Use of Media in Sales and Selling

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Use of media in sales

Abhishek Kharvi 04
Bhagyashree Toraskar 12
Bhawana Upadhya 13
Prajakta Mane 23
Santosh Yadav 21

Social media usage can benefit B2B selling, but supplier companies
are still in an early stage on this.

•The use of social media in sales is driven by the company’s

competence and customers’ engagement with social media.

•Selling companies must train executives on social media, develop a

strategy, and communicating it effectively.

•Companies should measure social media usage at the sales

organization level, and not only at the salesperson level.
Social selling challenges

 Defining Marketing Goals - Marketers face difficulties in creating social marketing

strategies that align with the goals of their business. If your goals are not well-defined, you
will find it hard to measure your marketing performance and demonstrate its value to your
Social selling challenges
 Solution –
• Specific: The kind of engagement, platform, and target area should be well defined.
• Measurable: You can use the analytics of each social media platform to measure your
reach and engagement.
• Attainable: Ensure that the goal can be met by organic and paid campaigns.
• Realistic:  Set a goal that you can actually achieve in a specific time frame. Use your
past performance as a benchmark.
• Time-bound: The time frame should be well-defined to help you compute accurate
Social selling challenges
 Identifying the Right Platform – Proper market research is important to identify the
platforms where their target audience is active. Investing in the wrong platforms can
exhaust your budget, especially if you regularly use paid ads.
Social selling challenges
 Solution – This is how the marketers prioritize the social platforms to invest in
Social selling challenges
 Understanding the Target Audience - Marketers create content first and figure out
the target audience later. They have the misconception that great content converts, even
if it is not targeted. Though great content gets engagement, it might not generate leads
if it isn’t tailored to your target audience’s needs. Here, you run the risk of getting
blocked or reported if you bombard people with irrelevant content. 
Social selling challenges
 Solution - You can use social listening tools to capture insights. You can drill down
into customer conversations around your brand, product, and niche. Understand the
consumer sentiment and pain points to shape your campaign goals and content.
 Social listening will also help you understand the “why” behind customer actions. Why
are they following a particular platform? Why did they unfollow your brand? Why is
your brand mention volume low? Use the insights you gathered to establish a personal
connection with customers and create more appealing content. 
Social selling challenges
 Increasing Ad Cost - Ad costs are increasing, and competition is stiff. It’s getting
harder to recover your investment and make a profit from paid ads. Brands with deep
pockets may prefer to buy engagement through paid ads on social media. One reason
behind this trend is the immense popularity of paid ads. With so much ad content,
marketers are finding it difficult to cut through the noise and reach their targets.

 Solution - Returns from paid ads are measurable. We need to make sure that your
advertising goals are in place before you start your ad campaign. This way, you can
find out if your campaign has fulfilled its goals. Use advanced targeting to reach
prospects who aren’t your followers.
Use of Media in Sales and Selling

 Social selling is a new approach to selling that allows salespeople to laser-target

their prospecting and establish rapport through existing connections.

 Social selling — maybe you’ve heard of it, but you aren’t entirely sure what it

 Think it’s the same as social media marketing? (It’s not.)

 Or maybe you think it’s basically just social media advertising?
 ( Also no. That’s something else altogether.)

 In short, social selling allows your business to zero in on business prospects on

social media and build rapport with a network of potential leads.

 Done right, social selling can replace the dreaded practice of cold calling.

 You have not yet incorporated social selling into your funnel, you’re likely losing
business to more social media savvy competitors.
Social media marketing platform

Purpose – Deep connection and personal sharing

Content – Emotionally, powerful, content, happy, sad, angry, passionate post,
that garners comments and shares.

Questions to answer – how do you fee? What are you doing?

Demographics - Millennials

Purpose – Story telling with videos and photos.

Content – Culture, Lifestyle, food, fashion, and other content that
creates a desire for others to be like that image/video.
Questions to answer – What are the people I care about doing? What do
my friends want me to see that they are doing?
Demographics – 18 to 29 years old.
Social media marketing platform

Purpose – Discover, learn and teach.

Content – Décor, designs, styles, recipies and beyond.

Questions to answer – What could I do? What could I learn to do?

Demographics – 68% of users are females

Purpose – Keep frequest tabs on everyone and everything.

Content – News, event, political, and ideological commentary and quick
Questions to answer – What is the world doing? What do you think
about it?
Demographics – mostly used by people outside India.
Case Studies
Mercedes Benz – Repeated, successful social media
marketing campaigns
 Mercedes Benz seem to win every time with their
social media campaigns. 
 The one that stands out to me was back in 2013
when they created what I still believe to be one of
the best Instagram marketing campaigns to date.
Mercedes wanted to reach out to the younger
audience so they hired five top Instagram
photographers to each take the wheel of a new
Mercedes CLA. Whoever got the most likes got to
keep the car – so they all really worked at it!
 By the end of the campaign, Mercedes has
Mercedes Benz – Repeated, successful social media
marketing campaigns

87,000,000 organic Instagram impressions

2,000,000 Instagram likes
150 new marketing assets (stunning photos)
Dove – Connecting with their target audience

 Dove’s goal is to make women feel good about themselves. They know their target
market and create content that tells a story that women can relate to.
 Dove did some research and found that 80 percent of women came across negative
chatter on social media.
 Dove’s goal was to change that and make social media a more positive experience. As
a result, Dove teamed up with Twitter and built a tool to launch the #SpeakBeautiful
Effect, that breaks down which body- related words people use the most and when
negative chatter appears during the day.

 According to Dove, women were inspired by their message.

 #SpeakBeautiful was used more than 168,000 times
 Drove 800 million social media impressions of the campaign
Dove – Connecting with their target audience

 Oreo is another brand that is known for their creative social media marketing. They are
consistent with their branding and manage to catch onto real time events.

 This was retweeted over 15,000 times.  Are you thinking outside the box about your
brand? Plan ahead for events coming up that you might be able to jump on to.
 It’s always a good idea to prepare content ahead of time. If you can schedule content on
a monthly basis – perfect, but if not bi-weekly is great. That way you can check what events
are coming up and plan content around them. This gives you time for any ad hoc creative
to be done, such as jumping on real-time events like the Oreo blackout example above.
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