What Are The Basic Elements of A Fiber

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What are the Basic Elements of a

Fiber Optic Communication System?

For gigabits and beyond gigabits
transmission of data, the fiber optic
communication is the ideal choice.
This type of communication is used
to transmit voice, video, telemetry
and data over long distances and
local area networks or
computer networks.
A fiber Optic Communication System
uses light wave technology to
transmit the data over a fiber by
changing electronic signals into light.
How a Fiber Optic Communication
Unlike copper wire based
transmission where the transmission
entirely depends on electrical signals
passing through the cable, the fiber
optics transmission involves
transmission of signals in the form of
light from one point to the other.
Furthermore, a fiber optic
communication network consists of
transmitting and receiving circuitry, a
light source and detector devices like
the ones shown in the figure.
When the input data, in the form of
electrical signals, is given to the
transmitter circuitry, it converts them
into light signal with the help of a
light source.
This source is of LED whose
amplitude, frequency and phases
must remain stable and free from
fluctuation in order to have efficient
The light beam from the source is
carried by a fiber optic cable to the
destination circuitry wherein the
information is transmitted back to
the electrical signal by a receiver
The Receiver circuit consists of a
photo detector along with an
appropriate electronic circuit, which
is capable of measuring magnitude,
frequency and phase of the optic
This type of communication uses the
wave lengths near to the
infrared band that are just above the
visible range. Both LED and Laser can
be used as light sources based on the
3 Basic Elements of a Fiber Optic
Communication System
Compact Light Source
Low loss Optical Fiber
Photo Detector
Accessories like connectors,
switches, couplers, multiplexing
devices, amplifiers and splices are
also essential elements in this
communication system.
1. Compact Light Source
Depending on the applications like
local area networks and the long
haul communication systems, the
light source requirements vary.
The requirements of the sources
include power, speed, spectral line
width, noise, ruggedness, cost,
temperature, and so on.
Two components are used as light
sources: light emitting diodes (LED’s)
and laser diodes.
The light emitting diodes are used for
short distances and low data rate
applications due to their low
bandwidth and power capabilities.
Two such LEDs structures include
Surface and Edge Emitting Systems.
The surface emitting diodes are
simple in design and are reliable, but
due to its broader line width and
modulation frequency limitation
edge emitting diode are mostly used.
Edge emitting diodes have high
power and narrower line width
For longer distances and high data
rate transmission, Laser Diodes are
preferred due to its high power, high
speed and narrower spectral line
width characteristics.
But these are inherently non-linear
and more sensitive to temperature
2. Low Loss Optical Fiber
Optical fiber is a cable, which is also
known as cylindrical dielectric
waveguide made of low loss
The Fiber optic cable is made of high
quality extruded glass (si) or plastic,
and it is flexible.
The diameter of the fiber optic cable
is in between 0.25 to 0.5mm (slightly
thicker than a human hair).
A Fiber Optic Cable consists of four
The core of a fiber cable is a cylinder
of plastic that runs all along the fiber
cable’s length, and offers protection
by cladding.
Cladding is an outer optical material
that protects the core. The main
function of the cladding is that it
reflects the light back into the core.
The main function of the buffer is to
protect the fiber from damage and
thousands of optical fibers arranged
in hundreds of optical cables.
Fiber optic cable’s jackets are
available in different colors that can
easily make us recognize the exact
color of the cable we are dealing
The color yellow clearly signifies a
single mode cable, and orange color
indicates multimode.
2 Types of Optical Fibers
Single-Mode Fibers:
Single mode fibers are used to
transmit one signal per fiber; these
fibers are used in telephone and
television sets. Single mode fibers
have small cores.
Multi-Mode Fibers:
Multimode fibers are used to
transmit many signals per fiber;
these signals are used in computer
and local area networks that have
larger cores.
3. Photo Detectors
The purpose of photo detectors is to
convert the light signal back to an
electrical signal. Two types of
photo detectors are mainly used for
optical receiver in optical
communication system:
PN photo diode and avalanche photo

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