Quarter 1 Week 1 English 4

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04/07/2022 Arguel Virgo 1

English: Quarter 1

Week 11
Quarter 1, Week 1

Day 11
1. Note details in a selection listened to
2. Show willingness and enthusiasm in reading or listening to
literary texts
3. Realize that the world is made up of people of different
races and colors
4. Appreciate and respect the differences of people in the
5. Feel proud of being a Filipino, a member of the brown race
Oral Language Practice

Say what you like about yourselves. The

following sentence frames may be given:

I am ____________________
Others say I am ____________
Actually, I am _____________
Pre-Listening Unlocking of Difficulties
This is a clay. We can use clay to
form objects such as pots. Clay is
a kind of soil.
Touch and press the clay.
• Is the clay hard or soft?

• Why is clay soft?

This is Kabunian. Some Filipinos a long,

long time ago called their god Kabunian.”

• Do modern Filipinos believe in gods

and goddesses?
• How do modern Filipinos call God?
Motivation Think and Tell
Here are people from many parts of the world. Look at them.
Describe the children in the pictures.

• How are they similar?

• How are they different?
• In what way are you different from them?
Motive Question

‘‘In the story you are going to listen to, let us find out why
people have different colors.”
This is Kabunian.
Some Filipinos a
long time ago
called their god

• Do modern Filipinos believe

in gods and goddesses?

• How do modern Filipinos

call God?
Black, White, Brown
Once upon a time, there were no
people. There was only the earth and the
god Kabunian. He said, “The earth is a
beautiful place. But who will take care of it?
I will make people.”

In the afternoon,
Kabunian got some clay. He
worked for a long time.
When he finished making a
man, it was night. The color
of the night become the
color of the man. “He is too
dark,” Kabunian said.
The next morning, Kabunian
woke up before sunrise. He got
some clay. He made a man.
When the sun came up,
Kabunian saw the man. “He is
too white,” Kabunian said.

So Kabunian got more clay.

He made another man. It was
noon. The hot sun made the
man brown. “I like this brown
man,” said Kabunian.
Kabunian sent the men to different parts of the
Earth. That is why there are black people and white
people. That is why Filipinos are brown.
Group Activity
Group 1
Dramatize the story about Kabunian making a
man out of the clay. One will act out as Kabunian,
three others will be the black man, the white man,
and the brown man. Others will be plants or animals
in Kabunian’s place. One will be the narrator.
Present the story to the class.
Group 2
Think of a song you know about people or the
world. Practice singing the song. Be ready to
sing it to the class.
It’s a small world after all
It’s a small world after all
It’s a small world after all
It’s a small, small world
Pretend each of you is Kabunian.
Group 3 Form different man out of
modeling clay. Give each one a
name and say something about
each man you made.

Rap these lines from the story. Present it

to the class.
Kabunian, Kabunian (yes, yes, yo!) Group 4
Made a brown man, a brown man (yo!)
A brown man I am. (yes, yes, yo!)
A true Filipino I am. (yo!)
Quarter 1, Week 1

Day 2
1. Realize that the world is made up of people of different
races and with different colors
2. Appreciate and respect the differences of people in the
3. Feel proud of being a Filipino, a member of the brown race
4. Speak clearly using appropriate expression and intonation
5. Read words, phrases, poems, and stories with the long a
Oral Language Practice

Is your group ready to show the

class your group output?

Group 1: Rapping a line from the story


1. Who was the only Being in the beginning of the world?

2. What did he do?
3. Why did he make men?
4. What kind of man did he make during the night? In the
early morning? At noon time?
Group 2: Singing of a song about the world
1. What makes up the world?
2. In what way can people in the world be similar?
3. In what way can people in the world be different?

Group 3: Making men out of clay and saying something about

each man

1. In what ways were the men created?

2. How could people be one even if they differ in many ways?

Group 4: Rapping a line from the story

1. How did Kabunian form the last man?
2. Why do you think Kabunian liked the brown man?
3. How do you feel being a Filipino?
4. Why must you be proud that you are a Filipino?
Review Skills Development
Read the paragraph and look for the words with a short a sound.

Pat was taking a nap on a mat. A big

rat ran to the mat. Pat was mad at the rat.
She threw a cap to the rat. The rat ran

• What words in the story have the short vowel a?

• How is it pronounced?
• Let us write these words on the board.

