Speaking: Université Cadi Ayyad Faculté Des Sciences Et Techniques Guéliz - Marrakech Département de Physique Appliquée

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Université Cadi Ayyad

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques

Guéliz – Marrakech
Département de Physique Appliquée

Master Génie Electrique

Effectué par:

GOUISIE Abdallah

Année Universitaire : 2010/2011




The Importance of
Speaking Practice
• There are 4 key skills when you learn a language:
1- listening
2- speaking
3- reading
4- writing

-- Whereone
Which canofyou findispeople
these who
different canthe
from speak
three?with you?
-- And how
Which onecan you practice
of these speaking when you are alone?
is the "Odd-One-Out”?

The Importance of
Speaking Practice
1- At School

2- Conversation Clubs

3- Shopping

The Importance of
Speaking Practice
Language is all around You
Everywhere you go you find language :
- Shop names
- street names
- advertisements
Songs and Video
1) Listen to the words of the language song that you like.
2) Repeat them to yourself.
3) Try to sing with the music.
4) Repeat the words as many times as possible.

"The person who never made a mistake never made anything.“

How You Can Fills an Awkward silence if
you talk for the first time with someone ?

so in order to be acquainted with who makes small talk and

where do people makes small talk even what is going to be about ,besides
what is the appropriate places for a small talk ..!!
WHO makes small talk?

Other people who have short casual conversations are office employees who
may not be good friends but work in the same department. Customer service
representatives, waitresses, hairdressers and receptionists often make small
talk with customers.
WHAT do people make small talk about?

1- The weather :
It is probably the number one thing that people who do not know each other well discuss.

2- current events. It is one of likely topic that is generally safe As long as you are not discussing a
controversial issue.

3- Entertainment news, such as a celebrity who is in town, is another good topic.

Example : if the bus is extremely full and there are no seats available you might talk about reasons
why. Similarly, people in an office might casually discuss the new paint or furniture.

4- Discussing personal information are not considered acceptable when making small talk
5- Compliments on clothing or hair : are acceptable; however, you should never
say something (good or bad) about a person's body.

6- private issues is strictly prohibited to talk about because you do not know if
you can trust the other person with your secrets or personal information.

7- religion or politics in essence it is not safe to discuss such like subjects because
it is considered as a society deems controversial .
WHERE do people make small talk?

• People make small talk in a doctor's or dentist's waiting room, or in queues at

the grocery store. At the office, people make small talk in elevators or
lunchrooms and even in restrooms, especially if there is a line-up. Some social
events (such as a party) require small talk among guests who do not know
each other very well.
• For example, you might talk to someone you do not know at the punch bowl,
or at the poolside. It is called "mingling" when people walk around in a social
setting and talk to a variety of people.
WHY do people make small talk?

• Some people make small talk in order to be polite. You may not feel like
chatting with anyone at a party, but it is rude to just sit in a corner by yourself.
After someone introduces you to another person, you do not know anything
about them, so in order to show a polite interest in getting to know them
better, you have to start with some small talk.
How to Start an English Club
• An English Club is a place for language learners to use English in a casual
setting. Practicing your skills in the classroom is important, but it is not like real
life. In the classroom, you often focus on one skill and one item

In an English Club,
• you get a chance to practice many different skills in a setting that is more like
real life.
• your English Club friends will require you to speak more clearly and listen
more carefully.
Where should we hold our English Club?

 at an English School

 In membres homes

 At a cafe or restaurant

 Outdoors
What should we do in our English Club?
• Establish a warm-up routine :

- You will notice that teachers often start class with a game or
conversation exercise.

- They do this to wake you up and to help you focus on a classroom

activity that will follow.

- the warm up could be three new vocabulary words. The leader could
teach a noun, a verb, and an adjective each session. The group
practices making sentences with the new words.

- find an activity that makes people laugh. This will bring positive
energy into the room
• Themes or Skills
- You can organize your club in many ways, some clubs will be full of
members that only want to practice one skill, such as conversation.

• Conversation club meetings : are often very casual and require little
 Everyone can write down a topic that they want to debate such us
- culture
- popular events
 Someone can bring in a newspaper article and everyone can read it
together and discuss it.
 reads the same book , and the club discusses aspects such as :
- what they liked about it.
- who their favorite characters were.
……. and so on .
English Speaking Rules

1. Don't study grammar

English Speaking Rules

2. Learn and study phrases

English Speaking Rules
3. Reading and Listening is NOT
enough. Practice Speaking what you
English Speaking Rules

4. Submerge yourself

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