Biomechanics (Autosaved)

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BY :
SAFWAN BIN HASAN (2018436694)
AZIZUL BIN AZMI (2018261194)
Table Content
Content Page

Definition of biomechanics 1

Terminologies in biomechanics 2

Principles techniques in biomechanics 9

Biomechanics application in sports 14

Biomechanics studies in exercise performance 18

Conclusion 24

References 25
What is Biomechanics
 Biomechanics is the science of movement of a living body, including how
muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce
 Biomechanics is part of the larger field of kinesiology, specifically
focusing on the mechanics of movement. It is both a basic and applied
science, encompassing research and practical use of its findings.
 Biomechanics includes not only the structure of bones and muscles and
the movement they can produce, but also the mechanics of blood
circulation, renal function, and other body functions.
Terminologies in biomechanics
• Force equals mass times acceleration and is a vector quantity, meaning
that it’s displayed in a particular direction.
• Usually measured in newtons(N).
• Vectors contain both magnitudes and directions.
• Force, velocity, and acceleration are all vector quantities.
• Velocity is the rate of change of position of the athlete.
• It is usually measured in meters per second.
• Work is equal to force times distance
• Generally reported in joules.
• Momentum is mass times velocity
• Reported in kilogram meters per second.
•  A mean is simply on average of a set of data  calculated by combining a set of data
and dividing by the number of figures.
•  Impulse is force multiplied by time and is sometimes calculated by taking the area
under the forcetime curve.
• Reported in newton-seconds.
Moment (torque):
•  A moment is the turning effect produced by a force. It is often synonymous with
torque, which can be thought of as the rotational analog to linear force (turning
force), and is calculated by multiplying the perpendicular force by the distance from
the pivot (or axis of rotation).
• Usually measured in newton-meters.
• A peak is the greatest magnitude of a set of data, or the highest point measured.
• In biomechanics, passive muscle forces are generated by the elastic properties of
• Eccentric muscle actions occur when muscles lengthen under tension (technically
it’s not a contraction).
Rfd: rfd stands for rate of force development
• Can be measured in multiple ways. RFD is believed to be highly important in sports
that require rapid force generation.
• Measured in newtons per second.
Rtd: rtd stands for rate of torque development
• Is usually measured in newton-meters per second. 6
Muscle force:
• When muscles contract or are stretched, they create muscle force.
• This muscle force pulls on bones which creates joint torque.
• Measured in newtons.
• Acceleration examines the rate of change of velocity with respect to time,
• Report in meters per second per second (meters per second squared).
• Power is the rate of doing work. It is calculated either by dividing work by time, or
by multiplying force by velocity.
• Power is usually reported in watts.
•  Plyometric exercises take advantage of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) whereby
a muscle rapidly lengthens and then explosively reverses its action.
•  Displacement is a change in position of a body.
• It can be translational, rotational, or a combination of both.
•  Isokinetic exercise is performed on a dynamometer which provides variable
resistance to movement so that regardless of the effort exerted, the
movement takes place at a constant speed.

• Concentric muscle actions occur when muscles shorten under tension.
• Isometric muscle actions occur when no movement in the joint take place.
• The muscles will indeed shorten while the tendons will lengthen, but the term is

1.The principle of force
• Force causes movement
• That’s the fundamental principle of biomechanics. All error detection should be
based on this principle.
2.The principle of linked segments
• The simplest model of the human body is a series of linked sticks (individual
segments), joined at frictionless hinges (joints).
• Muscle force pulls on a segment, causing it to rotate faster or slower.
• The combined action of the muscle force at each joint and the resulting speed of
each segment affects the speed at the distal end of the linked segments 9
3. The principle of impulse-causing momentum
• A body speeds up or slows down only while an external force is applied, and it speeds
up or slows down only in the direction the force is applied.
• Impulse is the product of the force and its time of application.
• Impulse causes a change in the momentum of a body, or how fast it’s going in
a specific direction.
• This cause-effect relationship provides a useful approach to analyzing movement.

