Importance of Livestock in National Economy

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Lecture 1.

Importance of livestock in National

(basic terminology in livestock)
Particulars Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Pigs Poultry
Species Bovine Bubaline Ovine Caprine Porcine/Swine Avian
Group Herd Herd Flock Flock Drove/Band Flock
Adult Male Bull Buffalo bull Ram Buck Boar Cock
She Buffalo/
Adult Female Cow Ewe Doe Sow Hen / Layer
Buffalo cow
New Born Calf Buffalo calf Lamb Kid Piglet Chick
Young Male Bull Calf Bull calf Buck kid Boarling Cockerel
Heifer Ewe
Young Female Buff. Heifer Goat kid Gilt Pullet
calf Lamb
Buffalo Wedder/
Castrated Male Bullock Castrated Hog/Stag Capon
Bullock Wether
Castrated Female ------SPAYED-----
Act of Mating Serving Serving Tupping Serving Coupling Mating
Hatching /
Act of parturition Calving Calving Lambing Kidding Farrowing
1. Breed 14. Half sib 25. Veal
2. Species 15. Full sib 26. Milk
3. Sire 16. Genetics 27. Beef
4. Dam 17. Heredity 28. Pork
5. Calf 18. Variation 29. Mutton
6. Heifer 19. Fertility 30. Chevon
7. CMP 20. Sterility 31. Prolificacy
8. Gestation 21. Fecundity 32. Puberty
9. Parturition 22. Freemartin 33. Foetus
10. Lactation period 24. Herd 34. Teaser
12. Dry period 35. Embryo
13. Calving Interval 36. Animal
37. Livestock
1. Breed: A stock of animals within a species having a
distinctive appearance and typically having been
developed by deliberate selection.
2. Species: A group of living organisms consisting of similar
individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
3. Sire: The male parent of animal.
4. Dam: The female parent of animal.
5. Calf: A young bovine animal, especially a domestic cow
or bull in its first year.
6. Heifer: A heifer is a young cow. Or Heifers are female
cows who have not yet given birth to a calf.
7. Gestation: The process or period of developing the
womb/embryo inside uterus between conception and birth
of offspring.
8. Parturition: Parturition is defined as the process/act of
giving birth. It occurs at the end of the gestation period,
or pregnancy.
9. Lactation: Lactation is the period of time that a mother
secretes milk from her mammary glands.
10.Lactation period: The length of milk producing period
after calving is known as lactation period.
11.Dry period: The dry period is the most important phase
of a dairy cow’s/buffalo’s lactation cycle. During this
phase, the cow and her udder are prepared for the next
lactation. RESTING period
12.Calving/kidding/lambing/hatching interval : The
amount of time between the birth of a offspring and the
birth of a next offspring, both from the same cow.
13.Half sib: A half brother or half sister.
14.Full sib: The full brother or full sister;
individuals with both parents in common.
15.Genetics: A branch of biology that studies
heredity and variation chiefly in farm animals
but also in domestic and wild animals.
16.Variation: The differences between cells,
individual organisms, or groups of organisms of
any species.
17.Fertility: Fertility is the natural capability to
produce offspring.
18.Sterility: An inability of a animals or living
organism to effect sexual reproduction.
19.Fecundity : Fecundity is a measure of the
number of offspring produced by an animals
over time. It is also called the reproductive
rate of animals.
20.Freemartin: A female animal, usually a calf,
that is born as the twin of a male animal and is
sterile because of having abnormal internal
reproductive organs. It is an infertile female
Milk Production

 India is the largest (1st Position) producer of milk in

 Milk Production of 176.3 million tonnes in 2017-18
(NDDB, 2017).
 The annual milk production of india last two years were
155.5 MT (2015-16) and 165.4 MT (2016-17).
 The milk production has increased from 155.5 MT in
2015-16 to 176.3 MT in 2017-18.
 Raising growth rate 5.3%
 The per capita availability has sharply increased from
337 gm/day/person in 2015-16 to 375 gm/day/person
in 2017-18.
Species wise milk contribution:

1. Indigenous Cattle: 12.00 %

2. Exotic Cattle: 1.00 %

3. Cross Breed : 26.00 %

4. Non-Descript Cattle: 9.00 %

5. Indigenous Buffalo: 35.00 %

6. Non-Descript Buffalo: 14.00 %

7. Goat & sheep: 3.00 %

Percentage Share of Milk Production of Selected States for
the year 2017-18
Rank in Name of State Percent Share Remarks
1 Uttar Pradesh 16.80 Due to higher
(29,052 Mt) livestock
2 Rajasthan 11.80 --
(22,427 Mt)
3 Madhya Pradesh 8.20 --
(14,713 Mt)
4 Gujarat 7.80 --
(13,569 Mt)
5 Andhra Pradesh 7.4 --
6 Punjab 6.9 --
7 Maharashtra 6.4 --
State-wise Per Capita Availability of Milk for
the Year 2017-18
Rank in Name of State Availability
India gm/day/person
1 Punjab 1120
2 Haryana 1005
3 Rajasthan 834
4 Gujarat 592
5 Andhra Pradesh 575
10 Uttar Pradesh 359
Egg Production

Poultry is the most progressive animal enterprise

today. It is one of the world’s major and fastest
producers of meat, it has been a significant
contributor to the country's agriculture sector.
The total egg production in the country was at
1832 million in the year 1950-51.
India is the third-largest egg producer after China
and USA and the fourth-largest chicken producer
after China, Brazil and USA.
Currently, total Poultry population in our country is
729.21 million (as per 19th Livestock Census) and
egg production is around 82.93 billion during

• The per capita eggs consumption has gone up

from 30 to 70 and the chicken from 400 gm to
2.5 kg.
• Human nutrition scientists was recommend
180 eggs & 10 kg chicken per year.
 88.1 billion number in the year 2016-17.
The per capita availability is 70 eggs per annum in the
year 2017-18.
Percentage Share of Egg Production of
Selected States for the Year 2017-18
Rank in India Name of State Share %
1 Tamil Nadu 18.9
2 Andhra Pradesh 18.0
3 Telangana 13.4
Meat Production
Meat production in the beginning of 12 th Plan
(2012-13) was 5.95 million tonnes which has been
further increased to 7.0 million tonnes in 2015-16.
The total meat production in the country is 7.4
million tonnes in the year 2016-17, which marks
a significant progress in the meat production.
Percentage Share of Meat Production in
Selected States
Rank Name of state Share %
1 Uttar Pradesh 18.23
2 Maharashtra 11.44
3 West Bengal 9.56
Wool Production
Wool production in the beginning of 12 th Plan
(2012-13) was 46.05 million Kg. and
increased to 48.1 million Kg. in 2014-15 but
declined to 43.6 million Kg. in 2015-16.
The Wool production has shown negative
growth as (-) 9.47% during 2015-16.
However, the wool production has further
declined to 43.5 million Kg. during 2016-17.
Percentage Share of Wool Production in
Selected States
Rank Name of State Share %
1 Rajasthan 32.9
2 Jammu & Kashmir 16.7
3 Karnataka 15.1
Bullocks are the back bone of Indian agriculture.
Despite lot of advancements in the use of mechanical power
in Indian agricultural operations, the Indian farmer
especially in rural areas still depend upon bullocks for
various agricultural operations.
The bullocks are saving a lot on fuel which is a necessary
input for using mechanical power like tractors, combine
harvesters etc.
Pack animals like camels, horses, donkeys, ponies, mules
etc. are being extensively used to transport goods in
different parts of the country in addition to bullocks.
In situations like hilly terrains mules and ponies serve as
the only alternative to transport goods. Similarly, the army
has to depend upon these animals to transport various items
in high areas of high altitude.
Dung and other animal waste materials: Dung and other
animal wastes serve as very good farm yard manure and the
value of it is worth several crores of rupees. In addition it is
also used as fuel (bio gas, dung cakes), and for construction
as poor man's cement (dung). FYM maintain Corban :
Nitrogen ratio 8:10 to 15.10 in Soil with average 12:10
ratio is well balanced form.

