Phrasal Verbs

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What is a Phrasal Verb?

verb (take, made, eat, go,

look, etc)

 Hang out
 Look after
particles  Bring together
 Got away
 Put up with
 Bring out

adverb preposition
All verbs can either be transitive or intransitive.

Transitive: Example:
You need something or someone after Look up to to respect or admire a person
the verb I really look up to. (incorrect)
I really look up to his father.

Intransitive phrasal verbs are easier to
Grow up to mature.
use because there is no object to
They grew up in China.
worry about
What do you want to be when you grou up?
Separable or Inseparable

Take on to become responsible for.
Look up to to respect or admire a person
• I’m going to take on the project.
 I look up to Keanue Reeves
• I’m going to take the Project on.
 I look Keanue Reeves up to
 Hang up your jacket.
 I look up Keanue Reeves to
 Hang your jacket up.
Phrasal verbs are multi-word verbs

When we use phrasal verb you need to indicate the time it’s being used and we need to match
the subject that they’re being used with.


I give up! This cube is impossible to assemble

Marcos an Anna not giving up yet and continue in the game.

He gave up easily

I thought you hadn´t given up

Some phrasal verbs

01 Let down (defraudar) 02 Blow away (sorprender)

Don’t let me down please You blow me away

Come up with (tener Run over

03 una idea) 04 (atropellar)
I will come up with something He ran over my dog
Some Phrasal verbs

05 Put on (ponerse algo) 06 Screw up (arruinar)

Put on a hat I didn’t screw up

07 Cheer up (animar) 08 Pass out (desmayarse)

Cheer up, everything will be I feel bad, I think I'm going to
fine pass out
Some Phrasal verbs

Turn off/turn on Break up (romper una

09 (apagar) 10 realción)
Turn off the computer now! I want to break up

Cheat on (engañar o
11 traicionar) 12 Go out (salir)
You cheat on me I want to go out with you
Some Phrasal verbs

Stay up (desvelarse o
13 Hang up (colgar) 14 permanecer despierto)
Hang up your jacket Don’t stay up too late

Look forward to
15 (esperar un evento) 16 Show up (aparecer)
I look forward to meet him They didn’t show up

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