Sound: Sound Waves Speed of Sound Ultrasound

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Sound Waves
Speed of Sound

1 Sound
Describe the production of sound by vibrating sources.

Sound waves

2 Sound
Sound Waves

 Sound is produced by vibrating sources placed in a medium. The

medium is usually air but can be any matter. Vibrating guitar strings,
 Vibrating air inside a trumpet
 Vibrating prongs of tuning fork.

 Air particles vibrate and transfer their vibrations/energy from one

particle to another.

 Also, when hard objects are struck, they vibrate and produce sound

3 Sound
Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves and
describe compression and rarefaction.

Sound waves

4 Sound
 Sound waves are longitudinal waves as the air
oscillates backwards and forwards as the
compression and rarefactions pass through it.
 When a compression passes, the air pressure rises.
When a rarefaction passes, the pressure falls.
 The distance from on compression to the next is the

5 Sound
Sound travels in air by forming a series of compression and rarefactions

6 Sound
7 Sound
State the approximate range of audible frequencies.

Sound waves

8 Sound
Audible Frequency

Frequencies Also Known As Remarks

1-20 Infrasound Not heard by
human ears but can
be felt as vibrations
20-20000 Audible The range of
Frequencies frequencies is also
known as range of
20000 & Ultrasound Mainly used in
above medical diagnosis.
9 Sound
Explain why a medium is required in order to transmit sound
waves and describe an experiment to demonstrate this.

Sound waves

10 Sound
 Sound waves need a medium to travel through.
 Compressions and rarefactions can be formed only if
there is a material which can be compressed and
 Therefore, sound cannot propagate through a

11 Sound
Experiment set up
to show that
sound cannot
travel through a
The sound becomes more and
more faint as the air is pumped
out. Finally no sound is heard
even though the hammer can be
seen hitting the bell.

12 Sound
1. The diagram shows a loudspeaker that is
producing a continuous sound wave of
frequency 200 Hz in air.

13 Sound

14 Sound
2. A sound wave passes through the air, in the
direction shown.

3. How does a particle of air move as the sound

wave passes?

15 Sound

16 Sound
3. Which type of wave cannot travel through a
A. infra-red radiation
B. microwaves
C. sound waves
D. X-rays

17 Sound
4. The graph shows, at one instant, the pressure
variation along a sound wave.

18 Sound
1. Which point on the diagram represents a
rarefaction and what is the wavelength of the
sound wave?

19 Sound
5. What is the approximate range of audible
frequencies for most humans?
A. 10 Hz to 10 000 Hz
B. 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz
C. 10 kHz to 10 000 kHz
D. 20 kHz to 20 000 kHz

20 Sound
6. Which of the following can be heard by the
human ear?
A. A whistle emitting a wave of frequency 50 kHz.
B. A bat emitting a wave of frequency of 30 kHz.
C. An insect emitting a wave of 300 Hz.
D. A vibrating spring emitting a wave of frequency of
5 Hz.

21 Sound
7. In which of the following frequency ranges is
ultrasound found?
A. 1 Hz – 1 kHz
B. 2 kHz – 10 kHz
C. 11 kHz – 20 kHz
D. 21 kHz – 30 kHz

22 Sound
8. What is the approximate value of the highest
frequency that can be heard by a young person?
A. 20 Hz
B. 200 Hz
C. 2000 Hz
D. 20 000 Hz

23 Sound
9. Which of the following does not produce a
sound wave?
A. a bell ringing under water
B. a gun fired in a room with no echoes
C. a hammer hitting a block of rubber
D. an explosion in outer space

24 Sound
10. A battery-operated bell is surrounded by a box
with double walls.

25 Sound
1. The bell is ringing but no sound at all is heard
outside the box.
2. What is in the gap?
A. a solid
B. a liquid
C. a gas
D. a vacuum

26 Sound
11. Two astronauts without radios can only
communicate in space if their helmets are
12. There is no air in space.

27 Sound
1. What does this show about sound?

28 Sound
12. Astronaut 1 uses a hammer to mend a satellite in
space. Astronaut 2 is nearby. There is no
atmosphere in space.

