicist approach (McCarthy). (complementary approaches
in fact).
- Several revolutions in many fields: pattern recognition, computer vision, robotics…
- Emergence of intelligent agents.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 33

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

- The work of Allen Newell, John Laird, and Paul Rosenbloom on SOAR (Newell.
1990: Laird el al., 1987) is the best-known example of a complete agent
-AI technologies under lie many Internet tools, such as search engines,
recommender systems, and Web site construction systems

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 34

History of Artificial Intelligence
AI becomes an AI Adopts Sci.
Birth of AI Reality Check industry Methods Large Data Sets
(1956) (1966–1973) (1980–Present) (1987-Present) (2001–Present)

Early days Expectations and Knowledge- Return of Neural Emergence of

(1943-1955) Initial enthusiasm based Systems Networks Intelligent Agents
(1952 – 1969) (1969 – 1979) (1986–present) (1995–Present)

-Data rather than which algorithm sometimes more important

-Billions of words, pictures, base pairs of genomic sequences, …

-Perhaps the knowledge bottleneck will be solved by learning methods over very
large datasets rather than by hand-coding knowledge.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 35

The state-of-the-art
• Robotic Vehicles
• Speech recognition
• Autonomous planning and
• Game playing
• Spam fighting, fraud
• Robotics
• Machine translation
• Vision
© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 36
• AI can help us to solve difficult, real-world problems, creating
new opportunities in business, engineering, and many other
application areas.
• The history of AI has had cycles of success, misplaced
optimism, and resulting cutbacks in enthusiasm and funding.
There have also been cycles of introducing new creative
approaches and systematically refining the best ones.
• AI has advanced more rapidly in the past decade because of
greater use of the scientific method in experimenting with
and comparing approaches.

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 37

Reading Assignments
• What is AI? Foundations of AI and history. Read Chapter 1
from Russell & Norvig

© Tariq 2016 Department of Computer Science | Bahria University 38

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