Assessment For Learning in Classroom

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Unit 2



Mrs. Anisha B
Asst.Prof. of Mathematics
❖Evaluation in transmission –reception model of education and its draw backs

❖Changing assessment practices

❖Assessment in constructivist approach

❖Continuous and comprehensive evaluation- projects, seminars, assignments,



❖Types of assessment

❖Practices of Assessment
Assessment for Learning
in Classroom
➢Classroom Assessment plays an important role in students learning achievement

➢Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidences of what students know,

understand and able to do.

➢Teachers attempt to evaluate students’ learning in terms of the criteria formed, based on

expected learning outcomes and level of performance.

Behaviourist view of learning

➢ According to behaviourism ‘learning is nothing but expressing appropriate behaviour in response to

the information received from the environment’.
➢Apply the behaviourist model to the classroom teaching- learning process, it means students receive
knowledge based information or learning from the teacher, the outcome of which is getting expressed in
the form of student behaviour.
➢In teaching learning process, the teacher is very active and provides appropriate learning experiences
to students
Transmission – Reception Model of Education

➢ According to Behaviourism in the classroom teaching the teacher is the transmitter of

knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to the students and impresses them with these
qualities as the gender in the process of classroom teaching.
➢ According to behaviourist model of transmitter-receiver model of teaching, teacher acts as
the centre of the classroom teaching process and by his continuous training to his
students he sends or transmits knowledge to the students who is the receiver of his
➢ So the teacher is transmitter of knowledge and the students are receivers of knowledge.
Hence this model is called transmission- reception model of teaching.
Student evaluation in Transmission- Reception
Model Based on Behaviourist Theory
▪ In the transmission-reception model of learning which is based on behaviourist theory, what
students have learned are only assessed and no importance is given for, how they have
▪ In this education model the student learning can be assessed or evaluated by observing their
outward expressive behaviours.
▪ Evaluate the behaviour that are modified due to the continuous training by the teacher.
▪ The repetitive drill works done by the students modified their learning behaviour to learn
can be measured by the teacher.
▪ At the elementary school level in language subjects, teacher can drills students to memorise
poem, can train students in pronouncing words correctly.
1. We can only evaluate the behaviour that are modified by imitating others
2. We cannot evaluate the thinking skill of students using this model.
3. Evaluating outward behaviours we cannot measure the real mental disposition of
4. We cannot evaluate the innate skills using this model
5. Students are passive receivers in this model and hence we cannot evaluate their
learning easily
6. We can measure only the outward expression of behaviour in this model
7. Since the students are not able to act and learn in this model, we cannot evaluate
their learning
Changing Assessment Practices
1. First educationists insist on the basic change such as planning, and designing
assessment practices in the education system.

2. Secondary, we have to follow some principles and standards in the changing

educational set up.

3. Educationists welcome researches on the innovative assessment in the

classroom activities
Assessment in Constructivist Approach

❖ In constructivist approach of learning, the assessment is done giving

importance of learning process and the things that are learnt already.
❖ In this adopt the following assessment strategies in addition to the
written examinations
❑ Oral Discussion
❑ Assessing Student’s
O Learning Through Known Things
❑ Mind Map
❑ Performance of the students
Oral Discussion

Teacher in the classroom discusses with his students by

questioning them and making interactions with them about the
subject matter and assesses them informally.
Assessing Student’s Learning Through Known Things

Teacher give a topic in the subject matter to the students and

asks them to write about their ideas about the topic and assesses their

Mind Map

Teacher gives a topic and asks the students to draw a

mind map related to the topic in the subject matter taught
to them and assesses their learnings.
Performance of the students

In this method the teacher arranges for a learning activity and asks

the students to do something practically and assess their performance.

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation-CCE

• Evaluating scholastic areas and co-scholastic areas

• Developing the total personality of the learner

• Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the learners

• Giving opportunity for the learners to improve their learning

• Giving the needed feedback to the teacher also.