29 Sound
1. Compared with the sound heard if they were
working on Earth, what does astronaut 2 hear?
A. no sound at all
B. a quieter sound
C. a sound of the same loudness
D. a louder sound

30 Sound
Describe a direct method for the determination of the
speed of sound in air and make the necessary calculation.

Speed of sound

31 Sound
Speed of Sound

 Apparatus in determining speed of sound

 Stopwatch
 Tape metre
 Any device producing sound (pistol)

32 Sound
 Procedure
 Two people stand at least 200 m apart, one has a
starting pistol and the other a stopwatch.
 The person with the gun fires it and the one with the
watch starts it when they see the smoke and stops it
when they hear the bang.
 The distance between them is found and the speed of
sound worked out. The experiment should be done a
few times to get an average result. 

33 Sound
Problem Solving

1. Two observers A and B are 500 m apart at A and B.

When a starting pistol is fired at A, the time interval
between the seeing the flash, and hearing the sound
of the pistol at B, is 1.5 s. Assuming no wind is
blowing, what is the speed of sound in air?
2. A and B are two observers 1 km apart. There is a
steady wind blowing. When a gun is fired at A the
time interval between the flash and report observed
at B is 3.04 s. Calculate the velocity of sound in air?
34 Sound
3. Two men stand facing each other, 200 m apart.
When one fire a pistol the other hears a report 0.60
s after the flash. Calculate the velocity of sound in
4. A person is yelling from a woman's dorm window.  If
the speed of sound is 348 m/s and the distance from
the dorm to the cafeteria is 87 meters, how long
does it take the sound to reach the cafeteria?

35 Sound
5. Sound takes about 3 milliseconds to travel 1 m. How
long will it take to travel from the centre of a cricket
pitch to the spectators, 200 m away?
6. You are watching a thunderstorm. You notice that
you hear the thunder ​1.5 s s after you see the
lightning. How far up is the storm taking ​place?
(Speed of sound in air is 330 m/s)

36 Sound
State the order of magnitude of the speeds of sound in air,
liquids and solids.

Speed of sound

37 Sound
Speed in Different Media

 The speed of sound differs in gases, liquids and solids.

 This is due to the differences in strength of the inter-
atomic forces and closeness of the atoms in the three
 Compressions and rarefactions propagate faster in
denser medium.

38 Sound
Speed of sound in different medium

Gases Liquids (25oC) Solid

Material v (m/s) Material v (m/s) Material v (m/s)
Hydrogen (0oC) 1286 Glycerol 1904 Diamond 12000
Helium (0oC) 972 Sea Water 1533 Pyrex Glass 5640
Air (20oC) 343 Water 1493 Iron 5130
Air (0oC) 331 Mercury 1450 Aluminium 5100

 Sound travels faster in liquids than in gases, and

travels fastest in solids.
39 Sound
Explain how the loudness and pitch of sound waves relate
to amplitude and frequency.

Speed of sound

40 Sound
Pitch & Frequency

 Any sound that you hear as a tone is made of regular,

evenly spaced waves of air molecules.
 The most noticeable difference between various tonal
sounds is that some sound higher or lower than
 The property which distinguishes the sound in this
way is known as the pitch.

41 Sound
Wavelength, Frequency and Pitch

42 Sound
 The pitch of a note depend on its frequency.
 The higher the frequency of a sound, the higher its
 The pitch of the notes produced by a string
instruments depend on the length of the strings.
 The longer the string, the lower the pitch (frequency).

43 Sound
Loudness & Amplitude

 Humans and animals sense a wide range of sound

amplitude, volume or loudness--from the very quiet to
the extremely loud.
 Loudness is measured in decibels, which really
measures the energy of the sound.
 The loudness of sound depends on the amplitude of
the wave.
 The bigger the amplitude, the louder the sound.

44 Sound
 A human can hear from very quiet sounds at 0.1
decibels to sounds at 120 decibels.
 At the high end of the scale, the energy can cause
damage to the sensitive membranes in the ear.
 Younger people can usually have better hearing at the
lower volumes than older people do.
 Animals can hear lower volumes and are more
sensitive to louder noises than humans.

45 Sound
Decibel (dB) Loudness of Sound
0 near silence; threshold of hearing
10 leaves rustling
20 whisper
30 quiet home
40 quiet conversation
50 normal conversation (50-60 dB)
70 hair dryer; vacuum cleaner
80 city traffic
90 thunder; lawn mower
100 chain saw; large orchestra
110 car horn
120 rock concert
130 threshold of pain
140 jet taking off

46 Sound

Loudness Pitch
depends on depends on
amplitude frequency

47 Sound
Describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo.

Speed of sound

48 Sound

 Sound waves can be reflected by large, hard surfaces

like buildings, walls and cliffs.
 If the reflected sound is heard as a separate sound
after an interval of silence, it is called an echo.
 If the original sound just seems prolonged, this effect
is known as reverberation.
 To hear distinct echoes, the reflecting surface must be
far enough from the source of the sound.

