CW1 Group3 Report

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The United Nations and

Contemporary Global

Reported by
Mia Dikitanan
Jean Alcantara
Princess Vergara
Samantha Alejandro
Shekaina Martinez
Learning Outcomes Lesson 4
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Define global governance;

2. Identify the roles and functions of

the United Nations; and

3. Determine the challenges of

global governance in the
twenty-first century.
Global Governance

Bentham and Kant imagined the possibility of a global government, nothing

of the sort exists today.

Immanuel Kant Jeremy Bentham

1724-1804 1748-1832
Global Governance

There is no one organization that various states are accountable to.

Moreover, no organization can military compel a state to obey
predetermined global rules.
Global Governance
Global governance or
world governance is a
movement towards politcal
cooperation among
transnational actors, aimed
at negotiating responses to
problems that affect more
than one stage or region.
Global Governance Refers to the various
intersecting processes that
create this order.

It is broadly used to designate

all regulation of human
societies in a global scale.

It is understood as "the
management way in which
global affairs are managed".
Global Governance
• There are many sources of global governance.

States sign treaties and form organizations

International non-governmental organizations

(NGOs) can lobby individual states to behave in a
certain way

Powerful transnational corporations can likewise

have tremendous effects on global labor laws,
environmental legislation, trade policy
What is an International Organizations?

• IOs, the term is commonly used to refer to international

intergovernmental organizations or groups that are primarily made
up of member-states.
Powers of International Organizations

1. IOs have the power of classification

2. IOs have the power to fix meanings

3. IOs have the power to diffuse norms

Powers of International
Organizations 1. IOs have the power of

- Can invent and apply

categories, they create
powerful global
Powers of International
Organizations 2. IOs have the power to
fix meanings

- Various terms like

security or development
need to be well-defined.
States, organizations, and
individuals view IOs as
legitimate sources of
Powers of International
Organizations 3. IOs have the power
diffuse norms

- Norms are accepted

codes of conduct that may
not be strict law, but
nevertheless produce
regularity in behavior.
United Nations (UN) founded in 1945
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organizations that aims to

Maintain international peace and security

Develop friendly relations among nations,
Achieve international cooperation
And be a center for harmonizing the actions of
United Nations (UN) 5 ORGANS
1. General Assembly (GA)

2. Security Council (SC)

3. Economic and Social

Council (ECOSOC)

4. International Court of
Justice (ICJ)

5. Secretariat
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
1. General Assembly (GA)
• Deliberate, policymaking and
representative organ.
• Decisions on important questions,
such as those on peace and security,
admission of new members abd
budgetary matters, require a two-
thirds majority of the General

• Each year, elects a GA President to

serve a one-year term of office.
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs

The Philippines played a

prominent role in the GA's
early years when Filipino
diplomat Carlos P. Romulo
was elected GA president
from 1949-1950.
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
2. Security Council (SC)
• The GA elects ten of these 15 to
two-year terms. The other Five
sometimes referred to as the
Permanent (P5) China, France,
Russia, the United Kingdom, and
the United States.
• Responsible for the
maintenance of International
peace and security;
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs

• SC takes the lead in

determining the existence of a
threat to the peace or an act of
• With the SC's approval, military
intervention may be deemed
legal. This is an immense power.
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
3. Economic and Social Council
• The principal body for coordination,
policy review, policy dialogue, and
recommendations on social and
environmental issues, as well as the
implementation of internationally
agreed development goals.
• has 54 members elected for three-
year terms.
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
4. International Court of
Justice (ICJ)
• To settle, in accordance with
international law, legal disputes
submitted to it by states and to
give advisory opinions referred
to it by authorized United
Nations organs and specialized
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs

• SC may enforce the rulings of

the ICJ but this remains subject
to the P5's veto power.
• Issues legal opinions;
• Renders judgement by relative
majority, its fifteen judges are
elected by the UN General
Assembly for nine-year terms.
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
5. Secretariat
• Secretary-General and tens of
thousands of international UN
staff members who carry out the
day-to-day work of the UN as
mandated by the General
Assembly and the organization's
other principal organs.
• Supports the other UN bodies
Challenges of the United Nations
• The UN is not a world government, and it functions primarily because
of voluntary cooperation from states.

• If states refuse to cooperate, the influence of the UN can be severely

Challenges of the United Nations
• Issues of security as mentioned, the UN Security council is tasked with
authorizing international acts of military intervention.

• Because of the P5's veto power, it is tough for the council to release a
formal resolution.
Challenges of the United Nations
• Russia has threatened to veto any SC
resolution against Syria
Challenges of the United Nations
• When the United States sought to invade Iraq in 2001, it claimed that Iraq's Saddam
Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that threatened the world.

• However, UN members Russia, China, and France were unconvinced and vetoed the
UN resolution for intervention, forcing the United States to lead a small "coalition of
the willing" with its allies.
United Nations

• On 24 April 2020, the UN, uniting with many partners, launches the Access to COVID-19
Tools Accelerator

• On 1 March 2020, the UN released US$15 million

• On 23 March 2020, the Secretary-General called for an immediate global ceasefire

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