Practice Teaching On: Care of Rubber Goods, Enamel Wares, Steel Wares and Linen

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Practice Teaching On

Care of Rubber Goods , Enamel

Wares , Steel Wares and Linen

Presented By : Radhika K Rai

M.Sc 1st Year
Review of previous Knowledge.
List few items used in a hospital setting?
Name some disinfectant solutions used in
How can we remove tea or coffee stain?
why do we need to disinfect articles?

Equipments are essential and basic tools

for hospital services , used on an everyday
basis for patient care.
Types Of Materials Used In Hospitals

Drugs and medicines

Equipments and Instruments
Types Of Equipments
Categorization Of Equipments
These include:
 Rubber tubings
 Gloves
 Ambu bags
 Hot water bottles
 Air pillows
 Cushions
 Mackintosh
Purpose Of Rubber Care
Prevent spread of infection
Clean and prepare for reuse
Remove stains
Preserve life of articles
Cleaning & disinfection
Decontaminate using 0.5% chlorine,
hypoclorite, chlorhexidine
Spread on flat surface & wet it by pouring water
Clean using a cloth or plastic scrubber to apply
Repeat on other side
Dry on horizontal surface in shade
Powder lightly using dusting powder,roll with
paper lining & store
Storage and handling
Store in dry , cool & dark
Roll them not fold
Avoid using Sharp articles
Avoid using kerosene ,
benzene , oil and hot water for
Rubber Catheters And Tubes
Keep upside down and Hang tubings and dry
run water through it in shady place
Ensure patency of the
Coil and store in
tube by using swab stick
to remove any adhering
organic matter To sterilize boil the
Remove dirt,greese,or tubings for five
any other matter by minutes by wrapping
using soap on the individual tubes
surface using a piece of cloth
Wash again under or autoclave
running water
Hot water bottles , ice-caps , air
Remove the outer cloth cover
Empty the contents (water/air)
Clean outer surface of the articles with
soap & water using a piece of damp cloth
Hang upside down for dry- dripping
Blow some air and close the cap/valve
Check for leakage
Store in a cool dry place
Decontaminate gloves Hang to dry first inside
on hands surface then the outside
Remove and discard in a surface in shade
decontamination bucket Once dried powder both
For reusable gloves : surfaces and pack them
wash with soap & water with gauze,in paper on a
from outside surface cloth envelope by
then on inside by seperating even number
reversing them gloves of right and left
Identify holes & tears , hand
discard if found. Pack in drum and send
for autoclaving.
Rubber,Air,water mattress & pillows
Deflate the mattress, Inflate with some air
pillows. Roll the mattress and
If soiled decontaminate pillows
Clean using a damp Store it in wooden
cloth,soap and water on cupboards.
a flat surface.
Dry in shade using by
exposing both surfaces to

AMBU BAG with face Mask
Wipe the bag and rubber part of the face
Disinfect using a cotton ball soaked in
savlon or methylated spirit.
Sterilization of rubber articles
Autoclaving:250-254 Chemicals:using
degree farenheit or savlon 100% for 30
121-123 degree celcius minutes
and pressure of 15-17 Glutaraldehyde 2%
for 15 minutes
for 10-20 minutes for
Boiling:wrap the item
disinfection and 10
in soft thin cloth for 15-
hours for sterilization
20 minutes
Alcohol :50-70% for
Hard rubber goods-not
more than 5 minutes. 20-30 minutes.
Trays Soap dish
Kidney trays Sputum mugs
Bed pans
Enema cans
Bath tubs
General Principles
Avoid Mishandling
Do not boil for long periods and cool
Wash soon after use especially when
some antiseptics have been used in them.
Cleaning, Disinfection & Sterilization of

Empty To avoid contamination

contents in
closed drains and bad odour
To disinfect
Immerse in 0.5%
chlorine solution
Wash using cold water To remove dirt and
and rinse cleanse effectively
Dry by keeping the item
If needed boil for 10 To destroy pathogens
Send for autoclaving if To sterilize and prevent
needed infections
Forceps % Towel clips
Scopes: blades of laryngoscopes,
Sharp instruments: scissors,blades,razors
Misc:Spatulas,Tongue depressors,
Immerse in 0.5% To disinfect
chlorine solution for To clean the
5 mimutes instruments effectively
Wash in cold running
Separate sharps &
To prevent damage
blunt instruments and easy inventory
Put a hard rubber
To protect the tip from
cap on fine tip damage
Dry them thoroughly

