3D Viewing and Visible Surface Detection: Module - 4
3D Viewing and Visible Surface Detection: Module - 4
3D Viewing and Visible Surface Detection: Module - 4
06/25/2022 ELAIYARAJA P
3D Viewing
06/25/2022 ELAIYARAJA P
3D Viewing
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3D Viewing
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3D Viewing Concepts
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3D Viewing Transformation Pipeline
Modeling World Viewing
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates
Construct World-
Coordinate Scene Convert World-
Coordinates to Projection
From Modeling-
Coordinate Viewing- Transformation
Transformations Coordinates
Projection Coordinates
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• Model is given in model (self) coordinates.
• Conversion to world coordinates takes place.
• Viewing coordinate system which defines the position and
orientation of the projection plane (film plane in camera) is selected,
to which scene is converted.
• 2D clipping window (lens of camera) is defined on the projection
plane (film plane) and a 3D clipping, called view volume, is
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• The shape and size of view volume is defined by the dimensions
of clipping window, the type of projection and the limiting
positions along the viewing direction.
• Objects are mapped to normalized coordinated and all parts of the
scene out of the view volume are clipped off.
• The clipping is applied after all device independent transformation
are completed, so efficient transformation concatenation is
• Few other tasks such as hidden surface removal and surface
rendering take place along the pipeline.
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Projection Transformations
– Parallel Projection
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Projection Transformations
• In parallel projection, coordinate
positions are transferred to view plane
along parallel lines
• orthogonal/orthographic
• oblique
• For perspective projection,
coordinates are transferred to view
plane along lines that converge at a
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Projection Transformations
Next step in 3D viewing pipeline is projection of object to
viewing plane
Parallel Projection
Coordinate are transferred
to viewing plane along
parallel lines.
View Plane
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Orthogonal Projection Coordinates
• If projection direction is
parallel to z view
• xp=x, yp=y
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Orthogonal (orthographic) projections
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Normalizing Orthogonal Projection
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Orthogonal (orthographic) projections
Projection lines are parallel to normal.
Plane View
Elevation Side
View Elevation
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Orthogonal projections
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Clipping Window and View Volume
Orthogonal Projection View
View Volume Plane
Clipping yview
Clipping window
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View Volume of Oblique Parallel Projection
Window View
Near Vp
Volume Vp
(Top) Far
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Projection Transformations
– Perspective Projection
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Projection Transformations
Perspective Projection
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Perspective Projection
There are four parameters involved.
1. Eye
2. View Direction
3. View Up Vector
4. Normal to the Image Plane
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Vanishing Points
Vanishing points occur when the viewing plane intersects with the
axes of viewing coordinate system.
y Vanishing
Principle axes for cube One-Point perspective Projection
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Perspective-Projection View Volume
Rectangular Frustum
View Volume
Near yview
Field-of-view Angle Projection
zview Reference Point
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Settings of Perspective Projection
Perspective projection point
Where the viewer (camera, eye) is positioned in the world.
Positioning viewing plane with respect to viewing coordinates
Results vanishing points, one, two or three.
Clipping window on viewing plane
Defines the infinite pyramid view volume.
Near and far clipping planes (parallel to view plane)
Define the rectangular frustum view volume.
Scale and translation parameters of perspective matrix
Define the normalization range.
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Perspective projection represents the object in three Parallel projection represents the object
Object Representation
dimensional way. in a different way like telescope.
Perspective projection forms a realistic picture of Parallel projection does not form
Realistic View of Object
object. realistic view of object.
Distance Of The Object In parallel projection, the distance of the
The distance of the object from the center of projection
From The Center Of object from the center of projection is
is finite.
Projection infinite.
Projector in parallel projection is
Projector Projector in perspective projection is not parallel.
Preservation Of Relative Perspective projection cannot preserve the relative Parallel projection can preserve the
Portion Of An Object proportion of an object. relative proportion of an object.
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OpenGL 3D viewing functions
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Visible Surface Detection
Methods –
Back-face detection algorithm
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The problem of Visibility – Occlusion
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Object-space methods
Compares parts of objects to each other to determine
which surfaces should be labeled as visible (use of bounding
boxes, and check limits along each direction).
Order the surfaces being drawn, such that it provides the
correct impression of depth variations and positions.
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back-face detection algorithm
A fast and simple object-space method for locating the back faces
of a polyhedron is based on front-back tests. A point (x, y, z) is
behind a polygon surface if
Ax + By + Cz + D < 0
where A, B,C, and D are the plane parameters for the polygon.
When this position is along the line of sight to the surface, we
must be looking at the back of the polygon. Therefore, we could
use the viewing position to test for back faces.
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back-face detection algorithm
We can simplify the back-face test by considering the direction of the
normal vector N for a polygon surface. If Vview is a vector in the viewing direction
from our camera position, as shown in Figure 1, then a polygon is a back face if
Vview · N > 0
our viewing direction is parallel to the viewing zv axis, then we need to consider
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back-face detection algorithm
In a right-handed viewing system with the viewing direction along the negative zv
axis (Figure 2), a polygon is a back face if the z component, C, of its normal
vector N satisfies C < 0. Also, we cannot see any face whose normal has z
component C = 0, because our viewing direction is grazing that polygon.
In general, we can label any polygon as a back face if its normal vector has a z
component value that satisfies the inequality C≤0
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back-face detection algorithm -Summary
Compute N for every face of object.
If (C.(Z component) < 0)
then a back face and don't draw
front face and draw
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back-face detection algorithm
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Drawbacks of back face culling:
* Partially hidden faces cannot be determined by this method
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Visible Surface Detection
Methods –
depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
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depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
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depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
Image-space approach for detecting visible surfaces is the
depth-buffer method, which compares surface depth values
throughout a scene for each pixel position on the projection
Each surface of a scene is processed separately, one pixel
position at a time, across the surface.
The algorithm is usually applied to scenes containing only
polygon surfaces, because depth values can be computed
very quickly and the method is easy to implement.
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depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
Assume normalized coordinates:
(i) Depth (Z) buffer: To store the depth values for each
(X, Y) position, as surfaces are processed.
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depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
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depth-buffer(Z-Buffer) algorithm
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Z-Buffer Algorithm
Given the depth values for the vertex positions of any polygon in a
scene, we can calculate the depth at any other point on the plane
containing the polygon.
At surface position (x, y), the depth is calculated from the plane
equation as
z = −Ax − By − D / C C!=0
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Z-Buffer Algorithm -Summary
initialize the depth of each pixel.
i.e, d(x, y) = infinite (max length)
Initialize the color value for each pixel
as c(x, y) = background color
for each polygon, do the following steps :
for (each pixel in polygon's projection)
find depth i.e, z of polygon
at (x, y) corresponding to pixel position
if (z < d(x, y))
d(x, y) = z;
c(x, y) = color;
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OpenGL Visibility detection functions
06/25/2022 ELAIYARAJA P
OpenGL Visibility detection functions
06/25/2022 ELAIYARAJA P
OpenGL Visibility detection functions
glEnable (GL DEPTH TEST)- Activates depth-testing operations.
glFog - Specifies linear depth-cueing operations and values for minimum and maximum
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