4. The principle of continuity of joint forces
• When a movement is performed, look for a smooth continuity of the segment
motions, starting from the larger, more proximal segments and flowing
outward toward the smaller, more distal segments.
• The segments should not all move as one unit during either phase. The
smooth, sequential timing of the motions from proximal to distal increases
the applied impulse by the distal end of the segment.
5.The principle of impulse direction
• The change in momentum - occurs in the direction of the applied impulse. If
the body moves in the wrong direction, the problem comes from the direction
of the applied force.
• In activities like walking, running, and jumping. To go forward, push
backward. To go upward, push downward.
7. The principle of manipulating the moment of inertia
• No angular momentum can be gained while in the air because no external force
creates a torque on the body. Angular momentum is the product of angular
velocity and the moment of inertia, or how mass is distributed around the axis
of rotation.
• A jumper in the air can control angular velocity by manipulating the moment
of inertia. Bringing body segments closer to the axis of rotation decreases the
moment of inertia and increases angular velocity, while moving segments
farther from the axis of rotation decreases angular velocity. The angular
momentum stays constant.

8. The principle of stress causing strain
• Stress, the intensity of loading, is how an imposed load is distributed over a tissue.
The loading causes a deformation, or strain, in the tissue.
• The strain from loading during regular physical activity typically causes changes
increasing the strength of tissues like muscle, bone, ligament, and tendon if
adequate time is provided for the tissue to adapt
• Injury can also develop when a high level of stress causes more extensive damage
to a tissue.

9.The principle of rotational motion
• A force must produce a torque to change the rotation of a body, which changes its
angular momentum. Torque is produced when a force’s line of action doesn’t go
through an axis of rotation, creating a moment arm.
• A jumper’s center of gravity is the axis of rotation when rotating in the air. The
torque that causes rotation in the air is produced before the jumper leaves the ground
if the ground force has a moment arm to the center of gravity.
• A larger force and/or a larger moment arm create a larger torque and a greater
change in angular momentum. The ground force is generated from the motions of the
segments. It’s not just a matter of “leaning” to create the moment arm.
• The moment arm occurs if the motion of the segments pushes the center of gravity
ahead (for a forward rotation) or behind (for a backward rotation) of the jumper’s
feet while pushing the jumper upward into the air.

9.The principle of summing joint forces

• The body consists of linked segments, the amount of force in the impulse applied by
the distal segment is essentially the sum of the force from all the joints used.
• More joints contributing and more force from each joint increase the applied impulse.
All joints that can contribute should contribute, and the force from each should be as
much as is needed.
• The visual key is the number of joints moving, with the important factor the rate at
which they move

Biomechanics applications in

Why we applied it ?

• To understand movements and actions of human bodies and sport


• Kinesiology and biomechanics are intricately related.

• Principles of these two fields can be applied to the fields of biology,

physiology, engineering, physical and occupational therapy and medicine
as well.
Biomechanics in Sport

Gymnastics : The role of angular ,momentum Volleyball :Volleyball hitting the forces
And rotasion
Goals of applied biomechanics
1. Performance Improvement: Try to focus on the different aspects of a
technique and sport training.

2. Injury Prevention and Rehabilition: Researched and developed by sports

medicine specialists, trainers and injured athletes.

3. Fitness and Personal Training: An analysis can be applied both to exercise

and to equipment. 16
Biomechanics studies in exercise

Type of analyses
• Temporal analyses
• Kinematic analyses
• Kinetic analyses
• Inverse dynamics

Temporal analyses
• Measurement of durations
• The simplest way to compare individual
performance is to record their race time.
• Instrument:
- Stopwatch
- Timing gates

Kinematic analyses
• The study of motion without regard to the causes of the motion.
• Related to rates of acceleration and deceleration, range and pattern of
motion produced
• Instruments:
- Electrogoniometers for range of motion
- Radar guns for speed

Electrogoniometers Radar Gun
Kinetic analyses
• The study of forces or, in other words, the study of the causes of motion.
• Deal with force, momentum and torque.
• Examples :
- Force exerted by a high jumper on the ground during takeoff.

Inverse dynamics
• Study of the motion of the object and the forces responsible for the
• Suitable for quantifying the powers produced by large muscle groups and
determining whether they are performing positive or negative work.

• Develop efficient movement patterns whether on the field of play or
during resistance training.
• Can helps to improves sport specific technique to form enhance
performance and to minimize injury.
• Helps athletes to builds proper habits, ensuring that it is able to develop in
long term.

Contreras, B. (2013,October). Biomechanics Terminology . Retrieved from
McCaw, S. (n.d). Principles of Biomechanics . Retrived from
Roger, P. (2019,January). Biomechanics and Body Movement . Retrieved from

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