Decontaminate all types of To render the article safe

needles in 0.5% for use
hlorite solution
Discard disposable needle To prevent misuse
after destroying the needle To destroy all types of
Send stainless steel needles pathogens including
for autoclaving spores
Remove cannula/stilet of To clean the inside of the
centesis and biopsy needles tubes thoroughly
Flush biopsy needles To decontaminate them
with 0.5% chlorine
solution ,wash with
soapy water and rinse
in running water.
Dry them ,pack and
send for autoclaving
Pull the obturator from
the scope
Immerse obturator and
speculum in 0.5%
chlorine solution for 10
Wash with soapy water
and rinse in cold water
Boil for 10 minutes
Pack and send for
To clean
Sharp Instruments
Immerse in 0.5% To disinfect and
chlorine solution/2% sterilize the
glutaraldehyde for 20-30 instruments
minutes. Add anti-rust
agents eg., Sodium
Nitrate 0.1%
Toremove chemicals
Remove from disinfectant
and avoid rusting
solution and rinse in
sterile water stream,
wipe using sterile towel
Store in appropriate To ready for re-use

Wipe off saliva from the To wipe off secretions

blade using a gauze
Detach the blade and To decontaminate
immerse in 2%
glutaraldehyde for 20-30
Remove blade from the
solution using a cheatle For effective cleaning
forcep and dry using
sterile gauze
Re-attach the blade and
To keep it ready for
store in the bag in a
resuscitation trolley. use
 DEFINITION: Linen is a fabric made of fibres. It
includes sheets , clothes etc.

Inhospital serttings linen are used for many

purposes such as covering the bed ,articles etc.
• Bed sheets (top & Wrappers for trays ,
bottom), draw sheets, dressing sets
counterpanes Patients clothes
• Cloth covers used for Spinal sheets
pillows and mattress Staff clothes
• Blankets
• Curtains
• Towels
Provide asthetic sense To remove stains
Keep patient clean ,dry To prevent infestation
& comfortable of bugs
To prevent spread of To prolong life of
infection items
To prevent soiling of To keep an inventory
linen and bed
General principles to avoid spoiling of
Follow hospital policy Stocks should be
for maintenance of linen checked at regular
Store clean linen in intervals
cupboard and maintain Torn linen be sent for
stock mending
Lock the cupboard when Soiled linen should not
not in use be placed on the floor
Care should be taken to Regularly send dirty
avoid linen being taken linen to laundry
home by clients on Damp linen should be
discharge dried
Remove stain by Teach the importance
appropriate stain of keeping clean
remover hospital linen to
Linens used for patient and family
infectious patients members
should be disinfected
before sending to
Always use mackintosh
over top linen while
Removal of stain from Linen.
 Tea,coffee,cocoa:pour boiling • Paint & use of
water from a height.Rub varnish:Kerosene
lemon,boric powder over the oil,terpentine oil
stain, dry in sun & wash with  Iron stain:Rub stain with &
soap & water. salt or pour kerosene.Wash
 Vegetable stain:apply salt with soap & water, dry in sun
over the stain area with raw  Greese & oil: Soak the area
milk and wash as usual in kerosene & rub
 Medicine stain: apply spirit lightly.Wash with soap &
over the stain & wash water.Dry in sun.Put a
 Ink stain:wet area with cold bloating paper over the clean
water ,sprinkle salt & rub area of stain and iron it.
lemon juice/ apply NH3 &  Perspiration: put few drops
wash as usual of NH3 over the stained area
&wash as usual.
Cleaning & Disinfection of
uncontaminated/clean dry Linen

Regulary send dirty linen to laundry for washing

Dust the mattress off any material food particles on
Use small plastic or rubber mackintosh over top
linen at hand.
Fold and keep different linen sorted out in
cupboard with proper labels.
Cleaning & Disinfection of contaminated
Discard linen in prepare for
appropriate laundry autoclaving
trolley Dry in sun
Soak linen in plastic Send for autoclaving
buckets with 0.5% to make it safe for use
chlorine solution for and destroy all types
10 minutes and then of pathogens & spores
wash using soap and Neatly store in
water appropriate
Rinse in cold water to cupboards
Care Of Blankets
Should not be washed but dried in an
open space then dried in sun to disinfect
Should not be exposed to dust
Should be covered in dust proof sheets
While storing carefully protect from
moths using naphthalene balls
If blankets are contaminated soak them in
cold water and dry in sun before sending
to laundry.
Care Of Mattress & Pillows:
Protect from getting wet & stained
Brush at regular intervals to keep dust free
Washable covers should be applied over the
mattress and pillows
Disinfect by exposing to the sun
If needed to wash wash under running water
Do not fold the mattress
Store the mattress with cover bags.

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