DP-203T00 Microsoft Azure Data Engineering-03

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The document discusses exploring and transforming data using DataFrames in Azure Databricks. It covers topics like reading/writing data, working with DataFrame transformations, advanced DataFrame methods and aggregating data.

The main topics covered include understanding Azure Databricks, reading/writing data, working with DataFrames, advanced DataFrame methods and reviewing concepts through questions.

DataFrames can be used to explore data using select statements and filters. Data can be transformed using operations like selecting columns, dropping columns, handling duplicates. Date/time values and columns can also be manipulated.


Data Exploration and

Transformation in
Azure Databricks

Lesson 01 – Understand Azure Databricks

Lesson 02 – Read and write data in Azure Databricks

Lesson 03 – Work with DataFrames in Azure Databricks

Lesson 04 – Work with DataFrames advanced methods in Azure Databricks

Lesson 01: Understand Azure Databricks
Understand Azure Databricks
Lesson 02: Read and write data in Azure Databricks
Read and write data in Azure Databricks

Multiple format support

Reading data from CSV, PARQUET, JSON and many others

Integrated with several Azure Data Services

Reading and writing from and to Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Synapse
Analytics, etc.

Notebook experience
Reading and writing by simply writing code in a shared notebook experience
Read data in Azure Databricks
Working with Select in Azure Databricks

SQL DataFrame (Python)

SELECT col_1 FROM myTable df.select(col("col_1"))
DESCRIBE myTable df.printSchema()
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE col_1 > 0 df.filter(col("col_1") > 0)
..GROUP BY col_2 ..groupBy(col("col_2"))
..ORDER BY col_2 ..orderBy(col("col_2"))
..WHERE year(col_3) > 1990 ..filter(year(col("col_3")) > 1990)
SELECT * FROM myTable LIMIT 10 df.limit(10)
display(myTable) (text format) df.show()
display(myTable) (html format) display(df)
Write data in Azure Databricks
Lesson 03: Work with DataFrames in Azure Databricks
Work with DataFrames in Azure Databricks

Apache Spark DataFrame API reading data in a single command

Working with transformations in Azure Databricks
Transformations Description
Select(…) The select(...) command enables you to specify the columns to include in a
drop(…) The drop(...) command enables you to specify the columns you don’t want

distinct(…) The distinct(…) command returns a distinct set of values in a DataFrame

dropDuplicates(…) The dropDuplicates(…) command is an alias of the distinct(…) command.

show(…) The show(..) command is part of the core Spark API and simply prints the
results to the console
display(…) The display(…) command provides more flexibility than show(…) such as
downloading results against csv, rendering charts and showing up to 100
limit(…) The limit(…) command can be used to control the number of records that
are returned to a DataFrame
Optimize DataFrames in Azure Databricks

Mix DataFrame operations

Lesson 04: Work with DataFrames advanced methods in Azure
Work with DataFrames advanced methods in Azure Databricks

DateTime manipulation
Enabling different DateTime techniques to use across DataFrames

Aggregate Functions
groupBy() function, sum(), count(), avg(), min(), max() functions

Deduplication of Data
Removing duplicates, by ensuring you only keep 1 record
Review questions

Q01 – How do you list files in DBFS within a notebook?

A01 – %fs ls /my-file-path

Q02 – How do you create a DataFrame object?

A02 – Introduce a variable name and equate it to something like
myDataFrameDF =

Q03 – You need to find the average of sales transactions by storefront. Which of
the following aggregates would you use?
A03 – df.groupBy(col("storefront")).avg("completedTransactions")
Lab: Data Exploration and Transformation in Azure Databricks
Lab overview
This lab teaches you how to use various Apache Spark DataFrame methods to explore and transform data in
Azure Databricks. You will learn how to perform standard DataFrame methods to explore and transform data.
You will also learn how to perform more advanced tasks, such as removing duplicate data, manipulate date/time
values, rename columns, and aggregate data.
Lab objectives
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Use DataFrames in Azure Databricks to explore and filter data

Cache a DataFrame for faster subsequent queries

Remove duplicate data

Manipulate date/time values

Remove and rename DataFrame columns

Aggregate data stored in a DataFrame

Lab review

Q01 – What is a function that allows you to print data to the console in Azure

Q02 – How can you transform a whole dataset called wholedatasetDF data by
selecting only 2 columns?

Q03 – What is a common function to use in order to aggregate data

Module summary
In this module, you have learned about:

Azure Databricks Transformation Techniques in Azure Databricks

Data exploration techniques DataFrame methods

Next steps
After the course, consider visiting the website that explores the [Azure Databricks concepts
] and architectures where the associated documentation goes more in depth about architectures and con
cepts related to Azure Databricks.
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