Activity 8 - Story Book (Goldilocks-And-The-Three-Bears) .

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Goldilocks and

the three
Once upon a time There was a Daddy
there was a family Bear, a Mummy Bear
three bears who and a Baby Bear.
lived together in a
little cottage. Everyday they would
have porridge for
Mummy Bear would
put the porridge on
the table to cool and
the bear family would
go for a short walk.
One fine day they
set off for their
walk, just as usual.

Coming down the path

was a very naughty
But trouble was just Her name was
around the corner! Goldilocks.
Goldilocks looked Then, she opened the
through the window door and went
of the Bears’ inside.

“Mmmmm,” said
Goldilocks, “I smell
The largest bowl of
porridge was far too
Goldilocks could see
the bowls of The middle sized bowl
porridge on the of porridge was far
kitchen table. too sweet!

She tasted each one The little bowl was

in turn. just right! Goldilocks
ate the porridge all up
The middle sized chair
was much too soft
The little chair was
just right.
Goldilocks then
decided it was time
for a rest in a comfy
chair. Unfortunately,
The biggest chair Goldilocks was too big
was much too hard! and the little chair
In the bedroom
there were three
Goldilocks thought comfy looking beds.
she would feel much The biggest bed was
better if she had a too hard and the
little sleep, so she middle sized bed was
went upstairs. too soft but…
…the little bed was Just then, the three
perfect and bears arrived
Goldilocks was soon home.
fast asleep.

They were about to

have a big
“Somebody’s been “My porridge is all
eating our porridge!” gone!” cried Baby
growled Daddy Bear.
“This is not right!”
He was very cross exclaimed
indeed. Mummy Bear.
The bears went into
the living room.
“Somebody’s been “My chair is broken!”
sitting in our chairs!” cried Baby Bear.
growled Daddy
The bears decided When they got there
to check the rest of they couldn’t believe
the house. their eyes!
Slowly and quietly, “My goodness!”
the bears tiptoed exclaimed Mummy
upstairs. Bear.
There, fast asleep in So Daddy Bear open
Baby Bear’s bed, his mouth as wide
was Goldilocks. as he could…
…puffed out his
…took in a huge
mouthful of air…
“I think we need to
…and growled the
teach this naughty
loudest bear growl you
girl a lesson,” said
have ever heard!
Daddy Bear
And she never came

As quick as a flash,
Goldilocks woke up
and ran out of the
cottage and up
the path.
The End

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