Data Inadequate: Interior Decorator

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Direction (1 – 5): Seven friends Akil, Nikil, Samuel, Manish, Praveen, Arun, and Frank went for shopping to different showrooms – Levi’s,
Allen solly, Adidas, Puma, Denim, Basics and Woodland and bought different colours of dress – red, blue, green, yellow, pink, black and
violet but not necessarily in the same order. Nikil went to Denim but did not buy yellow or pink colour dress. Samuels bought red colour dress
but did not go to Allen Solly or Basics. Praveen went to Puma and bought black dress. The one who bought blue dress went to Woodland.
Manish went to Levi’s, Frank likes violet colour, Akil did not go to Woodland. The one who likes yellow colour went to allensolly.
1. Who bought blue dress? a) Akil b) Nikil c) Arun d) Praveen
2. Which colour dress Nikil bought? a) Green b) Blue c) Red d) Violet
3. Which shop Arun went? a) Adidas b) Basics c) Levi’s d) Woodland
4. Who went to Adidas? a) Akil b) Frank c) Nikil d) Samuel
5. Which of the following combination is correct?
a) Frank – Basics – Red b) Samuel – Puma – Red c) Arun – Woodland – Violet d) Akil – Allen Solly – Yellow
Directions (6 - 10): Eight person – D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K pursues a different profession-Chef, Doctor, Lawyer, engineer, Interior , Decorator,
Professor, Electrician and Actor. Each person plays different Sport-Cricket, Hockey, Chess, Football, Badminton, Wrestling, Boxing and
Tennis- But not necessarily in the same order. D, who plays wrestling, is neither an interior Decorator nor an electrician. E is a Doctor and
does not play hockey& boxing but the person who is an engineer always play cricket. The person who plays hockey is a lawyer. Chef plays
football. J does not play cricket E plays tennis. One who plays chess is on Actor, Whereas H and I play boxing and football respectively, G and
F plays hockey and badminton respectively but the latter is neither a interior decorator nor professor.
6. Who among the following is on Actor? a) F b) J c) K d) Data inadequate
7. What is the profession of K? a) Actor b) Electrician c) Engineer d) Interior Decorator
8. One who plays wrestling is- a) Professor b) Doctor c) Lawyer d) Engineer
9. Which of the following pairs represents the person associated with cricket and chess respectively?
a) F and J b) K and J c) D and F d) Data inadequate
10. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) F – electrician – hockey b) G- Lawyer- badminton c) H- Interior Decorator- Chess d) I – Chef- Football
Direction (11 - 15): Five friends Rahul, Suraj, Jasmine, Lalit and Maria wears different colours of Suites, Viz. – Silver, Blue, Grey, White and
Pink (not necessarily in the same order). Each friend has different colour of tie viz. Red, Brown, Yellow, Black and Golden. Suraj, who has
golden colour tie, is not in blue suit. Jasmine is in pink suit but her tie colour is not red and yellow. Maria has brown coloured tie but she is
neither in blue nor in white suit, Lalit has yellow coloured tie. Rahul do not wear blue or silver colour suit. One who wears grey suit have red
coloured tie.
11. What is the colour of Lalit ‘s suit? a) Pink b) Blue c) White d) Silver
12. Which person has black colour tie? a) Rahul b) Jasmine c) Maria d) Lalit
13. Who wears white colour suit? a) Suraj b) Jasmine c) Rahul d) Lalit
14. Which of the following combination is true- a) Suraj- grey suit b) Rahul – blue suit c) Maria- white suit d) None
15. Rahul wear which colour tie? a) Red b) brown c) yellow d) black
Directions (16 -20): Five women Rani, Kanchan, Roopal, Anushka and Kajal are born in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Goa and Kolkata. These
women are working in U.P, Punjab, Delhi and two are in Haryana – not necessarily in the same order. One women born and work in same
state. Rani and Kanchan are neither work in Haryana nor they born in Delhi and Mumbai. Anushka and Kajal are neither work in Punjab nor
in U.P and they are born neither in Bangalore nor in Kolkata. Goa is not the birth state of Rani and Roopal. The women who, works in U.P
born in Goa. Kajal does not work in Delhi. Roopal does not work in Punjab and the women who, works in Punjab born in Bangalore.
16. Who born and works in same states? a) Kajal b) Anushka c) Rani d) Roopal
17. Which pairs is the correct match of women and birth place?
a) Roopal, Kolkata b) Anushka, Mumbai c) Rani, Goa d) Kanchan, Banglore
18. Who among them following works in Haryana? a) Roopal&Kajal b) Roopal&Anushka c) Rani&Kajal d) Rani&Roopal
19. Who among them following born in Kolkata? a) Kajal b) Anushka c) Roopal d) Rani
20. Bangalore is the birth place of which women? a) Anushka b) Roopal c) Kanchan d) Rani
Directions (Q. 21 - 25): Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L were born in different months of the same year. A was born in the
month of April and G was born in the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the month in which K was born and
immediately succeeding the month in which C was born. J was not born in the month of October nor in February. There is a gap of two
months between the birthdays of L and B. There were 30 days in the month in which L was born. D was born in the month immediately after
the month in which I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D was born. There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of
B and F. E and H were born in that months which had 31 days each.
21. In which of the following months B was born? a) December b) June c) March d) September
22. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
a) L b) A c) J d) K
23. Who following was born in the month of February? a) J b) L c) E or H d) I
24. How many friends did celebrate their birthdays after F? a) None b) Three c) Four d) Five
25. If I is related A and B is related to J on the basis of months in which they were born, then with which of the following L is related on the
same basis? a) G b) A c) K d) E
Directions (Q. 26-30): Six plays A, B, C, D, E and F are to be staged starting from Monday and ending on Sunday with one of the days being
an off day, not necessarily in the same order, Each of the plays has different time duration: ½ hour, 1 hour, 1 ½ hours, 2 hours, 2 ½ hours and
3 hours, again not necessarily in the same order.