Pat nap mat rat

mad cap
Let’s add an e at the end of each word.

mat + e = mate man + e = mane cap + e = cape

hat + e = hate pan + e = pane nap + e = nape
rat + e = rate tap + e = tape

  Is the sound of a the

same in the first and
second group of words?
 Which set of words have
the long a sound?
Read the following words correctly.

date game bake cane age ape male

gate lame cake lane cage cape pale

late name lake pane page nape sale

mate same make vane wage tape tale

Vocabulary Development
Match the pictures/objects with these words:

gate lame same bake cake

lake rake cape tape male
cane lane pane cage ape
Practice Try and Learn

Exercise 1: Read the sentences. Answer the questions.

1. Jake takes the ape to the lake.

Where does Jake take the ape?
2. Kate bakes a cake.
What does Kate bake?
3. Rene is late for his game.
Who is late for the game?
4. The lame man has a cane.
What does the lame man have?
5. The cape is on sale.
What is on sale?
Try and Learn
Exercise 2: Write the word for each illustration to complete the short
story below. Rewrite the story in your notebook. Read the story then
answer the questions that follow.

Jake has a ___ He put the ___ on the

___ .An ___ took the ____

The ___ put the ___ on the window ___

1. Who has a rake?

2. Where did he put the rake?
3. Who took the rake?
4. Where did the ape put the rake?
Let the pupils read the following phrases.

tape the pages a pale male the cake sale

a lame man with a cane take the rake
a cane on the lane the same man came
a cape on the pane
Do and Learn

Ice Cream Cake

Ice cream cake, ice cream cake

I could eat it all day from the minute I wake
I wouldn’t miss peas or carrots or grapes
If I could eat loads of ice cream cake.
Ice cream cake, ice cream cake
I could eat it all day, plate after plate
I wouldn’t miss apples or tuna paste
If I could eat loads of ice cream cake
Learn Some More
Read the riddles and complete the puzzle.
2. People cross the road through
me. I am called the pedestrian
4. I cannnot walk easily as others.
I need my ____whenever I go.
6. I am neither an ocean or a sea. I
am small body of water
surrounded by land, though a
river I could never be.
7. It looks like a monkey for it
belongs to the same family. What
it could be?
1. You put a candle on me.
You slice and eat me. I am
a sweet traet on your
4. I rhyme with a lane. I
am a shadow.
5. Know me: call me, for
this is how I am.
1. You put a candle on me. You slice and eat me.
I am a sweet treat on your birthday.
4. I rhyme with a lane. I am a shadow.
5. Know me: call me, for this is how I am.
Quarter 1, Week 1

Day 3
1. Analyze a narrative in terms of its characters
2. Read aloud grade level texts with accuracy and proper
3. Use context clues/synonyms to find the meaning of
unfamiliar words
4. Write two to three sentences about the characters in a story
Oral Language Activity
Let the pupils read the sentences correctly.

1. Ana saw a rake on the gate.

2. She used the rake to clean the lane.
3. She cleaned the cage on the window
4. Mara came and they played a game.
Unlocking of Difficulties
Mother makes rice cakes. They
are our favourite delicacy made
a.rice of ground rice and coconut
cakes • Are rice cakes Filipino food?
• Where can we buy rice
In the park there are
many benches. People sit
on them. Some benches
are long. Others are
enough for two persons. b. bench
• Where else can we find
• What materials can be
used to make benches?
c. wristwatch
This is a wristwatch. I wear it around
my wrist so that I can easily check the
• How does a wristwatch help you?

d. surprise
Nena did not expect that her father
would come home today from
Dubai. She was surprised when she
saw him.
• What does one feel when
Motive Questions
What do you usually have
when you celebrate your

Do you also have a


Who gives you the

A Cake for Kate
Kate was turning ten. But she was not happy.
Birthdays were ordinary days for her. She never had
a birthday party. She never had a cake on her
birthday. But she wished she could have one.
After school, she would stand near the
gate to sell rice cakes that her mother
One late afternoon, Kate saw a big box
on one of the benches. She picked it up
and opened it. There were glasses, sports,
and forks. There were also boxes of wrist
watches, a bag of marbles, chocolates,
combs and some dresses. She closed the
big box. She brought it to the principal’s
The next day, Mr. Basa, the school
principal and a lady came to Kate’s class.
The lady was Mrs. Salas, the owner of the
box. Mr. Basa looked for Kate and he told
Mrs. Salas how Kate found the big box.
Mrs. Salas thanked Kate.