Storage: Livestock are considered as “moving banks”

because of their potentiality to dispose of during
emergencies. They serve as capital and in cases of landless
agricultural labourers many time it is the only capital
resource they possess. Livestock serve as an asset and in
case of emergencies they serve as guarantee for availing
loans from the local sources such as money lenders in the
Cultural: Livestock offer security to the owners and also add to
their self-esteem especially when they own prized animals such
as pedigreed bulls, dogs and high yielding cows/ buffaloes etc.

Sports/recreation: People also use the animals like cocks, rams,

bulls etc. for competition and sports. Despite ban on these
animal competitions the cock fights, ram fights and bull fights
are quite common during festive seasons.

Employment generation: Animal Husbandry & Dairying may

be regarded as a source to create the employment in rural areas
all-round the year. Indian Agriculture is mainly dependent on
monsoon and hence agriculture field faces certain bottlenecks to
provide employment during such periods.
Transportation: The transportation of farm produce and human
being for a short distance in one of the major problems in rural
Livestock from Different Region

1. Temperate Himalayan Region:

2. Dry Northern Region:
3. Northeastern Region:
4. Southern Region:

5. Coastal Region:
Salient Features of 19th Livestock Census
The total livestock population consisting of
Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, pig, Horses & Ponies,
Mules, Donkeys, Camels, Mithun and Yak in the
country was 512.05 million numbers in 2012. The
total livestock population has decreased by about
3.33% over the previous census.
Livestock population has increased substantially
in Gujarat (15.36%), Uttar Pradesh (14.01%),
Assam (10.77%), Punjab (9.57%) Bihar (8.56%);
Sikkim (7.96%), Meghalaya (7.41%), and
Chhattisgarh (4.34%).
• The Female Cattle (Cows) Population has
increased by 6.52% over the previous census
(2007) and the total number of female cattle
in 2012 is 122.9 million numbers.
• The Female Buffalo population has increased
by 7.99% over the previous census and the
total number of female buffalo is 92.5 million
numbers in 2012.
• The exotic/crossbred milch cattle increased from
14.4 million to 19.42 million, an increase of
• Indigenous milch cattle increased from 48.04
million to 48.12 million, an increase of 0.17%.
• The milch buffaloes increased from 48.64 million
to 51.05 million with an increase of 4.95% over
previous census.
CATEGORY 2007 (Thousand) 2012 (Thousand) CHANGE

Cattle 1,99,075 1,90,904 -4.10

Buffalo 1,05,342 1,08,702 +3.19

Yaks 83 77 -7.64

Mithuns 264 298 +12.88

Sheep 71,558 65,069 -9.07

Goat 1,40,537 1,35,173 -3.82

Horses & Ponies 612 625 +2.12

Pigs 11,133 10,294 -7.54

TOTAL 5,29,696 5,12,057 -3.33

Trend of total Livestock population

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012
Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous
Population during 1992-2012
1992 1997 2003 2007 2012
Subjective Question
1. Define Livestock and write in detail scope and
importance of livestock in national economy?
_____10 M
2. Write a short notes on 19th Livestock census.__5 M
3. Write a short notes on distribution of livestock in

1. Per capita availability of milk in India during 2017-18

a. 900 gm/day b. 375 gm/day
c. 337 gm/day d. 235 gm/day
2. How many agro-climatic (Livestock farming) zones in India
a. 20 b. 5
c. 15 d. 25
3. Highest population of buffalo in ______ state of India
a. Haryana b. Rajasthan
c. Punjab d. Utter Pradesh
4. Per capita availability of milk is highest in which state?
a. Rajasthan b. Gujrat
b. Maharashtra d. Punjab
5. National Dairy Development Board located at___
a. Karnal b. New Delhi
b. Ludhiana c. Anand
Q. What is Zoological name of Cattle?
Q. What is Zoological name of Buffalo?
Q. What is Zoological name of Sheep?
Q. What is Zoological name of Goat?
Q. Difference between A1 and A2 milk?
Q. Difference between Cattle and Buffalo?
Q. What is Family Cattle and Buffalo?
Q. What is Zoological name of Poultry?
Q. How many types of cattle found in India?
Q. Types of Buffalo.
Thank You

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