CW1 Group3 Report
CW1 Group3 Report
CW1 Group3 Report
Contemporary Global
Reported by
Mia Dikitanan
Jean Alcantara
Princess Vergara
Samantha Alejandro
Shekaina Martinez
Learning Outcomes Lesson 4
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
It is understood as "the
management way in which
global affairs are managed".
Global Governance
• There are many sources of global governance.
4. International Court of
Justice (ICJ)
5. Secretariat
United Nations (UN) 5 Organs
1. General Assembly (GA)
• Deliberate, policymaking and
representative organ.
• Decisions on important questions,
such as those on peace and security,
admission of new members abd
budgetary matters, require a two-
thirds majority of the General
• Because of the P5's veto power, it is tough for the council to release a
formal resolution.
Challenges of the United Nations
• Russia has threatened to veto any SC
resolution against Syria
Challenges of the United Nations
• When the United States sought to invade Iraq in 2001, it claimed that Iraq's Saddam
Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that threatened the world.
• However, UN members Russia, China, and France were unconvinced and vetoed the
UN resolution for intervention, forcing the United States to lead a small "coalition of
the willing" with its allies.
United Nations
• On 24 April 2020, the UN, uniting with many partners, launches the Access to COVID-19
Tools Accelerator