Phy 2 N1 Mechanical Waves PDF

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General Physics 2

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Mechanical Waves

Oscillations and Waves

Hooke’s Law
Simple Harmonic Motion
Mechanical Waves

Compiled by:
|denver m. cho-oy, lpt, ma physics | nick t. loque, lpt |

An Oscillation or Vibration is a “wiggle” in time. An example is the periodic motion of a pendulum

where a bob swings back and forth. A Wave, on the other hand, is a “wiggle” in both space and time. Some
examples are water waves, sound waves, waves on a string, and electromagnetic waves.


Amplitude (A)
- is the largest displacement from the equilibrium position (rest position) that the mass can have in this
- maximum displacement of the body from its equilibrium position
Period (T)
- is the time required to make a complete to and fro motion or one complete cycle
- one to and fro motion is called a cycle
- is usually expressed in seconds (s)
Frequency (f)
- is the number of cycles per unit time
- its SI unit is the Hertz abbreviated as Hz (1Hz=1cycle/second)
- frequency is the reciprocal of period
1 1
f  T
T f
Sample Problem: A vibrating system has a period of 0.5 s. What is the frequency in Hz?


English physicist Robert Hooke (1653-1703) showed experimentally that the magnitude of the restoring
force (F) is directly proportional to the displacement (x) from the equilibrium position, and the direction of
the restoring force is always opposite the direction of the displacement provided that the elastic limit is not
reached. In symbol,
F  kx
The constant k is called the force of constant of the spring. It is how much force is required to stretch the
spring one unit of length.
Sample Problem: A horizontally mounted spring has its left end held stationary. When a spring balance is
attached to the free end pulled toward the right, the stretching force of 5.00N caused a displacement of 2cm. What
is the force constant of the spring?


- a simple harmonic motion is a type of vibratory motion which is characterized by Hooke’s Law
- An object is said to be moving with Simple Harmonic Motion if;
- its acceleration is directly proportional to its distance from a fixed point in its path, and
- its acceleration is directed towards that point.
- other examples of SHM includes a prong on a vibrating tuning fork, a pendulum oscillating at a small
angle, the tides.
1. For a vibrating mass m on a spring of force constant k:
 1  k
f  
 2  m
T  2
2. For a simple pendulum of length L
 1  g
f  
 2  L
T  2
Sample Problem 1: A force of 0.004N exerted to a spring produces 3cm increase in its length. When a mass of 8
kilograms is attached to a spring, find the period and frequency of the simple harmonic motion produced.

Sample Problem 2: What is the length of a pendulum whose period is 2.50s?


- waves that require a material medium to propagate
- based on direction of vibrations, mechanical waves may be longitudinal or transverse

- particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave propagation
- composed of compressions where particles of the medium are closer together and rarefactions where
they are farther apart.
- particles of the medium are vibrating perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation
- transverse waves are made up of alternating crests and troughs. Crest is the position of maximum
upward displacement from equilibrium position. The trough is the position of maximum downward
displacement from equilibrium position.

Wavelength ()
- distance between any two successive identical points on the wave
- SI unit is meter m
Wave Velocity (v)
- the distance travelled by wave in a medium for a unit time t
- the wavelength, speed and frequency are related by the following equation
v  f

Sample Problem 1: An anchored boat is observed to rise and fall once every 4 seconds as waves whose crests are
30 m apart pass by it. What is the velocity of these waves?

Sample Problem 2: A radio wave travels at the speed of 3.0 x 108 m/s. An AM radio station broadcasts on a
frequency of 1200 x 103 Hz. What is the wavelength of the radio wave?
Exercise Problems:
1. A spring oscillates at a frequency of 50 cycles/min when an object is attached to it. If the spring constant is
200N/m, what is the mass of the object?
2. When the length of a pendulum is 98.45cm, the period is measured 1.99s. Find the value of g.
3. A 5 kg wooden block is fastened to the end of a spring. The ball is pulled 10 cm to one side by a force of
5N. Find the force constant of the spring and the period of vibration.
4. Find the frequency and the period of motion of a vibrating object that goes through ten complete vibrations
in 3.00s.
5. The mass of a harmonic oscillator is 0.300kg and the ideal spring has a force constant 150N/m. What is a)
the period; b) the frequency of motion.
6. What is the length of a simple pendulum that makes 200 complete swings in 60 seconds?
7. How much will a spring shorten when a 2kg oscillating body is removed? The vibrating body has a period
of 0.5 seconds.
8. What is the frequency of a vibrating pendulum if its length is 1.5 m. What is its period?
9. A certain FM radio station broadcasts electromagnetic waves at a frequency of 9.05x10 7 Hz. These radio
waves travel at a speed of 3.00x108 m/s. What is the wavelength of these radio waves?
10. A dog whistle is designed to produce a sound with a frequency beyond that which can be heard by humans.
If a whistle produces a sound with a frequency of 2.5 x 104 Hz, what is the sound’s wavelength? (Assume
the speed of sound in air is 331 m/s.)
11. The lowest pitch that the average human can hear has a frequency of 20.0 Hz. If sound with this frequency
travels through air with a speed of 331 m/s, what is its wavelength?
12. If the speed of the wave is 335 m/s and its frequency is 67 Hz, what is its wavelength?
13. Sonar is a device that uses reflected sound waves to measure underwater depths. If a sonar signal has a
frequency of 288 Hz and the speed of sound in water is 1.45x103 m/s, what is the wavelength of the sonar
14. Cicadas produce a buzzing sound that has a wavelength in air of 2.69 m. If the speed of sound in air is 346
m/s, what is the frequency of the sound produced by a cicada? What is its period?
15. A drum is struck, producing a wave with a wavelength of 110 cm and a speed of 2.42x104 m/s. What is the
frequency of the wave? What is the period?

 AREVALO, R. L. (2017) General Physics 1. DIWA Learning Systems. Makati City, Philippines.
 CAINTIC, H. E. (2017) General Physics 1 for Senior High School. C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City,
 LUBRICA, J. V. (2016) Course Manual in General Physics 2. Benguet State University.
 SILVERIO, A. A. (2013) Exploring Life through Science: Physics. Second Edition. Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines.

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