Types of User Interface: Presented By: Rev. Chester Dave Allman JP

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Types of User Interface

Presented By:
Rev. Chester Dave Allman JP.
User Interface

 A user interface is the combination

of hardware and software that
allows users and computers to
communicate with each other
User Interface
 Humans interact with computers in
many ways and the design of the places
at which humans and computers
interact is crucial for effective use of
computer systems.

 Example include:- playing a game using

a game controller, withdrawing cash at
an ATM, writing a letter using a
keyboard and monitor.
Types of User Interface

 There are two types of user interface:-

 Hardware user interface
 Software user interface
Hardware User Interface

 A hardware interface is those

physical hardware components
(input and output devices) that
allow the user to manipulate the
Hardware User Interface
Type Features Benefits

Touch • Relies on the sense of touch • Easy intuitive to use with

screen • Interaction is by your finger no special ICT skills such as
touching the screen, the typing required; user can
touching is detected and usually see all of the
translated by the device into options available so there is
instructions. Tapping, swiping no need to remember
and pinching actions are also commands or search
received and interpreted as through menus.
instructions. • Enjoyable: Users will
• Smartphones, automated spend hours swiping!
teller machines and self-
service kiosks utilise touch
Hardware User Interface
Type Features Benefits

Speech and • Interaction is by speech using • Easy to use. The

sound interface normal everyday language in user does not need
order to interact with the to be trained in how
computer. to use the interface,
• Usually found on smartphones, offers more flexibility
car entertainment, climate and than other interfaces
navigation systems, and • Support for persons
virtual assistants (such as unable to use
Amazon Echo, Google chrome alternatives: users
who are not able to
type or who have
visual impairments
are able to operate
this interface.
Hardware User Interface

Type Features Benefits

Specialized • Interaction is via special keys • Flexible: They allow

keyboards fitted with one or more a computer system
features such as raised dots, to be quickly adapted
colour coding, icons or to a user’s needs.
descriptive text. • Support for users
• Usually attached to systems with visual
utilised by persons with impairments: users
disabilities feel the pattern of
the dots on each
key, e.g a Braille
Software User Interface
 A software interface is the
programs that are used to
communicate with the computer
via the hardware.
Software User Interface

 There are three types of software

user interface:-
 Command line
 Menu-driven
 Graphical user
Command Line Interface

 A command line interface is when

interaction with a computer is by
means of individual lines of text. Here
the user enters commands that give a
response. For e.g. the DIR command
that display a list of files and folders
and sub-folders in a computer system.
Command Line Interface
Menu-Driven Interface

 A Menu-driven interface is when

interaction with a computer is by the
user selecting one option from a list of
presented options.
Menu-Driven Interface
 Menu-driven interface ideally suited
for applications used for “walk-up-
and use systems” such as:-
 ATMs
 Kiosk that vend/sell mobile phone top-
up credits.
 Self-service food and beverage kiosk in
causal dining establishments sodas,
snacks and other items.
Menu-Driven Interface
Graphical User Interface

 A Graphical user interface (GUI) is

when interaction with a computer is
by using a pointing device.
Graphical User Interface
 In simple form, a GUI displays
elements such as Windows, Icons,
Menus and Pointers (WIMP) on the
screen and the user points and clicks
with a mouse or types on a keyboard
to operate the computer.
Graphical User Interface

 We hope this brief presentation

has opened your mind to the
different types of User Interfaces.


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