49 Sound
Using Echoes to Find Distances

Distance 2d
Speed of Sound  
Time Taken t
50 Sound
 The principles of calculating the distance to the wall is
used in several devices, including:
 Echo-sounder that measures the depth of water under
the boat. It sends pulses of sound waves towards the
sea-bed and measures the echo time.
 Radar that used microwaves instead of sound waves. It
detects the position of aircraft by measuring the ‘echo
times’ of microwave pulses reflected from them.

51 Sound
Problem Solving

1. A person standing 99 m from the foot of a tall cliff claps his

hand and hears an echo 0.6 s later. Calculate the velocity of
sound in air.
2. A pulse of ultrasound takes 0.1 s to travel to the sea-bed
and return, and the speed of sound in water is 1400 m/s.
How deep is the sea?
3. A man is cutting down a tree with an axe. He hears the
echo of the impact of the axe hitting the tree after 1.6 s. If
the speed of sound is 330 m/s, how far is the tree from the
52 Sound
4. John shouts loudly in front of a mountain. After 5.2
seconds, he heard the echo of his voice. If the
mountain is 858 metres away from john, determine
the speed of sound in air.
speed of sound =
speed of sound =
speed of sound=330 m/ s

53 Sound
5. Ah Sern shouts in front of a high wall. He hears the
echo of his voice 2.5 second later. If the velocity of
sound in air is 340 m/s, calculate the distance
between him and the wall.

54 Sound
4. John shouts loudly in front of a mountain. After 5.2 seconds,
he heard the echo of his voice. If the mountain is 858 metres
away from john, determine the speed of sound in air.
5. Ah Sern shouts in front of a high wall. He hears the echo of his
voice 2.5 second later. If the velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s,
calculate the distance between him and the wall.
6. A man shouts loudly close to a high wall. He hears one echo. If
the man is 40 m from the wall, how long after the shout will
the echo be heard? (Speed of sound in air = 330 m/s)

55 Sound
7. A ship is 220 metres from a large cliff when it sounds
its foghorn. Speed of sound in air is 330 m/s
a. When the echo is heard on the ship, how far has the
sound travelled?
b. What time delay is there before the echo is heard?
c. The ship changes its distance from the cliff. When the
echo time is 0.5 seconds, how far is the ship from the cliff.

56 Sound
8. A boat is fitted with an echo-sounder which uses
ultrasound with a frequency of 40 kHz.
a. What is the frequency of the ultrasound in Hz?
b. If ultrasound pulses takes 0.03 seconds to travel from the
boat to the sea-bed and return, how deep is the water
under the boat?
c. What is wavelength of the ultrasound in water?
9. Speed of sound in water = 1400 m/s

57 Sound
Describe the factors which influence the quality (timbre) of
sound waves and how these factors may be demonstrated using
a c.r.o.

Speed of sound

58 Sound
Sound Quality

 Sound "quality" or "timbre" describes those

characteristics of sound which allow the ear to
distinguish sounds which have the same pitch and

59 Sound

 When two musicians playing same musical note, but one is on guitar
and another one is playing flute, the pitch and loudness for the note
would be the same
 The frequency of the sound wave due to the resonance of the
sound wave, pressure and wave form of the sound from the
instrument would be different.
 Hence we listen two different sound and can differentiate between
the two, this characteristic of the sound is known as Timbre, as the
main characteristics of the sound wave are same like its pitch, flow
and loudness, but we are able to differentiate between the sound
due to change of the source.

60 Sound
 Timbre Depends on:
 Wave form of sound
 Sound pressure
 Timbre Does Not Depends on:
 Pitch
 Loudness

61 Sound
Sound Waveform

Sound Micro Oscillo
wave phone Signal scope
62 Sound
63 Sound
1. A boy strikes a rigid metal fence with a stick to
create a sound along the fence. A girl listens
with her ear against the fence. One second after
the fence is struck, the girl hears a sound
through the air.