“I just arrived from Cebu and the things inside the box are my
pasalubong for my family,” she said. I was in your school because I
had to fetch my nephew. Then, I forgot that box,” she added.

Sunday came. It was Kate’s

birthday. After attending mass,
Kate and her mother went home.
They were surprised to see Mrs.
Salas waiting for them.
“Happy Birthday, Kate,”
Mrs. Salas said. “I brought
you a gift I asked your
teacher about you and I
am happy to know that
you are not a helpful
daughter but an honest girl
too.” She gave Kate a red
box tied with a ribbon.
Kate opened he box. What
a surprise! It was a cake for
her birthday.
Talk About it
Answer the following questions:

1. What did Kate sell after her classes?

2. Why do you think did Kate sell rice cakes?
3. What did Kate see one afternoon?
4. What did she do with the box?
5. If you were Kate, what would you do with
the box?
6. How did Mrs. Salas learn about Kate’s
Group 1
Draw Kate’s cake. Show it to the class and
say something about your drawing.

Group 2
Write a short message to Kate. Be ready to
read it before the class.

Group 3
Prepare a song that you will sing for Kate on
her birthday. Be ready to sing it to the class.
Write About it
Write at least two short sentences about the
following pronouns.

a. Kate
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
b. Mrs. Salas
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
Quarter 1, Week 1

Day 4
• Use the plural form of regular nouns.
Name each picture.

 What can you say about these pictures?

 What are nouns?
Find Out and Learn
1. What do you call the words
A B you wrote?
2. Do they show more than one
3. What do you call a noun
which is more than one noun?
4. What letter or letters are
added to the noun to mean
more than one?
5. How do the nouns in Column
A form their plural?
6. How do the nouns column B
form their plural?
spoons glasses
forks dresses
combs watches

What kinds of words are

shown in the picture?

How many nouns are there

in each picture?

Nouns which are more than one are

called nouns.
• Nouns which are more than one are called plural nouns.
• Nouns that form their plural by adding –s or –es are called
regular nouns.
Examples: egg – eggs table – tables
pen – pens
 Nouns ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, and -z form their plural by
adding -es.
Examples: class – classes church – churches
wish – wishes box – boxes
 Some nouns ending in -o form their plural by adding -es.
Examples: tomato – tomatoes potato – potatoes
 However, most nouns that end in -o form their plural by
adding -s only.
Examples: radio – radios piano – pianos
Try and Learn
Write the words for the following images.

1. 8.


6. 9.

Independent Practice
Think-Pair-Share: Prepare a dialog. One will act as a
buyer while the other one will be the vendor. Each
one will have at least three sentences to say. Use the
plural form of the following nouns in your statements.

eggplant potato onion mango

basket radish tomato egg

Look around your home and its

surrounding. List in your
notebook as many regular nouns
as you can see and write their
plural forms.
Quarter 1, Week 1

Day 5
• Locate information using print and
nonprint sources.
Oral Language Activity

News for the day:

Ask volunteers to share the

things they saw as they were
on their way to school. Ask
them to use plural nouns in
their sharing.

What is a poster?

Posters are materials with information which intend to

advertise or publicize something.

Look closely at a
UNICEF poster about
the rights of children.
What pictures do you see
in the poster?

Are there information that

we can get from the

What information is given

in this poster?

Where did this poster

came from? Is this a helpful
material? Why? Why
What does UNICEF not?
want to tell the
Group Activity
Read the information on the poster given to your group.
Write as many points as you can find from it. Share these
points with the class.

Group 1: a poster on “Buwan ng Wika”

Group 2: a poster about planting a tree
Group 3: a poster about nutrition month
Group 4: a poster about the value of
respecting elders
Independent Practice
What information is given by this poster? Write at least
two (2) sentences about what you read. Be ready to
share it with the class.

The poster is about _____.

It tells that ____________.
From the poster I learned
that __________________.
Look for a poster about asking for help or seeking donations.
Example Bantay Bata, UNICEF, Kapuso Foundation, etc.)
Bring it to the class. Ask the help of your parents or guardians
about the information given in the poster. Write down all these
information in your notebook. Be ready to share the
information to the class.

Use the following guide statements in discussing your poster

you got.

This poster is about ________________________

It tells us that _____________________________
Because of this poster, people will _____________

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