Main Purpose of Assessment: Improve Student's Learning

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Main Purpose of assessment

• Improve Student’s Learning

• Comes with preparing the students to teacher’s lesson
• Usually given before the instruction
• Placement tests are given to identify or select which people would qualify in a
particular situation
• Determine various interests of the students and their various learning styles.
• Before commencing instruction, teachers should acquire essential information about
which learners have knowledge about and what they could do.
• Basis for the teacher to effectively complement with the student’s needs.
• Based on prior knowledge and skills, students are tested at an adequate pace. As an
outcome, learners are more able to achieve interest and excellence throughout period.
• Teachers will conduct various assessments in order to determine student’s
• Understanding the preliminary learnings of the students and the pre-requisite
knowledge about the subject that teacher’s were going to teach in which the
students didn’t catch up during the lessons
• It is given during the instruction, meaning the lesson or course is on going. The
students are going through assessment at the same time they are learning.
• Its main objective is to determine deficiencies so that the appropriate
interventions can be done
• Teachers are trying to understand or have an idea whether their students learned
what they have taught or is learning what we are teaching
• Given right after a small topics are discussed in order to check whether the
students really learned what the teacher just have taught
• It is not GRADED because formative assessment is part of the instruction, it’s part
of the teacher’s helping hand
• Trying to verify whether they can move to the next topic/lesson
• Engage whether the teaching strategy is effective
• Judging the worth of the learning while the course is on progress meaning, it
focuses on the process rather than result
Summative Assessment
• Main purpose is to measure learners' attainment levels in order to achieve better
learning all through the learning experience.
• Determine the effectiveness of the learning based on its avowed purposes
• Teachers are quantifying the student’s learning experience
• Assessments are graded such as Periodical Exams, Midterm and Final Term
• Summarize the result of what the students have learned throughout the learning
process and is concerned on the learning outcomes
• Judging the worth of the learning at the end of the program of activities
• Before instruction • During instruction • During instruction • After instruction
• Teachers must value • A continuing assessment • Ongoing- often as pat of a • At the end of the unit,
the past knowledge of to ensure that the cycle of instruction and assess what the students
the students students comprehend the feedback overtime have learned
• Assessment must be in educational unit. Teachers • Results are immediate or • A written or oral exam, a
line of the learning can use this tool to rapid project or performance
objectives respond to flexible groups • Pre and post assessment task are all possibilities
• Paper-pencil exam and instructional groups • Self-assessment • Should correspond to
• Allow learners to • Examples are checklists, • Interviews learning that accepted
demonstrate their exit slips, projects, journal, • Observation • It could be for a class or
comprehension in a verbal or written • Strategies to improve the for individual
variety of ways summaries learning • Each set of students
• Give pupils a sneak • Every student response • Focuses on individual should be distinguished
peek at the subject. This • Hand signals to show growth • The mastery of the
will help to activate pre- understanding • Questioning, testing or content presented to the
existing knowledge, • Not given a grade demonstration used to students should be the
giving more accurate • It can be rapid and identify how students is basis for grading
picture of their informal conversation learning • Students develop a
comprehension of the • Provides data on how well • Diagnosed problems in growth mindset when
material. the students and how students or gaps in skills they are judged on their
successful their teachers and to help teachers mastery of skills they have
decide next step in been taught.



• There was a time when one of our classmates was harshly criticized by our math teacher
because he was simply defending his point of view, which he believed to be correct but was
opposite to our math teacher's. We all thought it was just an academic disagreement at first,
but as they debated, it became clear that our teacher was offended not because our
classmate was correct, but out of shame and pride. As a result, she piles up a summative test
for us, which no one in the class can answer. As an outcome, we all received a failing
grade and explained our side , but instead of being sympathetic, she humiliated us by
claiming that we act superior to her, despite the fact that our test results provide no
indication that we are better. In my personal judgement, her inadequate reason for doing so
was humiliation, and she couldn't accept the possibility that teachers can learn from their
students as well. To conclude, I pursue education not because I wanted to seek vengeance on
her and become a strict teacher like her, but because I learned that having that mentality
does not make you a true and competent teacher; rather, it creates barriers and fear among
the learners. I encourage my students to learn from me in a creative and harmonious manner
while I also gain knowledge from them, because this will enable them become competitive
and academically excellent students.
• Differentiated assessment is used to personalize learning by assisting students in
connecting diverse learning experiences and allowing them to apply their past
knowledge to learn new things. It also seeks to engage pupils in learning and
establish a learning context. The assessment process itself aids in the development
of critical thinking and analysis abilities, which help me learn and adapt better. But
when I was at grade 10, the result of my assessment was poor I don't know what's
the problem if it's with me or with the teacher but I did by best, that happening
was demotivates me. We are getting checked on the performance regularly but
the grade was too low. I tried to ask my teacher to see all of my works but she had
nothing to show me. Some of her students said that's how she give grade but for
me that's not right she should check a student's assessment properly. No, I'll
create official tests, quizzes, and exams, which are the usual procedures for
evaluating student success, and I'll double-check everything. I will not allow my
students to learn nothing; instead, I want to assist them in developing critical
thinking and analytical skills. These abilities will help students learn, adapt, and
grow in future courses, as well as in their careers and personal lives.
When I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher who made us do the
opposite of what we were supposed to accomplish by making
us dance instead of gardening. We had nothing to respond on
quizzes that she gave specially the coverage of the quiz are
out of the topics. She always wanted us to dance to waste
time, He let us read our books but she doesn't explained
Anything about it. Someday When I become educator I would
never do that to my students because I don’t want them to
remember me with negative memories. I want them to learn
because for me it is unfair to treated them like that. I want
them to understand me and I don’t want them to leave my
class without learning something. I believe that a student’s
knowledge is a teacher’s achievement.
• Way back when i was in senior high school, I totally focused in my study
especially in the specialization I've choose. But there was a time that my
teacher gave a suprise exam wherein it doesn't belong to the lesson that he
discussed to us. I got a low grade on that exam, I was so stress and devastated
because it can affect my final average. Maybe the reason why the teacher gave
a question/test that was not in the given functions of testing is that to measure
the students capability if they were able to answer the question without
depending on the given functions of testing or if they did a further reading and
advanced research about the topic. I can still be called 'matinong' teacher if I
will use that strategy of learning because it will help my students in a way
which they will be able to answer questions even if it didnt taught by the
teacher, it makes the scope of their knowledge/vocabulary wider. It will also
make them become more responsible and eager to learn, this will serve as a
challenge for them to strive harder and dig deeper in to the topic. With this
strategy students will grow fonder with the lessons because they find it
challenging and when students are challenge they find ways to concquer it. .

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