64 Sound
A. How long will it take for the sound to reach the girl
through the fence?
A. 0 second
B. less than 1 second
C. 1 second
D. more than 1 second

65 Sound
2. A flash of lightning and the corresponding thunder clap
are detected 6 s apart. It is calculated that the lightning
struck about 1800 m away.
3. On which assumption is the calculation based?
A. Light reaches us almost instantaneously, but sound
travels at 300 m/s.
B. Light travels 300 m/s faster than sound.
C. Sound reaches us almost instantaneously, but light
travels at 300 m/s.
D. The sound of the thunder was emitted 6 s after the flash.

66 Sound
3. A 100 metre race is started by firing a gun. The
gun makes a bang and a puff of smoke comes
out of the gun as shown.

67 Sound
1. When does the finishing judge see the smoke
and hear the bang?

68 Sound
4. Which equation can be used to calculate the
speed of sound?

69 Sound
5. A starting pistol is fired 640 m away from a

70 Sound
1. The spectator hears the sound of the starting
pistol two seconds after seeing the flash from
the gun.
2. What is the speed of sound in air?
A. 160 m/s
B. 320 m/s
C. 640 m/s
D. 1280 m/s

71 Sound
6. In an experiment to measure the speed of sound,
a student uses a stopwatch to find how long a
sound takes to travel from X to Y. She does this
six times.

72 Sound
1. The table shows her results.

73 Sound
1. What value for the time should be used to
calculate the speed of sound?
A. 0.4 s
B. 0.5 s
C. 0.6 s
D. 0.9 s

74 Sound
7. The diagrams represent two different sound waves.

75 Sound
1. How do the frequency and pitch of P compare with
the frequency and pitch of Q?

76 Sound
8. A fire alarm is not loud enough. An engineer
adjusts it so that it produces a note of the same
pitch which is louder.
9. What effect does this have on the amplitude and
on the frequency of the sound?

77 Sound
9. Sounds are made by vibrating objects. A certain
object vibrates but a person nearby cannot hear
any sound.
10. Which statement might explain why nothing is
A. The amplitude of the sound waves is too large.
B. The frequency of the vibration is too high.
C. The sound waves are transverse.
D. The speed of the sound waves is too high.

78 Sound
10. Music is produced by the loudspeaker of a radio.
11. Which property of the sound wave increases
when the music is made louder?
A. amplitude
B. frequency
C. speed
D. wavelength

79 Sound
11. The graph represents a sound wave. The
horizontal (x) axis represents time.

80 Sound
1. The frequency of the sound is increased.
2. The graphs below are shown to the same scale.
Which graph represents the new sound wave?

81 Sound
12. Two sound waves P and Q are displayed on an
oscilloscope with the same time-base and Y-plate
settings for each.

82 Sound
1. Which statement correctly describes the pitch
and the loudness of the two sounds?
A. P has a higher pitch and is louder than Q.
B. P has a higher pitch and is quieter than Q.
C. P has a lower pitch and is louder than Q.
D. P has a lower pitch and is quieter than Q.

83 Sound
13. Which change will lower the pitch of a sound?
A. decreasing its amplitude
B. decreasing its frequency
C. increasing its amplitude
D. increasing its frequency

84 Sound
14. The diagrams show oscilloscope traces of sounds
picked up by microphones. The oscilloscope
controls are set in the same position for all the
15. Which trace shows the sound that is both loud
and low-pitched?

85 Sound
15. The diagrams represent sound waves displayed
on an oscilloscope.
16. Assuming the controls of the oscilloscope remain
the same for each sound, which diagram
represents the quietest sound with the highest

B 86 Sound
16. The diagram shows the trace produced on a
cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) by a sound.

87 Sound
1. Which trace is produced when both the
loudness and the pitch of the sound are

88 Sound
17. A police car with its siren sounding is stationary
in heavy traffic. A pedestrian notices that,
although the loudness of the sound produced
does not change, the pitch varies.
18. Which line in the table describes the amplitude
and the frequency of the sound?

89 Sound
18. A police car siren emits two different sounds P and
Q. These are produced alternately. The diagram
represents the sounds emitted.

90 Sound
1. Which sound is the louder and which has the lower

91 Sound
19. Which word correctly completes the sentence
20. An echo is a sound wave which is ………… by a
large obstacle.
A. absorbed
B. dispersed
C. reflected
D. refracted

92 Sound
20. A girl stands at a distance from a large building.
She claps her hands and a short time later hears
an echo.
21. Why is an echo produced when the sound waves
hit the building?
A. The sound waves are absorbed.
B. The sound waves are diffracted.
C. The sound waves are reflected.
D. The sound waves are refracted.