CCE enables the learners to develop the following skills

• They can develop their skills in various subjects

• They can improve their achievements needed in the subject matter
• It develops individual interest in learning and his learning readiness
• It enables the individual to lead an useful life with well –being.
• It develops the conducts for adjusting with situations inside and outside school
• It develops the skill for applying the learned things in different situations in life.
• It enables the learners to work in harmony with others in the society
• It enables the learners to analyse and evaluate the learned things
• It enables the learner to know the problem in the society and in the environment.
• It enables the learners to retain what is learnt in their life.
Salient Features of CCE
• It is a learner –centred assessment
• It is an assessment done continuously with needed time –gap
• It assess all the learning aspects of the learner
• It assesses the behaviour and attitudes of the learner
• It assesses and remove the learning defects of the learner
• Formative assessment the progress of learning while the learner learns in the
• Summative assessment assesses the learning outcome after the learning process
is completed.
Dimensions of Evaluation

Evaluation of Learning

Evaluation for Learning

Evaluation as Learning

Evaluation in Learning
Dimension of Evaluation
1. Evaluation of Learning

Teacher designs the learning activities, collects the information related to

student’s learning and evaluates what they learnt and evaluates what they learnt
and evaluates what they do not learn.

2. Evaluation for Learning

Teacher designs the learning activities and also designs the methods of
feedback to the students. Evaluates the learning of the students and improves it
with feedback
Dimension of Evaluation
3.Evaluation as Learning
The teacher and students design the learning activities, they
unite to evaluate the learning outcomes and they unite for improving
the learning process.

4.Evaluation in Learning
The teacher act as a trainer, learning centre and evaluates
students learning for guiding them. The students act on the
guidance of the teacher to demonstrate their learning
CCE includes the following strategies for the evaluation in learning

Project Based Evaluation

Seminar based Evaluation

Assignment Based Evaluation

Portfolio Based Evaluation

• Teacher can design a project in the subject matter taught his

• In the higher education the teacher asks his students to do project

work in the subject matter and induces their higher order thinking
for evaluating their learning in that subject matter.

• To do the project as a group work or individual work

Project Design
Teacher can select a topic in the subject and can form group of
student and give a project work to each group and evaluate their
learning as follows.

❖Ask his students to collect information about the project and can
evaluate his students.
❖If the topics of project work in science subject, the teacher can
allow the group of students for interviewing experts in that field
outside the school and ask them to submit the video visuals of the
interview and the information collected and evaluate their works
❖The teacher can ask the students if the topics of their project are
experimental works in the laboratory to do the experiments and
evaluate their performance in lab works.

❖The teacher asks the students to submit their project works as

power point presentations in the classroom and evaluate their

The teacher divides the class into small groups of

students and gives a topic in the subject matter taught to them, and

asks them to speak as groups presentation in seminar and evaluates

The teacher divides the class into groups of students and gives
each group a topic for writing assignments
❑Visiting Library
❑Browsing Websites

The teacher analyses the data he obtains from the

assignments and does statistical calculation and evaluates the
impact of assignment on students learning.
Teacher collects all learning activity works of his
students in the form of writing works, construction of things,
handicrafts works, assignments, drawing works, video records of
presentation in the classroom etc. and complies them as students
Teacher assesses the learning from the portfolio record as follows

➢Teacher selects collection of students activities related to the topic

taught to them in a subject.
➢Lists these activities on the basis of the aims of assessment
➢Classifies the activities according to their understanding,
knowledge and application skills
➢Assessing the learning skills of the students.
➢Awards marks for the listed learning activities for learning skills
based on the aims of assessment.
Language teacher uses the student’s portfolio for assessing the
learning of his students in the following areas

Communication skills of students

Communication skills by interpreting the information

Presentation skills

Comparing and contrasting things

Group interaction skills

Skill in group activities

• Grading is the grouping of students in various groups such as
A,B,C, D,E and F grades after measuring their performance in
various activities such as written tests, project works, assignment
Grade the performance of students by grade points as follows

Grades Grade Points Explanation for Grades

5 Outstanding
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Satisfactory
1 Needs to Try
Purpose for Grading Students
• Students are grouped based on their abilities
• Assessment may be done and given as information about their learning
• Grading can be useful for improving their performances
• Grading may develop their progress in learning
• It gives the needed feedback to them
• Grading consolidate the activities of them
• It enables the teacher to prepare a grade point average in scholastic and
co-scholastic activities of the students
• Grading avoiding the small differences in marks and removes their
inferiority complexes.

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