Sunday is not an off day and a Play of ½ hour duration is staged on that day. Play A is staged immediately before Play E. There are two plays
staged between Play F which is for 3 hours and Play C which is for 1 ½ hours. The off day is after the staging of Play E and there are two days
between the off day and Play A. Play D which is for 2 hours is not staged on Monday. The play staged immediately before the off day is of 3
hours. Play A is for less than 2 ½ hours.
26. What is the time duration of Play B? a) 2 ½ hours b) 2 hours c) 1 hour d) ½ hour
27. Which day is the off day? a) Tuesday b) Monday c) Friday d) Saturday
28. Which of the following combinations of Play – Day – Time Duration is correct?
a) E – Wednesday – 2 hours b) A – Tuesday – 1 hour c) C – Thursday – 1 ½ hours d) F – Tuesday – 3 hous
29. On which day is Play D staged? a) Wednesday b) Saturday c) Tuesday d) Friday
30. How many plays are staged before the off day? a) Two b) One c) Five d) None of these
Directions (Q. 31–35): P, Q, R, S, T, U and G are students of a class. Each of them has a different favourite subject, viz. Reasoning,
Mathematics, Banking, Computer, English, GK and Marketing but not necessarily in the same order.
There are two such students whose one brother each is there in the group. There is no other relation among the students. No girl likes
Mathematics or GK. S, who does not like Computer and English, is the sister of that student who likes Marketing. The student who likes
Computer is the brother of that girl student who likes Reasoning. U is a girl student. Q is brother of P.
31. Which is a pair of Brother-Sister other than P and Q? a) S and b) S and R c) V and U d) Data inadequate
32. Which of the following is true?
a) S likes Reasoning. b) R, Q and S are girl students. c) T and U are boy students. d) None of these
33. Who likes GK? a) Only R b) Only T c) Only Q d) None of these
34. How many boys are there in the group? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Data inadequate
35. Which of the following combinations of student-subject is correct?
a) S-Mathematics b) U-English c) P-GK d) Q-Banking
Directions (36-40): Seven friends Ravi, Raju, Raja, Rajan, Rahul, Rajesh and Ranjan study in three different colleges A,B, C and four different
branches of engineering -Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics and Electrical not necessarily in the same order. At least one of them and not
more than three of them study in any one college and any one branch. Raju studies mechanical in college B. Ravi and Rajan study in college
A but in different branches. Rahul studies chemical and he is in college C with Raja. Neither Rajesh nor Ranjan studies in college A. The only
person who studies electronics is in college C. Ranjan Studies electrical. Ravi does not study chemical. Rajan and Raju are in same branch and
only two people study chemical. Rajesh studies in college B.
36. Who studies electronics? a) Raju b) Rajan c) Raja d) Ravi
37. In which branch Rajesh study? a) Mechanical b) Chemical c) Electrical d) Electronics
38. Which college has maximum number of students? a) A b) B c) Either A or B d) Either B or C
39. Which of following pair are in same college? a) Ravi, Raju b) Raja, Rajan c) Rajesh, Raju d) Rahul, Rajan
40. In which branch Ravi studies? a) Mechanical b) Chemical c) Electrical d) Electronics
Directions (Q. 41 - 45): Seven participants F, B, G, A, D, C and E from seven different states, viz Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tripura, Assam,
Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat, but not necessarily in the same order, participate in a dance competition. All of them perform seven
different folk dances, vizBagurumba, Sammi, Panthi, Garba, Hojagiri, Kalbelia and Yakshagana, but not necessarily in the same order. The
one who performs Panthi does not belong to Punjab. B is from Tripura and does not perform Garba. The one who is from Assam performs
Bagurumba. The one who is from Karnataka performs neither Garba nor Hojagiri. F is from Gujarat. D is from Rajasthan and performs
Kalbelia dance. G performs Yakshagana but he is neither from Chhattisgarh nor from Punjab. A performs Sammi and E performs Panthi.
41. Who performs Garba? a) C b) E c) D d) F
42. Which of the following combinations is correct?
a) Rajasthan – Sammi b) Punjab – Kalbelia c) Chhattisgarh– Panthi d) Chhattisgarh– Kalbelia
43. B performs which of the following folk dances? a) Panthi b) Bagurumba c) Hojagiri d) Sammi
44. Who is from Karnataka? a) C b) G c) E d) None of these
45. C is from which state? a) Rajasthan b) Karnataka c) Chhattisgarh d) Assam
Directions (Q. 46–50): A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight students in a class. Three of them play cricket and badminton each and two of them
play hockey. Each one of them has a different height.
The tallest does not play hockey and the shortest does not play cricket.
F is taller than A and D but shorter than H and B. E, who does not play cricket, is taller than B and is second to the tallest. G is shorter than D
but taller than A.
H, who is the fourth from the top, plays badminton with D.
G does not play either cricket or hockey. B does not play hockey.
46. Who is the tallest? a) B b) H c) C d) None of these
47. Who is the shortest? a) G b) D c) H d) None of these
48. Which of the following pairs of students plays hockey? a) EF b) HE c) HF d) None of these
49. What is F’s position from the top in descending order of height? a) Third b) Fifth c) Fourth d) Sixth
50. Which of the following groups of students plays cricket? a) CAE b) CBF c) CAB d) ABC or BCF

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