93 Sound
21. A sports field is next to a large school building.
At the far side of the sports field, a student sees
a groundsman hammer a pole into the ground.

94 Sound
1. The student hears two bangs each time the
hammer hits the pole.
2. Why does the student hear two bangs?

95 Sound
22. An ultrasonic tape-measure is used to find the distance to
a wall. It sends out an ultrasonic pulse and times how long
it takes for the reflected pulse to return from the wall.
23. The ultrasound has a frequency, a wavelength and a
24. Which pair of values is needed to find the distance to the
A. frequency and wavelength
B. frequency and time taken for the pulse to return
C. speed and time taken for the pulse to return
D. wavelength and time taken for the pulse to return

96 Sound
23. When the horn on a ship is sounded, the
passengers hear an echo from a cliff after 4.0 s.
24. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, how far away is
the cliff?
A. 170 m
B. 340 m
C. 680 m
D. 360 m

97 Sound
24. To estimate the width of a valley, a climber
starts a stopwatch as he shouts. He hears an
echo from the opposite side of the valley after
1.0 s.

98 Sound
1. The sound travels at 340 m/s.
2. What is the width of the valley?
A. 85 m
B. 170 m
C. 340 m
D. 680 m

99 Sound
25. An engineer standing at P hears the sound of an
explosion at X.

100 Sound
1. After the explosion, she hears two bangs. One
bang is heard a fraction of a second after the
2. The second bang is an echo from
A. XY.
B. PV.
C. ZY.
D. WX.

101 Sound
26. A boy is stranded on an island 500 m from the

102 Sound
1. He shouts for help, but all he can hear in reply is
the echo of his shout from some cliffs.
2. Sound travels at 340 m/ s through the air.
3. What is the time interval between the boy
shouting and hearing the echo?

103 Sound
27. During a thunderstorm, there is an interval of 1.70 s
between an observer seeing the lightning and hearing
the thunder. The speed of sound is 340 m/s.
28. What is the distance between the observer and the
A. 100 m
B. 200 m
C. 578 m
D. 1160 m
104 Sound
28. A ship sends a pulse of sound vertically downwards
to the sea bed. An echo is heard 0.4 seconds later.
29. If the speed of sound in the water is 1200 m/s, how
deep is the water below the ship?
A. 240 m
B. 480 m
C. 1500 m
D. 3000 m

105 Sound
29. The sounds produced by two musical
instruments are directed towards a microphone
connected to an oscilloscope (cro). The
waveforms produced on the screen are shown.

106 Sound
1. The waveforms show that the sounds produced
have a different property.
2. What is the property?
A. frequency
B. speed
C. timbre (quality)
D. wavelength

107 Sound
30. Wave forms are shown on an oscilloscope for a
flute and a bassoon playing the same note. The
oscilloscope settings are the same for both wave

108 Sound
1. What is the difference between the two sounds?
A. the amplitude
B. the frequency
C. the quality (timbre)
D. the wavelength

109 Sound
Define ultrasound.


110 Sound

 Ultrasound is the type of sound wave with

frequencies greater than 20 kHz.
 Ultrasound cannot be heard by humans, but only
other animals can hear them.
 Ultrasound has many medical and commercial uses.

111 Sound
Describe the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, quality control
and pre-natal scanning.


112 Sound
Ultrasonic Cleaning

 An ultrasonic cleaning is a process that

uses ultrasound (usually from 20–400 kHz) and an
appropriate cleaning solvent (sometimes ordinary tap
water) to clean items.
 Ultrasonic cleaners are used to clean many different
types of objects, including jewelry,
watches, dental and surgical instruments, industrial
parts and electronic equipment.

113 Sound
114 Sound

 Nondestructive testing is a method of finding defects

in an object without harming the object.
 In the aircraft industry, NDT is used to look for
internal changes or signs of wear on airplanes.
 The railroad industry also uses nondestructive testing
to examine railway rails for signs of damage.

115 Sound
 Ultrasonic waves are emitted from a transducer into
an object and the returning waves are analyzed.
 If an impurity or a crack is present, the sound will
bounce off of them and be seen in the returned signal

116 Sound
117 Sound
118 Sound
Ultrasonic scanning

 The ultrasound is sent into the patients body.

 At each boundary between different tissues or organs
some of the ultrasound is reflected.
 The depth of each layer is calculated using the time
taken for each reflected wave to return.
 The reflected waves (echoes) are usually processed to
produce a picture of the inside of the body on a

119 Sound
120 Sound
121 Sound

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